LITERATURE: Ruth Ware’s latest thriller, alongside my mother, who texted me: “I started it yesterday and whipped through 75 pages in a flash”! Ware is my favorite contemporary thriller author — her books are a great mix of Agatha Christie and “Gone Girl,” and this one is off to the races quickly. I find her books deliciously easy and exciting to read. Have you read my thoughts on the modern thriller as a genre? Be curious to get your take.

TELEVISION: Stop what you’re doing and watch “Jury Duty” on Amazon Prime. A documentary-style comedy series, it is equal parts hysterical and fascinating. Mr. Magpie and I rarely binge watch shows (he prefers a slow drip), but we tore through four episodes in one night.

FITNESS: This week, I went for a great (and also miserable) four-mile run on the C&O Trail — scenes from the route below. It was blessedly quiet because it was insanely hot out, and everything about the run felt patently Washington-in-summer — it was green, leafy, overgrown, still, humid as all get out. (And yet she persisted.) The loop brought to mind my essay on D.C. as a “parochial wild.” I wore my new Vuori tank (love the cropped fit with the slightly low armholes) and a pair of Sweaty Betty shorts. That trail is fairly flat, and it made me realize that though I often complain about the hilliness of my usual route from my home, I actually find a kind of…joy? Interest? in more varied terrain. I found myself getting bored with the flatness of the C&O trail, whereas my usual run has more landmarks to pit myself against, e.g. “OK, last hill” and “the next leg is all downslope, so you can lay off the gas a bit.” Tough runners thrive on flat roads, I think. (I found it mentally challenging to make it the full four miles!)

I also participated in a golf clinic with one of my girlfriends and am mildly hooked on the game? I don’t want to permit myself to make any big investments in gear before I determine how addicted I am, but one of the other women in the clinic was wearing head to toe Tuckernuck golf (this skirt — which has a little tee-holder on the inner short! — and this matching polo) and looked adorable. Also love these performance dresses from TB! Probably a more imminent purchase: I’m currently golfing in plain on tennis shoes but want to buy these. I actually think having the proper footwear will help me out.

EATING: The best thing I ate this week was an everything bagel Mr. Magpie brought back from a work trip to NYC. We love the ones from Brooklyn Bagel Company in Chelsea (close-ish to one of our favorite coffee shops, St. Kilda’s.). The name and vibe of that bagel shop is so…low-key and pedestrian? But they are incredible bagels, with that eggy, dense, chewy dough you long for and cannot find outside the city, and they weigh about 1 lb each. You eat one for breakfast and don’t need a bite until 4 p.m. I also treated myself to a few iced oat milk lattes from Grace Street this week. Another absolute delight/treasure in my life. I think they have the best coffee in D.C.! Seen below alongside my beloved Doen dress. (Runs big, you can size down.)

BEAUTY: I am just EFFUSIVE about my new brow gel from Kosas (clean). Where has it been all my life? I mentioned this in a recent post, but I really liked my makeup one day two weeks ago and kept puzzling over what I’d done differently? I couldn’t figure out why my face looked more balanced and complete until I realized I’d applied a brow gel, which I don’t normally do. My gel was old and nearly-dry, so I polled my Magpies for a clean option and Kosas was the leading rec (more details on this and other recent beauty products I’ve tested — many clean! — here). What I love about it is that it’s a one-step process you can handle in about three seconds flat. You don’t need to be overly precise; the gel fills in the gaps and keeps hair in place without leaving it “crispy.” Truly hooked. And not to make it my entire personality, but while we’re talking beauty, Goop is offering 25% off a selection of their clean beauty products this weekend with code GLOWUP and I really cannot urge you to try their exfoliator more! The best best. You’ll thank me later.

P.S., You can see all the details on my outfit below in this post on styling denim skirts. My bangles are from Sunshine Tienda!

WEARING: I’ve been testing out my new Sambas with different looks and am just scratching the surface. I feel like I’ll really enjoy styling with denim come fall, but for now, during this sweltering heat, I’ve been pairing with lightweight sundresses, like the (old!) Everlane one seen at the top of this post. You can find a similar one here or here.

Also notable below: I enjoyed a blissful mani/pedi this week in one of my favorite white-pink colors, OPI’s Lets Be Friends. It felt fresh after wearing (almost exclusively) bright red — Essie’s Geranium — on my tootsies this summer.

adidas sambas street style

What’s new in your neck of the woods?

P.S. More books to read right now.

P.P.S. A delicious cocktail to try this week.

P.P.P.S. On being truly happy for your friends.

*Above: me, two years ago, with long hair and a one year old in my arms, at the Met in NYC. Summers past…

My Latest Snag: Adidas Sambas + Clean Skincare.

Like so many of you, I took the plunge on the Adidas Sambas trend this week with these sage green kicks. Will share some pics on how I’m styling in next week or two. I’m taking style notes from this street style starlet

Also, thanks to Magpie reader intel, I now have a long list of great skin cleansers with clean ingredients. I’m starting with Biossance’s Squalane + Amino Gel Cleanser, which a few of you raved about. I was drawn to it because a) I really love Biossance’s Vitamin C serum but haven’t tried any of their other products yet; and b) I prefer a cleanser that foams up? Some of the other cleansers recommended are creamy but I think I like a good leather. While at Biossance, I also ordered their Marine Algae Eye Cream, which several of you have recommended and one of my longtime Magpies (Mia, I see you!) has insisted is (pun intended) la creme de la creme. Note that you can currently get two full sized creams for the price of one?! I’m not sure how/why. But yes please. I actually haven’t been using an eye cream for a long time since I never feel like that they do that much for me, yet they are so expensive and represent an extra step in skincare! (I’ve just been using my usual moisturizer for undereye area, too.) Hoping this changes the tide! I also ordered the travel size of this clean makeup melting balm that one of you described as “so effective its ridiculous” (!!!). Very intrigued. (Thank you again for all your comments and insights on my recent beauty post.)

A few other clean cleansers that I considered and will eventually try thanks to you: Osea, Goop, and Tata Harper’s Refreshing Cleanser. Note that Tata is offering 25% off orders over $100 at the moment. I used their regenerating cleanser for years and years and it is truly an exceptional product but I felt like it was too much daily exfoliation for me. The gentler cleanser is in my future for sure.

Important post-script: Goop is offering 25% off a selection of its clean skincare products this weekend (they only do this twice a year), so you can get their INCREDIBLE exfoliator for 25% off with code GLOWUP. It has become an instant favorite for me, and I know many Magpies agree (one wrote to say: “I always buy a back up for my back up” — e.g., I NEED TO HAVE THIS STOCKED!). It is both a chemical and physical exfoliant and perks skin right up. Skin looks immediately brighter — you can feel the dead skin sloughing away! Incredible product. I used the code to order the cleanser linked above that a Magpie recommended, just to try it next!

This Week’s Bestsellers.

magpie bestsellers


Weekend Musings: The Mid-Summer Squeeze.

