I’ve shared this poem in the past, but it floated into my mind this morning:

They don’t publish

the good news.

The good news is published

by us.

The good news is that you are alive,

and the linden tree is still there,

standing firm in the harsh winter.

The good news is that you have wonderful eyes

to touch the blue sky.

The good news is that your child is there before you,

and your arms are available.

-Thich Nhat Hanh

I wrote: “We don’t trumpet the small and trivial wonders of everyday living because of their ordinariness–because they are grout rather than tile. It is the work of a grateful heart to rename these things.”

About a decade ago, I realized that happiness is not a static condition, and that expecting otherwise is a recipe for disappointment. I’ve described it elsewhere as follows: “I am not a particle that toggles between bands of “happiness” and “unhappiness” and stays put. I experience happiness in small bursts, usually at the hands of something wildly trivial, like the lay of sun on our back porch at four o’clock in the afternoon, the sight of my son’s pudgy, still-babyish fingers on my dress, Mr. Magpie carrying a handful of raspberries in from the garden in the morning, the smell of coffee at the beginning of a slow weekend morning.” I was talking about this on Instagram in the context of small things that had sparked joy in the previous 24 hours, and I asked Magpies to share a “sliver of joy” from the past day, and the replies were universally uplifting.

Today, I’m taking the imperative of publishing good news literally. I’m sharing some of the these slivers of joy from the Magpie community. They build a beautiful mosaic of grateful hearts “renaming the little things”:

“Video from my 10 year old autistic son’s teacher of him playing happily with peers.”

“Reading a book on the lawn with my girl.”

“A FaceTime call from my son in college…love seeing his face.”

“Getting in bed at 8:45. Sleeping until 8 am.”

“Gorgeous sunny walk with my coworker along the East River.”

“My 12 year old son with a developmental disability packing his own lunch.”

“My constantly-on-the-move 14-month-old son taking a beat and snuggling with me this morning.”

“My baby clapping.”

“Returning home.”

“I woke up to birds chirping this morning.”

“I’m five weeks pregnant today.”

“Eating the granola my mom makes and flies out to me or sends home with me every time I visit.”

“My 18 month old saying unprompted ‘I love mama.'”

“Sitting in direct sunlight while my tea brewed.”

“Sharing a Passover book with my infant son, even though he’s too young to understand it.”

What other good news can we publish today, whether literally (feel free to share yours in the comments!) or figuratively (leaning forward to appreciate something small and wonderful from your everyday life)?


+”I now believe that a woman of substance is someone so at ease with herself, she can give herself to others without self-diminishment or self-projection. She can be happy for friends, and sad for them, too, without losing anything of herself. She can listen without interjecting her own story; she can marvel without battling jealousy; she can endure unkindnesses without questioning herself. She does not need the last word, the biggest laugh, the adulation, the apology: she is full without the feedback. She stands still in her center.” More on this here.

+An envelope containing the world.

+Green flags. (The opposite of red flags.)

Shopping Break.

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+The colors in this dress are joyful! Reminds me of a CeliaB, but under $200.

+PSA that Macy’s is offering 30% off RL polos and oxfords. I just stocked up for my son. I love the classic blue and white oxford stripe and bought him the next size up in that as well as a standard white oxford, and the polo in pale pink.

+J. McLaughlin has some amazing handbags out right now — this one reminds me of Marni, and this one reminds me of Ulla J. Love the blue!

+Had to have one of these scrunchies for summer. You know how I feel about their swimsuits…!

+Speaking of swim, the athletic wear brand Left on Friday just sent me a few of their swimsuits to try for summer! I can’t wait to wear. They have really fun mix-and-match tops and bottoms in great colors.

+Cara Cara has the most gorgeous new arrivals. This dress! And this one! The florals are so spectacular!

+A staple for bumped limbs/heads in our home — these “fix” everything!

+Sweetest summer dress for a little lady.

+It’s a bit of an eye sore, but this toy is a guaranteed hit with children.

+Has anyone tried Fair Harbor’s athletic wear? I think I might order these in the sailing stripe. I need some more all-purpose fitness shorts (not just for running) as we will be hiking quite a bit this summer.

+A chic, on-trend wedge sandal at a reasonable price.

+Zara score!

+My son requested red sneakers — he’s worn his NBs into the ground! — and I ordered him these. When I showed him the picture online, he was so excited, he ran around the house showing his sister, Mr. Magpie, and the nanny what they looked like!