Earlier this week, I came across a lovely musing writer Rose Blacque shared on Instagram:

I walk down to the lake where the cicadas click and the algae blooms

and the cotton floats down from the trees like snow.

By late July everything is hanging on, but barely.

In the caption, she adds: “Because summer is nothing but one long sunrise and a slow drip of thoughts that rarely come together. And still that’s alright. I took a much needed break from writing as my agent is reading the first four chapter of my novel rewrite and I am waiting anxiously to hear her thoughts. Dean grows too fast and the walk to the lake is too short. I feel aged in a way I never have before and I am trying to find the grace and beauty in it.”

Her words gave shape to the restlessness? agita? exhaustion? that I, too, have been grappling with during this mid-summer period, where everything feels heavy on the vine, perhaps over-ripe, especially in the realm of motherhood. This past week, I feel I have done nothing but fill requests and discipline, and during the in-between moments, when I could snuggle my children or ask after their interior lives, I instead long for quiet and solitude, which in turn dredges up the familiar nebula of mom guilt. I walk myself back by remembering that (as I’ve written elsewhere): “The ice cream shop and moments at the museum are lovely, but I must not let those exclamation points stand in for the quiet, unremarked labors of love that fill my days and form the fibers of my motherhood.” Which is to say: we are doing the hard work of motherhood even when it doesn’t feel that way–the snack-making, the boundary-setting, the bandaid-fetching is also us being loving mothers, trying our best, devoting ourselves to tiny children who need rules and snacks and reassurances even more, I think, than they do “magic.” When I write “magic,” I am being pointed, because I find myself flagging in the face of a certain narrative of motherhood I have been absorbing the past few years, especially on Instagram, where I am told “You only have 18 summers with your children at home! Lean into the magic! Hug them a little longer! There is one day you will look longingly at the kids in the playground while you brunch!” Of course, there is truth there, and wisdom in the jangle: “Never wish your children’s ages away.” But also, those formulas have a tendency to set unrealistic expectations and apply undue pressure. We can’t create magic 365 days of the year. It is untenable to expect that we will exist in a state of maternal wonderment and joy at all times. We are human beings with complex inner lives, hormones, stressors, relationships. It is OK to love your children and also feel exhausted by them. It is normal to miss the regularity of school, to feel whiplashed by the unusual tantrums and boundary-testings that seem to crop up so densely in summer time (at least, in my home). It is equally predictable for children to act this way in summer: everything is lax and loose, and there are so many new places and experiences and routines. Later bedtimes! One more popsicle! A last minute trip to the pool! Summer is exciting and unstructured and overstimulating for my two, and so I find myself needed in different ways. They need reassurance. They need a lot of physical affection. They need to be told “no” a thousand times — just because summer is loose-fitting doesn’t mean we let go of our rules. Etc.

I shared a little bit about this on Instagram and a number of Magpies chimed in, in solidarity: “Why is this time of summer so hard?” and “I can’t quite pinpoint what’s going on, but I’m exhausted!” So if you are feeling this way — elbowing through the midsummer squeeze — know you’re not alone. I think it’s a perfect vortex of overtired, overstimulated children (as one friend put it: “camp fatigue”); a kind of “midseason doldrum” where the rest of the summer feels a bit like flat road and you might be in need of a downslope; and the agita of wishing your children a magical summer but also needing to tend to yourself, coveting a break of your own.

And to all of this I say: hang in there. Feel it all. See the summer for what it is: green lights and fireflies alongside time outs and tantrums. Say “no” for the millionth time, where it matters, and try not to feel bad about it — know that they need the boundary, especially now, in this time of no borders. In turn, give where you can — let them eat the chicken fingers for the third night in a row; transfer the milk to the blue cup at your toddler’s insistence; listen to Katy Perry’s “Firework” for the hundredth time. Tamper with the dials. Do less some weeks; say “yes” more others. Mainly, realize that some parts of motherhood are not glamorous or fun or magical, and that the Instagram pull quotes that suggest otherwise are extracts rather than full recipes. They represent one flavor from my maternal experience, but there are others to balance.

We got this! Onward!

Shopping Break.

My new favorite thing is the Magpie Digest. Subscribe here for a weekly roundup of top essays, musings, conversations, and finds.

+Ordered myself these wide-leg jeans in the best nutmeg color. I was inspired to find denim in this general color category after these Citizens flew off the shelves.

+Just your quarterly reminder to replace your Williams Sonoma oven mitts with these silicone-edged ones. They are infinitely better — my W.S. ones usually had about a year in them before the tips would get browned/burnt, and my hands were often burnt at one point or another while wearing. The silicone ones really protect your fingers and last SO MUCH LONGER. On a related note, some favorite kitchen gear you might not have.

+While we’re talking kitchen utility, I have heard about these Swedish dish cloths for years and years but for some reason never tried them. Just ordered a pack to give them a whirl.

+There was a lot of interest in the Agua Bendita dress (two seasons old) I wore here. This current-season one is VERY similar in shape, motif, etc!! Run. You won’t regret. You can get the look for less with the Tuckernuck dress that was a bestseller this week! (Or this one!)

+Your future self will thank you for snagging this spectacular holiday top now, while on sale. It’s VELVET and so good. I actually think I am going to order the dress version of the top for our end of summer wedding! I’ve had my eye on it for two seasons now (in different colors), but the pink is SO me.

+Two cute fall finds for little girls: these Chelsea boots and this just-like-mom striped knit.

+FUN colorful statement sweater.

+These knit sets from Kilte are drool-worthy, as are the ones from Jenni Kayne! One of my very well-traveled girlfriends raves about the latter for travel days.

+And while we’re on the travel wavelength, Paravel is offering 25% off sitewide! Tempted to buy their aviator suitcase

+Could not be more obsessed with this cute little reversible quilted jacket from VB. Their outerwear is spectacular.

+We bought my daughter a HomePod Mini for her bedroom a year or two ago and she’s in love. We play white noise for her at bedtime and she loves to tell Siri to play her favorite singers/songs — Katy Perry, Taylor Swift, Nirvana, and Queen are all in heavy rotation at 6:45 a.m. sharp in her room. (With parental controls for language!). Thinking of buying my son one of these fun colorful options!

+Tempted to buy these dad sandals for mini!

+This Alemais dress took my breath away!

+This timeless clutch is 30% off temporarily with code SUMMER30.

My new favorite thing is the Magpie Digest. Subscribe here for a weekly roundup of top essays, musings, conversations, and finds.

I pulled the trigger on a pair of trendy Adidas Sambas in the perfect sage green. Only after the fact did I realize I’d subconsciously selected a perfect color match for my beloved FRP Collection Bag. I anticipate wearing these two pieces together a lot. I can’t believe how quickly these shoes are selling / have sold (by time of publishing?), but definitely worth keeping an eye out for restocks. I was *this close* to buying this court green pair, but the softer green came out and I jumped. I literally tore open the box (mine arrived THE NEXT DAY? from Adidas?) and paired with my new Mackenzie x Navy Bleu dress I shared earlier this week (see more styling ideas here), which I wore three times this week. It is one of those dresses that is SO easy to throw on no matter what the day entails. What is it about my late 30s that makes a loose fit, button-front dress so irresistible? I can’t help myself! I live in my fleet of Julia Amory dresses and now this will join the ranks. I put zero effort into styling this outfit but will share more focused looks with the new Sambas (which I know many of you also purchased) next week!

adidas sambas street style
adidas sambas street style


Let me also make a little commotion here for Mackenzie. She is a true blue. I have met so many influencers and bloggers and creatives and writers in my admittedly narrow experience authoring Magpie and she is one of the most magnetic and authentic people I’ve ever met in my life. I treasure her and consider her a dear friend. I am here to baldly cheerlead this woman!

Anyhow, onward with my usual “what I wore this week” rundown —

doen joceline dress
amazon diamond huggies


*A little note on this hat — one of my absolute favorite new discoveries. I hadn’t realized until this hat how nice it is to have a flat brim hat you can wear with sunglasses / see out of without tilting your head back. Sounds so absurd but truly a God-send at the pool! I love the little floral embroidered pattern, but there are lots of other band options available. I also cannot begin to tell you the number of compliments it fetches. Mr. Magpie commented on it the first time I trotted it out — “I love that hat!” — and then they just started rolling in. I’ve been stopped three times at the pool by women asking for its source!

antik batik dress


**A note that the Outnet carries a lot of great Antik Batik pieces at deep discounts. They produce the most interesting, whimsical patterns! I LOVE this dress.

P.S. This is a bit of an abbreviated post because I shared some of my other favorite wears this week here! I am obsessed with that ecru skirt!

P.P.S. I’m headed to see “Barbie” tonight and am SO excited. I relished Anne Helen Petersen’s whip-smart analysis of how “Barbie” (big female main character energy) rivals/talks to/answers “Oppenheimer” (where, as she describes all Christopher Nolan films, there is “a total disinterest in the interior life of women”). Super interesting to contemplate these films in conversation with one another.

P.P.P.S. How to stop time: kiss.

*Still not over the Carolina Herrera dress above. Will never be. Love love.

**My new favorite thing is the Magpie Digest. Subscribe here for a weekly roundup of top essays, musings, conversations, and finds.

***The Lake sale ends tonight! This patio dress (see me in it here) is a fantastic cover-up/beach-dress/lounge situation, and it’s $59 shipped!

Q: Downtown NYC wedding – fancy steakhouse and martinis in September. Early SATC vibes.

A: Oo la la! Pour yourself into this Veronica Beard or try this retro-made-modern Bernadette. I also love this dramatic black Rhode and this spectacular Barbie pink Damaris Bailey for the occasion, and think you could totally go the dramatic feather route if that’s your bailiwick — something like this with glitzy heels and an architectural clutch. Cin cin!

Q: Denim dress for fall.

A: Love the ones from Aligne. Gap has a great mini-length one that I was just looking at — imagine styling over a turtleneck for fall. While there, consider this denim jumpsuit from Gap. SO cute.

Q: Interesting tops for work — pair with black pants/skirt.

A: This embellished J. Crew or this bib-front Gap would shake things up! So fab. Also love this style from Rochelle Behrens — looks so much like Loretta Caponi but under $150. This H&M gives me SEA vibes. I’m also really into ribbed polo sweaters right now — something like this or this. Like, imagine the navy tucked into a navy pleated or silk skirt? Very CBK. And don’t neglect the idea of a great collarless jacket or cardigan layered over a polished tee. I would be remiss if I didn’t mention (again) how much I LOVE these Spanx pants, BTW. Great for work. Polished but feel like leggings.

Q: New jeans?

A: A few of the pairs on my radar: Frame’s new slim Palazzos, Veronica Beard Carsons, Gap’s stride jeans, Citizens’ trending gaucho jeans, and SLVRLAKE’s Londons.

Q: Black tie gown for summer wedding in Munich under $400.

A: Fun! I love this Reformation, might order this daring Simon Miller to try (it might be TOO much skin but sometimes these models make the clothing look scanter than it is — the color is so right now and so good; imagine with this little bag), this Azeeza (clearance – soo good), and this citrus steal.

Q: A milestone piece of jewelry for myself. Under $500.

A: Ooo! Love this. My mind immediately went to this gold cuff bracelet I came across recently. Unusual and fabulous. I also love my Dorsey Kate necklace (in brass, its under $400) and have also been eyeing their gold heart necklace. And I have a few necklaces from Jane Win that I wear nearly daily — this one has become a permanent fixture (it has my husband’s initials on it). Finally, I’ve always loved this heart pendants from Aurelia Demark!

Q: Tall black boots for fall/winter.

A: You and me both, friend! I love the Toteme riding boots and just found them 40% off here. VERRRY TEMPTED. Banana has a similar pair for less here. The Khaite Dallas boots are also super-chic and on-trend.

Q: Baby’s Baptism in August.

A: Three options that have been very popular with Magpies for this occasion: one of the tweedy ones from Sandro (also love this), this Tuckernuck, and Cara Cara’s Blue Hill dress. Splurge: anything from Emilia Wickstead (Princess Kate vibes) or this Erdem. A few I would consider that are perhaps a bit less conventional but still communicate elegance: this Hyacinth House, this Loretta Caponi, this Alice + Olivia, this Doen, this Henry Duvall.

Q: Thank you gift for the boyfriend’s parents hosting one week at a vacation home in New England.

A: So sweet! I would consider a Jeni’s delivery, a Chappy Wrap throw, a spendy candle, a pair of Proper Table placemats, a gorgeous pitcher or decorative glasses from Hammett, and everyone’s favorite hand-wash-lotion duo. All polished gifts that anyone would love to receive. Of course, if you can graft off their known interests with something a little fancy, that’s even more special — like deluxe playing cards if they’re into games or fabulous olive oil from Eataly if they are gourmands. Or send them a gift card to a great local restaurant (or fabulous NYC one if they make it that way frequently!)

Q: Nice women’s watch. Brown leather strap or silver metal. Under $500. Thank you!

A: This is probably an irritating answer, but I would stretch budget a bit more and buy a second-hand Hermes watch on The Real Real. You can always upgrade the watch strap if not in great condition in another year or two after you’ve recovered from the initial investment — ha! Those watches are incredibly well made and will last a lifetime — you’ll never regret the purchase. I bought myself an Hermes watch ten or eleven years ago and it’s one of the only items I’ve consistently worn month in and month out. TheRealReal also carries other watch brands — for example, you can currently get an elegant Baume et Mercier watch (a little less expensive than Hermes) for under $400. Again, you can always replace strap in another year or two if you don’t like the patina! If you’re looking for something new, though, check out the elegant options from Lola Rose (I like this one), or take a look at Shinola, a made-in-America brand with heritage-style watches. Their Birdy is very attractive and just a tad over budget at $550.

P.S. In the quiet and the bare.