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At dinner this week, one of my girlfriends, a successful consultant with her own practice, talked about how she felt for a long time that she didn’t really know what she was doing when it came to the business side of her business — as in, she was a subject matter expert and felt confident in her domain expertise, but she didn’t know what to charge, how to package her services, how to find new customers. “Throw enough mud at the wall, and something sticks,” she concluded. It was so true, and raw, and — in my experience — what entrepreneurship is. A gradual right-sizing. A process of putting out one version, then collecting feedback, then releasing version 2.0, whether you’re working on a product feature, a menu of services, a price point, even a sales pitch. The groundlessness of this pursuit is challenging. You must get comfortable with constant evolution.

I’ve been thinking about the concept of right-sizing all week. It’s human to want to get to the finish line now, to achieve stability, to level up. But a lot of life is trying on new things, stretching them out, finding them too constricting, moving from little snail house to little snail house. And it’s often in a zig-zag: one step forward, two steps back, then a jag to the left. Life is movement. Life is adjustment. A single phone call can rearrange a day, a week, a life! Meanwhile, my children change clothing sizes and cultivate new skills by the month. (A Magpie recently wrote: “Your children are never going to be as young as they are today.” (!!)) And each phase of motherhood has demanded a new version of me. I am continuously reshaping myself as I learn and adapt to new needs. I think often of the children’s book The Runaway Bunny. It is as much about the constancy of a mother’s love as it is about the way motherhood demands that we take on new forms as we look after our children. We become the clouds, the fishermen, the mountain-climber, the gardener, the tree that our children come home to. The through-line is: no matter how far and fast you run, I will shape-shift to meet you where you are.

I’ve been listening on and off to an audiobook by Pema Chodron, a Buddhist nun, over the past six months. It’s a lot to listen to in one go, but sometimes I feel spiritually deficient or fatigued, and I listen to her, and I find myself back on a good path. She talks a lot about groundlessness as the basic condition of living a full and authentic life. At one point, she writes:

“To be fully alive, fully human, and completely awake is to be continually thrown out of the nest. To live fully is to be always in no-man’s-land, to experience each moment as completely new and fresh. To live is to be willing to die over and over again.”

Two weekends ago, we stayed up way too late with our best friends, who were in town from New York for the funeral of another friend’s father. We laughed a lot. We ragged on each other. We sang “Lilith Fair karaoke” on my daughter’s karaoke machine until 1 A.M., shout-singing “Come to My Window” by Melissa Etheridge. (No, really, if you want to get a group of 40 year olds jazzed at the mic, try this on — “Just to reach you / Just to reach you / Oh, to reach you / Come to my window / Crawl inside / Wait by the light of the moon / Come to my window / I’ll be home soon.” YES, Melissa!) But we also consoled one another, catching up on ailing family members, the misfortunes of friends, professional woes, parenting struggles. Change is the only constant, my friend said, and we all harrumphed in agreement.

What are we saying here, Jen?

I suppose I want to reassure myself, and any Magpies reading along this morning, that you’re not doing anything wrong if you feel like you’re “throwing a lot of mud at the wall,” or in continuous inner movement, or still-failing (which is to say, still-learning). That’s how life feels when you’re determined to make a big go of it.


Also this week…

+Had a little girls’ night on Saturday! Wine and all the snacks. I love so many of the pieces I served with — these cute goblets, pinch bowls, and platters from Roundhouse; these lipstick cocktail napkins from Dear Annabelle (15% off with JEN15); this rattan wine bucket from Half Past Seven.

+It was a good hair week this week. First, I had my hair blown out on Wednesday by Glamsquad because I had a few things going on during the day and then had an event at night (reminder: $20 off for new users with code JenniferS and $15 off for repeat users with code JenniferS15), and then I used a combo of this insanely good dry shampoo (currently 25% off) and my new favorite tool, Mane’s thermal brush. This actually works and I’m so excited about it. It is not a wet hair styling tool — it is specifically for refreshing slept-on / day old / two-day old hair — and it does exactly what I’d hoped it would: bends the ends back under while giving body to limp / slept-on hair.

+The first picture below is me on Wednesday, just after my hair was blown out at home, and the second picture is of me on Friday, after I’d used Vegamour and the thermal brush. I can’t believe how smooth and styled my hair still looked!

+Also, you Magpies have such good eyes, because a few of you asked about the blue cardigan I’m wearing in the corner of the “Mane” thermal tool box photo, and it is indeed the Alex Mill Paris one, which is currently waitlist only at Alex Mill, but I found a few smalls and mediums at St. Bernard’s and XS, S, and M at a boutique called Hamilton and Adams.