P.P.S. 3 A.M. parties. (Not what you think.)

P.P.P.S. My Amazon shop!

*Image via Olympia Gayot, J. Crew’s creative director. I love the way she’s dressed down this silk slip dress with the phone sling(s) and chunky sandals (similar here or here).

Fall fashion is beginning to trickle in and wowJ. Crew’s new arrivals are a gold mine for the season ahead. Lots of fantastic denim pieces and heritage classics with a twist. I’m so glad they brought back this cableknit cardigan — I regretted not buying last year and it sold out in a minute. I just ordered the ivory. I get so much mileage out of chunky little cardigans like this; perfect for throwing on over tartan nap dresses, turtlenecks with high-waisted denim, etc. I am also contemplating this rollneck sweater in either the La-Ligne-esque stripe or classic navy. Note that J. Crew got in on the denim midi skirt game, too!

jcrew fall 2023


If you have a little lady at home, you must check out their new children’s-sized Emilie jackets. Beyond precious in the stripe!

I also wanted to note that J. Crew’s belted denim jacket is a great seasonal buy at a reasonable pricepoint. I’ve seen variations on this theme from so many retailers, from Gap to Veronica Beard!

P.S. If your children have totally interrupted your day, and you are flailing a bit — just remember that you’re where you need to be.

P.P.S. On getting started with writing — with crossover inspiration for starting any creative pursuit.

P.P.P.S. What are we reading next?

This post is sponsored by Shopbop.

This skirt and top from Ulla Johnson are absolutely spectacular — wow. I am imagining wearing this to a fall cocktail party or even the rehearsal dinner of the wedding we’re attending in a few weeks. The top is delightfully dramatic and the pattern fetchingly unusual. The outfit has a lot of mileage, because you could also pair the top with high-waisted denim or skirt (as I’ve done below), and the skirt would look adorable dressed down with a simple white tee or even (in chillier weather this fall) with a turtleneck tucked in. A note on sizing: I always size down one size in Ulla, as I find her pieces run a bit large. I took a 00 in both pieces and they fit perfectly. (I’m usually a true 0.)

ulla johnson carla top and skirt

The skirt (also sized down in this) creates such a flattering silhouette — I don’t know how! Sometimes drop waists are a tricky business but this one hits at the right spot on me and, as with so many of Ulla’s beautiful pieces, creates a long, lean silhouette. I paired with my beloved Ancient Greek sandals above. (Truly, you must try these sandals! So many Magpies urged me for years, and one of my girlfriends owns in at least three colors.)

You can always see my most recent favorite finds here, but sharing a couple of standout pieces I am obsessing over below, all in a sophisticated brown-centric color palette.

And just a reminder that if you are new to Shopbop, you can get 20% off your first order with code MAGPIE20 through July 31st.




P.S. I put all my promo codes in one place here!

P.P.S. “The presence of absence” — such an interesting concept behind the Portuguese word “saudade.” There’s no word for it in English!

P.P.P.S. On leaving New York.

One of my favorite trends for fall is the long denim (maxi or midi) skirt. I shared some inspo here, and then rushed to order this ecru denim skirt (more sizes here) from new-to-me denim line Still Here. I took my true size and found it runs a tiny bit small, but still fit (I’m keeping the size I ordered). My ecru skirt is nearly sold out, but the same brand carries a denim wash variation, too, and I found this similar ecru colored denim skirt from cool brand Aligne. I am also eyeing this dark wash style from SLVRLAKE, which is more or less the “it” brand for denim skirts at the moment — they keep selling out! Reformation also has a great take on the trend in super interesting washes — the brown/khaki is amazing! — or get the look for less with Gap or Mango.

This first look here is quintessential Jen — like, this is my inner preppy self from childhood. I think I actually wore this exact outfit when I was 15 or 16, minus the elegant handbag (from FRP Collection) and woven ballet flats (Loeffler Randall — eyeing this similar pair from the same brand for fall). The oxford is, of course, timeless RL. Depending on work environment, you could likely pull this off in-office.

ralph lauren oxford

As we head into chillier weather, how amazing will the skirt look layered with a neutral knit — I’m wearing my Alice Walk Alpaca crewneck below, the kind of sweater you buy and wear forever and ever. Their knits are top of the line and the fit is fantastic. Jenni Kayne has a similar one with a slightly slouchier fit if that’s what you’re after. Would love to style with a pair of boots like these or these.

alice walk alpaca sweater
alice walk alpaca sweater

For something a bit more slick / date night territory, I also liked styling with a black silk button-down blouse (mine is very old J. Crew, but similar here and here), my strappy Alexandre Birman sandals (similar here), and my Chanel bag. I’ve also been getting a lot of wear out of my Dorsey white sapphire necklace — been pushing myself to style it more casually with looks like the one below. Fun bit of bling!

dorsey kate necklace

For right now, I am drawn to a chocolate color palette. I love the look of a simple tank (the one I’m wearing below is $21!) with the skirt and a cute little crossbody.

P.S. More fabulous chocolate brown finds here.

P.P.S. “Many things can be true at once. Life is full of multivalence and contradiction. Part of living artfully is embracing those multitudes, not forcing them to resolve to a fine and clear point.” From my musing here.

P.P.P.S. You must try this salsa verde this summer. I promise you will find yourself pouring it on everything you eat.

*Image via.

A Magpie sent me a lovely direct message in response to my post on the extraordinary gift of being a daughter to my parents in which she said:

“My parents are the type to show love but not express if verbally, and your post was a reminder that there are many ways to express and receive love.”

Her insight here reminded me of UA Fanthorpe’s poem, “Atlas,” which I’m sharing in full below —


There is a kind of love called maintenance
Which stores the WD40 and knows when to use it;

Which checks the insurance, and doesn’t forget
The milkman; which remembers to plant bulbs;

Which answers letters; which knows the way
The money goes; which deals with dentists

And Road Fund Tax and meeting trains,
And postcards to the lonely; which upholds

The permanently rickety elaborate
Structures of living, which is Atlas.

And maintenance is the sensible side of love,
Which knows what time and weather are doing
To my brickwork; insulates my faulty wiring;
Laughs at my dryrotten jokes; remembers
My need for gloss and grouting; which keeps
My suspect edifice upright in air,
As Atlas did the sky.

-UA Fanthorpe

When I first read this poem, I thought of the people in my life “who store the WD40,” and how their ministrations are, in the end, permutations of love. As Fanthorpe articulates beautifully, these tiny acts of service are different ways of saying “I love you” — equal in worth, perhaps even more valuable, to the verbal expression, which can occasionally feel more easily-gotten anyhow.

I also thought, somewhat out of the blue, of a handful of excellent teachers I had at the University of Virginia and then Georgetown University, and especially the ones who arrived at class with obvious preparation, as though birds of flight settling into meticulously-crafted nests. I romanticized these professors at the time because I longed for their discerning erudition and shorthand, but there was another kind of love afoot: their dedication to their areas of expertise suffused the room with a kind of tingling energy and seriousness. I can remember one who would bounce on the pads of his feet as we’d file in, scarcely able to contain his excitement to get into it all. College students are notoriously flip in the face of decorum, but it was damn near impossible to lampoon or otherwise subvert the earnestness of a faculty member who ran electric while talking about Fin de Siecle literature or the representation of physical space in the Gothic Novel. Even the Doubting Thomases abandoned their grievances, and the James Deans dropped their postures. Those classroom experiences felt like a grand beneficence I did not deserve, as though I was the unworthy recipient of a love born far upstream. By this I mean I could see in their enthusiastic care with the matters on docket the ink-stained pages, the midnight oil, the oral examinations, the marked-up drafts, the hours of labor and commitment, the times they felt intellectually small and then charged in their labors. And I was standing blindly in the door lintel, as though receiving a painstakingly crafted trinket I hadn’t ordered. Still, I received it, grateful for the unexpected windfall. I’ll collect love wherever it finds me — the kind that holds the sky intact, the kind that reminds you to check the weather, and the kind that is almost atmospheric, a meteor shower trailing the lifelong work of a devoted professor.

Many years ago, when I was studying abroad in France, I wrote a letter to Mr. Magpie in which I said: “I love you in the big ways and the small ones.” I was so young at that time; what did I know about the widths of love? And yet, I think, I am lucky to have known at nineteen that love can shape-shift, can hide in lent sweatshirts and post-it notes just as easily as it parades around in engagement rings and “I just had to see yous,” slicked with rain and romance in the midnight hour.


+Sometimes, love is also a salad.

+Part of my love story with Mr. Magpie took place in France. I wrote about it here and here.

+Wild, how you can be falling in love and feeling like you are floating in space while the person next to you has no clue.

+What’s your house music?

Shopping Break.

+This convertible dress is a wardrobe wonder — love in either black or white, and can’t believe it’s under $100. Such a great, timeless shape and the pleating at bodice makes it interesting.

+Finally caved and ordered a pair of Adidas Sambas in their new chalk green color, which just launched and is selling fast. So different for late summer/fall! The two other new colorways are fab, too. Neutral one would be chic with anything!

+VERY sad I missed out on this brown dress in my size. It’s perfect. PERFECT. Exactly what I want to wear to a fall cocktail party.

+Don’t sleep on the denim/pants from both Old Navy and Gap. I have the BEST luck and they are rolling out surprisingly on-trend styles — great way to test a trend before investing, or without investing a ton of money. Love these high-waisted wide leg jeans from Old Navy.

+The kind of top you’ll never regret purchasing. (Or this one, from Jenni Kayne.) I like the way Julia Amory has been styling this kind of white swing top with skirts, pareos, etc, but also amazing with jeans or shorts.

+Ordering one of these adorable inexpensive waste baskets for my office!

+These versatile woven ballet flats are giving Loeffler Randall (comparison) for a fraction of the price. Great pre-fall buy. Imagine with dark-wash denim or a denim dress?! P.S. Found that exact denim dress on sale here, but then you have to pay international shipping, so you might do a price check comparison.

+Speaking of denim, these Citizens’ “gaucho jeans” are having a moment. I love the color Chrissy Ward bought (see her in them here). They look like a slightly more wearable take on the barrel jeans of last year.

+Zara steal. LOVE.

+My husband just bought himself some new head covers. The driver cover looks a lot like this and the putter cover is needlepointed Smathers and Branson (<<not this exact style, but similar)! Great gifts for men.

+The Great is offering 30% off tees, knits, and sweatshirts. Doesn’t this look like the perfect layer? Also love this cut of this sweatshirt. Very into forest green R.N. if you can’t tell!

+Speaking of green…this Prada bag in the pistachio!

+This Tory Burch column dress is beyond spectacular. I can’t. SO good and so different from everything else on the market.

+This woven envelope clutch is perfection.

+Still some good buys at Nordies’ Anniversary Sale, which wraps up soon. I actually ended up ordering both the Skims bra and the True & Co bra (part of the sale) after hearing conflicting opinions from Magpies — will report back on what I liked.

+For your inner Swiftie. BTW, I was listening to “Taylor’s version” of “Dear John” and OMG! John Mayer really did a number on her!

Lake launched its Summer Sale, which I have used in the past to purchase holiday and birthday gifts for loved ones, plus extra pairs for myself. I was frankly astounded at how many items they marked down — there is a lot of inventory to pick from! A few favorites…








Next up, my dear girlfriend Mackenzie launched a set of dresses and pareos she designed with Erin of Navy Bleu today! The striped dress I’m wearing here is a 10/10. I wrote to her as soon as I received mine to let her know that she’d nailed it with the design of this dress — it is body-skimming (not hugging), lightweight, the perfect length, and I love styling it with the sleeves rolled up and the front unbuttoned a bit. It’s just the kind of thing you can throw on with little thought and feel pulled together wearing all day. I also like its versatility — the material has a silkiness to it that makes me think I could pair with a heel/ballet flat and belt to dress it up. This would also be a great pick for a nursing mama or expecting mama in first-second trimester!

Other outfit details: this Longchamp mini bag, the purchase of which sort of felt like a graduation ceremony, as it marks the end of my must-carry-a-big-diaper-bag-with-me-at-all-times season; this phone case; Ancient Greek Eleftheria sandals. A Magpie wrote to ask how I’m styling the Ancient Greeks and I honestly find myself reaching for them most days! They really elongate the leg and are a simple way to elevate an everyday dress. I will be honest and say that the first few times I wore them, I was not sure how comfortable they were? Like, would I wear them for a full day at Disney? No. Your toe is sort of pressed in place by the little toe loop. But! They’ve never given me any blisters or irritation — and I am learning it’s just about getting used to the style of shoe. Now I don’t mind them at all!

longchamp mini mesh bag

P.S. Just spent a lot of time drooling over new arrivals at Shopbop. Hearted so many great finds here.

P.P.S. On maintaining wonder as a parent. This post, and the Magpie reader story behind it, have been top of my mind for a long time now.

P.P.P.S. My favorite storage solutions.

RMS Beauty SuperNatural Radiance Serum SPF 30. (CLEAN) If you buy one item from this collection of reviews, let this be it. I am obsessed with this. I didn’t even know I needed this in my beauty routine? I apply it as the transitional step between skincare (cleanser, serums, moisturizer if needed) and makeup, and it acts like a blurring, radiance-enhancing, priming layer of SPF. I sort of consider it a “spackle” for makeup — it helps everything lay nicely on top but it also offers sun protection. It is SO good. I really like it for my exercise mornings, when I can apply it as the last layer before I head out the door, and I won’t be embarrassed if I run into a neighbor because it is like your natural skin “but better.”