+And! I just received this mascara and this lipstick (shade: Madame Bovary) from Queen Musia and I’m so, so, so impressed. The mascara is truly the only one I’ve ever used that doesn’t stiffen lashes. You can apply several coats and your lashes still have bend/give to them. It is superb at lash separation. It’s a different look than the one I tend to prefer — which is inkier, longer, more dramatic, but I will be keeping this in the rotation. And the lipstick color is super pretty and matte. I’m wearing it in the blue cardi photo above but not sure it’s a great demonstration.

+Little joys: a book of “not too hard” crossword puzzles. My neighbor said he works on one of these just before bed if he’s not in the mood to read his book, and I loved that idea — screen-free, just enough mental stimulation, but easy to pause and clip out of. I sent this photo to one of my girlfriends this week, and she said: “Welcome to 40! Come on in, we love puzzles.” Next up: a juice glass of red wine after the kids are in bed, in my favorite gingham chair, wearing my current favorite oversized sweatshirt. I don’t know why, but I love the vintage-feel rolled hem. Finally: salt and vinegar almonds from Blue Diamond! (A Magpie reader rec.) These are absolutely delicious and I like that it’s not a chip — a little more protein/sustenance when I’m in a snacky mood.

+Some pretty things this week: fresh powder bath hand towels from Weezie’s Katie Ridder collab; new Lake Pajamas; the Chantecaille rose water spray I’m obsessed with; and new pillows in our living room. We just signed off earlier this year on all of the plans for this room with our interior designer (window treatments, paint, entirely new furniture, lighting!) and pieces are slowly beginning to arrive. One of the details I am most excited about — she ordered a game table for the corner of the room so Mr. Magpie and I can enjoy our little Saturday morning games, or weekend puzzles, out of the fray of the kitchen, where we’re often infringing on counter space that would otherwise be used for lunch, cooking, homework. I can’t wait to share more as it comes together. Our designer had these pillows made up in Cowtan and Tout’s Arabella fabric, with a corded edge in a contrasting sky blue from Samuel & Sons. They were an outrageous splurge (o.m.g. — kids will never be permitted near these pillows, which is OK, because this is for a formal living space) but we are doing a solid colored sofa and they will really make the whole room come together (the other occasional chairs will be uholstered in different fabrics). You can find a similar pillow in the exact pattern on Etsy here, but note that they only have the fabric on the front side.

+One of the threads I loved in the comments on my post seeking life hacks / helpful tips / codes of conduct: many of us do things for our future selves. We fill our water glasses before a run, we close our blinds now if we know we’ll be coming home late; etc. One of the things I’ve been doing is buying one specific gift for all of the birthday parties in a given season — it saves a lot of time because then you’re not scrambling to find something to buy; you know what you’re giving and can even buy a few to keep on hand. This season, I’ve been giving the seven year old girls these water bottles personalized with these vinyl stickers (I ordered a few sheets of all the letters — how cute are the new floral ones?!), and paired with these cute straw toppers. They are such a hit and I like the personalized element — it feels thoughtful. I also keep lots of gift wrap on hand, and one recent addition to the gift closet has been these “gwrap” bags, which are brilliant. No box, no tissue required — just place the item in the bag, fold over, and seal with a to/from sticker. So cute and easy. (Also, MAGPIE10 gets you 10% off Joy Creative Shop! I just ordered some of these to bundle with gift cards for teachers at end of year.)

+Another thing I am trying to get into the habit of doing: prepping lunch for at least 1-2 days of the week on Sunday. We order out more than we’d like for lunches, and it just feels easier to open the fridge and have something ready to go. Last Sunday, I made this simple couscous salad. I think this week I might pick up some good bread and make chicken or tuna salad to have for sandwiches at Monday and Tuesday lunches.

+A big gift to my future self: new luggage for our summer travel! This set is by Paravel and you can save a little bit by ordering the two together. I am starting to begin to get my ducks in a row for summer plans and am excited to have these ready to go.

The Magpie Diary: a weekly reflection sharing what's on my heart and mind.


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What Inspired Me This Week…

+FASHION HUMOR: My girlfriends and I circulated this hilarious reel about jeans this week. “The person that invented jeans: I don’t think you’re getting it — hard pants. Stiff, extremely stiff pants. Instead of moving with you as most clothing does, these will actively fight against you. They won’t really fit anyone correctly. They’re going to be based on the way a toddler draws a human.” We were laughing so hard about her commentary on white jeans, too. (However, she doesn’t know our little secret — these Gap jeans, which are actually comfortable and flattering and opaque and stretchy and slimming at the same time.) I loved reading through some of the comments: “Can we talk about the people who fly in jeans?! I’d be more comfortable flying in a formal gown with corset.” Ha!