Cocofloss Toothbrushes. I was excited to try these because Cocofloss changed my dental hygiene game! (Cocofloss is infinitely better than the standard glossy floss you buy at the supermarket. It really gets everything out from between your teeth, and my dental hygienist raved about it, too. The floss has been CRITICAL while I’ve been using Invisalign, as teeth are constantly shifting and flossing is a must.) Anyhow, the toothbrushes are great — they are really soft (which my dentists have been recommending for years, as the softer bristles are much better for tooth enamel) but designed to get into every nook and cranny. I trust this brand because of the quality of their floss and if they say “these toothbrushes are 16x more effective at cleaning between your teeth than a standard toothbrush,” I’m inclined to believe them. Still, I find them very similar in experience/softness to the Swiss brand we’ve used for years, Curaprox, which are about 1/4th the price. All in, I’m not sure worth the money relative to Curaprox, but then again, hard for me to truly assess the impact Cocofloss brushes are having on my oral health myself?

GoopGlow Vitamin C + Hyaluronic Acid Serum (CLEAN). I know SO many of you are die-hards for this product, and I am also a big fan after trying for the past few weeks. My neighbor actually talked me into this product — she RAVED about it. I love Vitamin C products — I find Vitamin C to be the single-most important ingredient in achieving glow and luminosity in my skin — and this has probably the highest concentration of Vitamin C you can find on the market (20%). It’s also clean, and that appeals to me in my current efforts to “clean up” my makeup/skincare routine. This serum goes on like a lightweight oil — very thin/runny — but also absorbs very easily into skin. It is odorless, which is fantastic, as some of the vitamin c products that come heavily touted have a weird copper-like scent that I find cloying. I don’t see a huge difference in results between this product and my longtime favorite, Biossance’s Vitamin C oil, which is also clean and considerably less expensive, but the Goop serum is nice because it also includes hyaluronic acid (hydrating) and I might prefer the feel of the serum a tiny bit relative to Biossance? Still, both are excellent options.

Olio E Osso Shave Oil. (CLEAN) Absolutely obsessed with this elevated shaving product. Smells fabulous and leaves skin so gorgeously hydrated. Also makes shaving a breeze! Much more luxurious experience than your standard foam shave cream! A reader asked whether the oil “runs all over the place” / “leaves the shower floor slick,” and no to both. You pump out a tiny bit and it absorbs right into skin. A fantastic way to elevate your shower routine!

Olio E Osso Lustero Glow Body Oil. (CLEAN) I really doubled down (tripled down!) on the Olio E Osso products this summer, as I ordered both the glow oil and the classic body oil. I’m mildly obsessed with this woman-owned clean beauty brand, all of whose products are small-batch and hand-poured. They are truly beautiful products with a high-end, luxurious feel and I love the design of their labels and bottles. The glow oil is fabulous for giving you that candle-lit, slightly bronzed glow — perfect for bare shoulders in summer. I will note that this product can stain clothing if you are not careful. I applied all over and then lounged in my favorite Weezie short-sleeved robe and now the Weezie robe is permanently stained with pink-orange oil splotches. For that reason, I ordered the classic oil, which is colorless, and I use that post-shower, and then (carefully!) apply the glow oil once fully dressed, and rub well into shoulders/decolletage. If picking one, go with the classic body oil!

Kosas Air Brow. (CLEAN) This arrived only a few days ago but I LOVE IT. Thank you to all the Magpies who recommended! I find this to be very easy to apply thanks to its tiny little applicator — you can really fill the areas that need filling with precision. I also ordered the Westman Atelier brow pencil (also clean) but find myself reaching for the Kosas every morning. I will report back on the Westman after I’ve given it a fair try but my initial impression was that I needed to practice application with it, as the first go had me coloring way outside the lines of my brows.

RMS Beauty Straight-Up Volumizing Peptide Mascara. (CLEAN) I bought this as a Prime Day deal and it’s currently (as of time of writing) still heavily discounted (40% off!) there. I am medium on this product. I would reach for my tried-and-true Armani all day every day over this mascara, but (!) I will say that it’s a clean beauty product and it does deliver a nice, inky, thick coat, which tends to be my preference over super-natural looking lashes. I don’t love the applicator (it’s a little thick and therefore easy to smudge above/beneath lashes if you aren’t careful) and I find the formula clumps and flakes a bit. It’s squarely in the middle of the pack for me. If you are looking for a great clean mascara, you must try Ilia. It’s my favorite daytime mascara — not as dramatic and inky as Armani, but it does a great job lengthening lashes for a “are those extensions?” kind of result without looking over the top.

Goop Tinted Lip Balm. (CLEAN) This, in the peony pink, is an actual perfect lip product. Glides on like balm but leaves the most gorgeous pink pout!

Christophe Robin Sea Salt Hair Scrub. This is not really new because I’d used this years ago and then sort of forgotten about it, but hallelujah was I glad to rediscover this product this summer! Lots of sweat, SPF, chlorine, etc, and this hair scrub gets it all out. It might sound off-putting to apply a scrub with salt granules in it to your hair (will it ever come out?!) but this stuff really works and trust me, all the granules do come out, leaving roots springy and scalp clean and happy.

Heeta Scalp Massager. If you really need a deep clean, use this scalp massager to get the salt scrub (or any shampoo) into a good lather. I needed this mid-summer after using the new Goop shampoo/conditioner duo, which (see next note) I really liked at first but then found it left too much build-up/protein in my hair and was weighing it down. The scalp massager got everything out!

Goop Shampoo + Conditioner Duo (CLEAN). I really leapt at the chance to try this new clean shampoo/conditioner duo — there aren’t many clean shampoos out there that have gotten a lot of press/praise/enthusiasm. The first few uses, I was obsessed. The shampoo lathers gorgeously and hair feels soft, hydrated, detangled immediately after. However, I think because of the protein in the products, it really weighed down my hair by the fourth use or so, and I felt like I couldn’t get it out of my hair. I have very fine hair so this might be a better product for those of you with thicker hair that can stand up to the protein in the formula. I would avoid if you are like me!

Rare Beauty Liquid Blush. Still playing around with this one — SO many rave reviews on this TikTok viral product from Selena Gomez’s new line. I’d heard you need to go light on application as the product is heavily pigmented, but maybe I’m playing it too safe? My other hunch is that I need a different brush or applicator to apply, because the one I’m using seems to absorb a lot. Anyway, the few times I’ve tried this so far, I’ve liked it but not been, like, ga-ga over it. Going to continue to play with it, but it is hard to top my beloved Merit blush balms (clean), which are SO easy to apply and come in really fabulous colors. I love the way Merit products are all fairly sheer and buildable. My only gripe with the Merit blush balms are that I don’t think they have great staying power — I feel like I need to reapply every few hours. Rare Beauty promises to stay put. However, I did just purchase Milk Makeup’s beauty setting spray (clean) on the recommendation of a few Magpies and am hoping this seals in the Merit blush a bit better.