+TTPD: Like everyone else, I listened to Taylor Swift’s latest album on repeat all week and exchanged feverish interpretations and hot takes with a few Swiftie friends. The discourse surrounding this album feels exhausting, so I’m loathe to add to it, but I have So Many Thoughts. At this point, despite loving several of the songs and considering the album a representation of her songwriting at its best (the layered and elliptical metaphors! the wordplay!), I don’t think I want to read anything else about this album! That said, and no one asked me, my favorite tracks are “Down Bad” (the catchiest lyrics, but is it about pregnancy loss?), “Alchemy” (I was readily imagining a teen flick about dating the quarterback montage set to this), “So Long, London,” “So High School,” and “I Can Do It with a Broken Heart.” What about you?

+THE SCENT ENCLAVE: A cluster of Magpie readers are highly informed and passionate fragrance afficianados who have weighed in on their favorite scents in the comments multiple times. I finally tried the Le Labo The Noir 29 perfume so many of you recommended and it is divine. Spicey, herby, and sweet, but also very complex — you won’t be able to identify it as “a tea leaf” smell. I was stopped twice this week about my perfume (!) and the first day I wore it, I was sitting in on my son’s speech therapy session and I kept thinking, “Gosh, someone smells amazing.” I realized I was smelling myself! (More Magpie scent recs here.)

+WEEKEND SHOPPING: J. Crew’s new arrivals are amazing! I think we all need this jacket and these pants, but there are so many great finds! Also: 20% off at Kule with code SPRING24. I have several of these striped tees — the best, cheeriest colors! Finally, Phillip Lim is running an online sample sale, and you can get an extra 20% off with 31FRIENDS20. You must check out this incredible dress for your summer wedding / summer event lineup. Originally $725, with code, it’s under $175 (!??!). I also love this white blouse — with code, $108! — as an alternative to a basic button-down. And these heels are SO fun for summer, and on sale for under $100.

+NORA AT SAKS: I love following Nora, a personal shopper at Saks, on Instagram! She offers the most amazing previews of designer bags that will be stocked, or that may sell out before being stocked. (You can DM her to order.). It’s a fun way to see what’s coming up and trending among labels like Loewe, Celine, Dior, etc.

+NEW DESIGNER: I just discovered the Milanese label Emily Levine (seen below) and I’m swooning over everything. I adore this dress, this caftan, and these pants!

+NEW/OLD SKINCARE: About a decade ago, I bought Chantecaille’s splurge-y rosewater spray on the rec of one of my best girlfriends, who was well-informed on all things beauty (and had incredible skin). I remember buying it at a little beauty boutique in Old Town, Chicago. I treasured it and used it to the last drop — I used it for a late afternoon refresh, or to soften/mist makeup after applying — but then felt guilty re-ordering given the price tag so I sort of forgot about it. This week, Chantecaille sent me a box of beauty products and I was delighted to see the rose water spray inside! I had to text my girlfriend to see if she remembered how much we loved it — a full circle / internal reference moment. Funnily enough, by total coincidence, I had Glamsquad do my hair and makeup one morning this week and the artist used rosewater spray to prime my face and then set the makeup! I am excited to reintroduce this product to my routine. I should mention that I have tried a few other less expensive rose water sprays in the years intervening, but none of them compare to the ultra-fine mist of the Chantecaille bottle. A small thing, but a good applicator is half the battle! Chantecaille also sent me their foundation and I am OBSESSED. I typically wear Westman Atelier’s Foundation stick, but this has a great gel consistency that I find easy to blend. It wears like skin, I promise! (A side note: Glamsquad is offering us a code: $20 off for new users with code JenniferS and $15 off for repeat users with code JenniferS15. If you’re local, my two favorite stylists have been Michael A. and Alexsys G. You can request through the app!)

+TENNIS FROM CIAO LUCIA: I loved these sets (and the styling of the shoot) from Ciao Lucia!

+PALM ROYALE: I’m so late to this game, but I really enjoyed the first two episodes of Palm Royale on Apple TV+. The sets, the costumes are fabulous! Making me want to buy this dress, or pants like these.

+ORDERED / ARRIVED: A few items I was particularly excited to order and/or receive this week: my Mane thermal brush (stay tuned for a full review), this Mille dress, this Anthro bag, some new whipped undergarments from Negative.