Wander Beauty Blush/Illuminator Duo. I rarely use the blush side (see notes above on my preferences there!) but the illuminating side is SO GOOD. OMG. I love a highlighter, but this one is extra. It’s so easy to apply — a quick slick over cheeks, on tip of nose, etc! — and it makes skin look absolutely flawless. I am a total sucker for an illuminator/highlighter and have raved about a ton of these, but this one is my current favorite. I also do like to toss this in my pool bag for a quick touch up of blush and illuminator post-pool without having to apply anything else. Very compact!

SuperGoop Glow Stick. You all know how obsessed I am with SuperGoop’s Play sunscreen — everyone in my family uses this. The Glow Stick is fantastic for applying to my children’s faces — it glides on like a dream, which is so nice because my children are always wiggling and whining during this process. My only caveat is that because it glides on so easily and is totally clear (no white cast), you have to be careful about thorough application! The white cast of some other competitors can be handy because you know where you applied! I also love the stick for myself, and keep one in the pool bag for quick, mirrorless reapplication. You can currently buy a GlowScreen / GlowStick duo at a discount here. Both of these products are incredible!

Jillian Dempsey Eye Masks. Holy moly! These are FANTASTIC. I’d never used an eye mask before, but these really work if you are struggling through a morning with no sleep and want to look more rested for a special event / meeting / etc. I’m not sure how they work, but they truly do brighten the entire area and leave your skin looking dewy and hydrated. They are pricey so I am doling out carefully for emergency situations. STRONG rec.

+Not beauty exactly, but beauty adjacent — I have to call out a few of the little accessories seen in the photo at top. I love this slightly ridiculous terry headband for washing my face / applying masks just out of shower! This shell claw clip is so fun for half-up-half-down and looks like it cost a lot more than $10; this marble tray is fantastic for corraling all my skincare products in one place on the counter without looking like a huge clutter; and this scalloped toothbrush holder sparks serious joy for me for some reason.

My question for you Magpies: do you have a clean cleanser you like? I really liked Youth to the People’s formula (a great lather, leaves skin squeaky clean, and I love the scent), but am keen on trying something clean next. Recommendations?


+My thoughts on “how to be your best self.

+More honest beauty reviews of hyped products here and here.

+This roundup of cosmetics bags is one of my top LTK posts of all time! My friend Grace also shared the cutest Bottega-inspired one recently. (Looks like it holds a lot and only $22!)

+On expressing yourself in “deep play.”

+A great summer cocktail.

+Items that have been really popular among Magpies the last few days: my Harlow trousers (size down and trust me on these fantastic under-$100 trousers!), these Chanel-inspired sandals, and this knit tank. Honestly, those three items would look fabulous together in a head-to-toe look!

+On the pinch of motherhood: watching your children grow.

+ICYMI: metropolitan style. Love this look.

I love the green beans you grew from seed, now on the counter, in those red bowls from your mother,

The field cherries from our garden, too, that have sat uneaten in a neighboring ramekin for two weeks straight,

The ones you told me were a backyard fruit once in vogue, perhaps in the 1800s, as they were easy to grow and harvest, yet we both find them mealy and bland despite repeated attempts at enjoying.

I love the way you echo through my daily chores and counterspaces. Proof that love is a modest thing, never making a fuss about the furnishings. We’re just as likely to find it on the Duplo-strewn floor of the basement, tired parents with children crawling over us, as we are dressed to the nines sitting in a Paris cafe. Love is looking for us everywhere.

There are vining plants on the far side of our home, and I noticed the other day that some of their tentacle-like protrusions have begun to twine themselves into the window screen of our dining room, and you said —

“I’ll have to take care of that,” filing the task away into the invisible expanse of responsibilities you carry out carefully and without complaint or recognition.

None of these quotidian exchanges have ever felt like plain, spoken word to me. You transform them into a kind of recitative — something beautiful and sung.

Love at work again.


*Recitative is “a style of delivery (much used in operas, oratorios, and cantatas) in which a singer is allowed to adopt the rhythms and delivery of ordinary speech. Recitative does not repeat lines as formally composed songs do. It resembles sung ordinary speech more than a formal musical composition.” Source.

+A letter to my husband: Do you remember when we used to take our time?

+The time my husband handed me an envelope containing the world.

+Driving along the Potomac River with my husband.

Shopping Break.

+Love a neutral ballet flat you can wear with everything.

+Last week, I went on a brief getaway with my parents and Mr. Magpie (just the four of us!) and wore one of my favorite Agua Bendita dresses ever while there, which I purchased two or three summers ago. This Tuckernuck dress is SUPER similar in color and silhouette. Just a classic shape to wear in more traditional settings.

+But also — a plug for Agua Bendita. I own three or four of their dresses and they are just spectacularly made — the quality, the silhouettes, the lining, the stitching, the details. They are pricey but worth the expense in my opinion. I wear them season after season. This orange one is currently 50% off and just beyond. This one is also gorgeous for a formal occasion.

+Ordered this two-piece set in olive on the rec of my chic friend Lauren!

+These jeans are in my cart.

+These Dansk pitchers were just restocked in limited edition colors. This pitcher was introduced in 1955 (originals are apparently highly sought-after!) and has been out of production for 50 years! An iconic buy for under $100, and a great gift idea for a design enthusiast. If my SIL didn’t live all the way in Norway, I would buy this for her in a heartbeat — just the kind of thing she’d LOVE. But a pain to travel with… 

+Byredo makes THE best perfumes. I’ve been wearing Mojave Ghost for the past year and I’m still not tired of it. I also love Blanche, especially just out of shower, or when I need a clean/crisp feel for the day for whatever reason. Anyway, they have a great purchasing experience where you get three mini spray bottles in different scents to see what you like. I also love these for travel! I just reordered a set for myself because I’d totally depleted them on recent trips.

+This is my best friend when I am inevitably chilly in my studio during the work day. She’s the ideal desk sweater!

+Gotten so much wear out of my yellow Naghedi this summer, eyeing the olive green for fall.

+The perfect wedding guest heel.

+Wardrobe workhorse. Under $100 and infinitely re-stylable.

+Cire Trudon candles are my favorite splurge candles — the scents are so complex and transportive, and whoever handles their copywriting is a veritable poet. (“Why yes, I do smell spanish moss and mystery!”) Really want to try this grapefruit scent. Feel like it would be a great one for kitchen area! These make spectacular gifts.

+Chic cropped trench — 50% off!

+VC&A-inspired clover bracelet.

+A spectacular LBD.

This week, Mr. Magpie and I went away for two days with just my parents — no children. I “played” nine holes of golf (“played” is generous — I teed off at every hole and then usually dropped my errant drive wherever my mom’s ended up, which was usually smack dab in the center of the fairway; she is an excellent golfer), enjoyed two leisurely dinners and two leisurely breakfasts (with, like real china! and nowhere to be immediately after!), sat by the pool, went for two hikes, drank about fourteen Arnold Palmers, and spent almost the entire time in conversation with three people I adore. While at the pool one afternoon, I told my mother about a recent situation in which I’d put my foot in my mouth and then obsessed over the incident for two weeks after, occasionally waking up in the middle of the night in a panic of recollection. My company had said nothing, and possibly didn’t register my gaffe, but I was in agony. My mother said: “Oh, Jennifer. I’m sure they didn’t even notice. I know you would never mean to say anything untoward — I know you. You bend over backwards to avoid offense.” Which is to say: forgive yourself and move on. Sometimes at 39 I still need my mother’s permission — specifically my mother’s. She is reassuring but will tell you the truth if you owe an apology or need to change your ways. (I’m not beyond emails from her that read: “Did you send your thank you note yet?” and “Please respond to the invitation by this evening.” Chop chop.) She also knows me inside and out — understands my intentions; ascertains my weaknesses. And so watching her take in the details, assess its severity, and then let me off the hook felt like true absolution. Again, aren’t we lucky to be children? To let our parents guide us in times of confusion? Put things into the perspective I so often lack?

Earlier that day, I had gone on a hike with Mr. Magpie and had thought the entire time about the Mary Oliver poem “When I Am Among the Trees”:

When I am among the trees,
especially the willows and the honey locust,
equally the beech, the oaks and the pines,
they give off such hints of gladness.
I would almost say that they save me, and daily.

I am so distant from the hope of myself,
in which I have goodness, and discernment,
and never hurry through the world
but walk slowly, and bow often.

Around me the trees stir in their leaves
and call out, “Stay awhile.”
The light flows from their branches.

And they call again, “It’s simple,” they say,
“and you too have come
into the world to do this, to go easy, to be filled
with light, and to shine.

Her words are tonic, always, but I was especially remembering the line: “When I among the trees…I am so distant from the hope of myself.” Nature reminds me, too, of my own smallness — this is in fact one of her chief appeals. I like the sensation of being separated from my own self-awarenesses, from my private aspirations and agonies. None of that seems to matter when I am outdoors, or perhaps — everything appears rightsized.

And so this trip felt in different ways like a re-fitting. Trim here; let the seams out there. I feel like I’m now in a better-fitting gown.

Hoping you find a stretch of twenty minutes to get outside this week — I never regret it.

And now, a quick hits from the week…

BEST THING I ATE. Nothing exotic, but I love a hotel breakfast. Scrambled eggs, sausage, toast, a latte, fresh fruit? The best! When I was little, my father would occasionally treat himself to midweek hotel breakfasts at The Willard and a few other great D.C. hotels after dropping us at school. I always marveled over this private ritual from afar. It seemed so civilized! Perhaps because of him, I now also glamorize the hotel breakfast.

BEST THING I READ. Rereading the Oliver poem above was restorative. I shared the poem on Instagram earlier this week, and one of Mr. Magpie’s good friends messaged me to say he also loves Oliver and pointed me in the direction of her poem “How I Go Into the Woods.” I love the way books, poems, essays can connect you with other people in surprising ways. I would never have thought he was an Oliver fan and now I feel a special bond with him over it. I’m also 90% done with Emily Henry’s Book Lovers, which I know many of you consider to be her best, and am just so-so on it. (!). I have a theory on why, and will expound after I’ve finished.

BEST THING I WORE. I re-wore an Agua Bendita dress from two or three summers ago to dinner while away and it is truly one of my most cherished closet possessions. All of their dresses are exquisitely tailored, double lined, with gorgeous fabric and details. It actually nudged me towards picking up this dandelion-print dress of theirs (on sale, plus extra 20% off!) for that wedding we have at the end of summer. I have such a thing for dandelions…Also! I’ve shared these a ton, but these Larroude mules have been one of my favorite purchases this summer. I’ve reached for them at every single dressy occasion – they go with everything and the flower embellishments are just FUN. I noticed that another one of their kitten heeled mules is on sale at Nordstrom! Similarly easy to wear with just about everything.

agua bendita botanical print dress
larroude goldie mules

BEST THING I WATCHED. We are late to the game, but have been watching and loving “Atlanta.” Donald Glover is incredibly talented and the episodes are inventive and thought-provoking. Mr. Magpie and I have been talking a lot about the format of the show — it has an almost sit-com-like structure, where many of the episodes can stand on their own, and the overall narrative arc isn’t as important. I mean, yes, things do happen and there are references to those unfoldings across episodes, but a lot of them are thematic rather than plot-driven. One reading we’ve been exploring is that the structure reflects the feeling of social stagnation and in-betweenness that many of its characters are experiencing. Any thoughts?


+Not new, but I was reminded this week of how clutch this mini razor is for travel. It is tiny and I love that it comes in its own little case so you don’t accidentally slice a finger searching for it. I also made a mental note to replenish my travel cosmetics/skincare situation as I had nearly no product left. I think I’m going to try a few new things on our next trip, but I think I need some new travel toiletry bottles like these to decant my “must-haves” into smaller portions.

+I showed my son about six “big kid” backpack options to choose from, and he said: “I want the one Emory has.” (Which is this tiger print one from Crate and Barrel — my heart!). I told him it would be too confusing for them to have the same backpacks, so he picked a different pattern from the same brand and it was conveniently marked down when I ordered! I was a little disappointed because I was really pushing the State Bags options. I’ve heard from multiple moms that these are great quality and they really hold up, whereas mini’s C&B is already showing serious wear after just one year. I’m wondering if perhaps the darker colored options are a better pick from C&B? Anyway, glad to have that aspect wrapped and ordered! I also ordered three different kinds of navy “uniform shorts” for my son to try this fall: these J. Crew’s (probably bending the rules a bit much since they’re supposed to be “walking length”); these Old Navys (currently $6/pair?); and these Cat & Jacks (recommended by my son’s new preschool teachers). More back to school finds here! I know it may seem early, but I’m relieved having ordered all my kids uniforms and backpacks/lunchboxes already!

+My most recent Amazon order: This tank, this iPhone case, this striped set, and these huggies! Also ordered a few new True Tap wine keys. These make great gifts to tuck in with a bottle of wine (such good colors), and they last forever. We also decided to keep one in our suitcase – often when we travel we like to buy a bottle of wine to enjoy in the hotel room at night!

+I was late to find a few great hidden gems in the Nordstrom sale…Laura Mercier’s translucent setting powder (which I’ve used for years and years and is the absolute BEST — my mom turned me onto this awhile ago and I won’t leave it); this eye makeup remover (currently using this and loving…I am a mascara junkie and I simply need to remove the eye makeup separately with a proper, true remover); and this two-pack of Clarins Double Serum, which I still use daily, even while I’ve been trying some new serums. I double down on the serums!

+Already contemplating boots for the upcoming season. I need a new pair of everyday boots, and I’ve always loved this and this from Isabel Marant, but kind of drawn to some of the tall, flats styles I shared here. And these LR Goldies are a perennial favorite, currently on sale in select colors!

+Three items that arrived this week that I cannot wait to style/wear: this Sunshine Tienda hat, this Frank & Eileen dress, and this Alice Walk sweater.

+SO so many Magpies have bought these sandals and this bralette this week…I think I’m going to follow suit and order as well!

What’s new with you?