What You Loved This Week…

+A lot of conversation via DM and email about my diary on slowing down. One Magpie wrote: “My Dad is in the hospital and my mom, who I call the bopper because she bops from thing to thing and can’t sit still, has struggled to let some balls drop. I read about POLR the other day on your blog and we’ve adopted it as our mantra. Several times a day, one of us will stop the other with POLR and we reconsider the necessity of what we’re doing.” I thought that was so beautiful — sometimes a mnemonic, or mantra, can really help us stay a course, tow a line, etc. ICYMI, “POLR” is the acronym Mr. Magpie uses for “Path of Least Resistance.” When things are chaotic, there’s too many balls to juggle, and we find ourselves stretching to do something unnecessary — i.e., cook an elaborate meal, drag our children somewhere, etc — we’ll call out “POLR!” and let ourselves off the hook. The other mnemonic Mr. Magpie uses is “DNE,” as in “Do Not Engage.” If someone is acting salty, short-tempered, pushy, bizarre when we’re out and about, he’ll glance at me and say “D.N.E.”)

+Another Magpie responded to the same post to say: “I expected grief to be emotionally exhausting, but what I didn’t expect was how physically exhausting it would be. I slept so much in the two weeks after we lost Adam and had to slow down. My body demanded it, even while my brain was telling me to stay busy, be productive, etc.” Amen to this! Our emotional lives are so deeply integrated with our physical ones.

+On a lighter front, this Tuckernuck dress was the most popular item I featured this week. A perfect summer wedding guest find, and around $300 — even less if you use code YOUROCK for 20% off. This incredible SPF-packed primer/serum came in a close second. A perfect summer base layer for your face. BTW, RMS gave us a promo code — 20% off with Jen20. All bestsellers below…


P.S. Random thoughts on John Mayer.

P.P.S. Lots of amazing new Shopbop finds!

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*I took my usual Doen size in this — an XXS. I am typically an XS but I find sizing down at Doen works well for me. This dress is short — I’m 5’0! More photos of me in it here. You do need static guard for this dress!!!

P.S. Do you date your spouse?

P.P.S. How do you plan a great vacation?

P.P.P.S. Words we avoid.

We compiled all Magpie recipes into beautiful cards for your kitchen! Get the recipe card collection in your inbox here.

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It’s a bold headline, but I’m willing to risk my reputation on this: below, the only margarita recipe you’ll ever need. I think this at-home marg is better than about 90% of the margs you’ll find out on the town, and at least in the same register as the elite, top 10% percentile. I’ve had friends write to me out of the blue saying “just thinking about one of your margs,” and once, we had friends over for a taco dinner, and one of them asked me to demonstrate how to make it twice in a row, mainly because he wanted seconds, and then thirds.

Magpie Margarita

2 oz blanco tequila (I like G4, but Espolon is another favorite, and less expensive — has a vegetal pepperiness I like)

3/4 oz Cointreau

1 oz fresh-squeezed lime juice (non-negotiable, must be fresh squeezed; for best results, strain the lime juice through a fine mesh sieve to remove all pulp)

1/4 oz agave (I go a hair over the 1/4 oz line when measuring because it’s difficult to get every last drip of agave out of the jigger)

1/8 cup salt mixed with a pinch of sugar

Pour the salt-sugar mixture onto a small, flat plate. While squeezing the limes, reserve one juiced lime and rub it around the rim of your rocks glasses. Then invert the glass onto the salt-sugar plate to rim it. Fill with ice and place glasses in the freezer.

Pour tequila, cointreau, lime juice, and agave into a cocktail shaker and fill with ice. Shake vigorously for 13-15 seconds. The shaker should be frosty on the outside, and your hands should be very cold. Strain into frosted, salt-rimmed glasses.


*Note: A standard set of cocktail tins can easily make these in batches of two at a time. Just double all ingredients. I shared all my favorite cocktail gear here, but we like the weighted cocktail tins from Koriko (large, small); the angled jigger from OXO; and the OXO strainer.

**Above, I’m serving our margaritas in Half Past Seven’s starry night rocks glasses. They just released in a bunch of fun colors. These are the perfect marg class IMO — I love the heft and the thick lip!


+More great cocktail recipes here, here, here, here.

+Kitchen gadgets and gizmos we love.

+The stove works for you, and other lessons learned from cooking and entertaining.

Shopping Break.

+Have been wearing these woven dad sandals a lot this week. So fun and surprisingly comfortable. Upgrade picks: these LRs, these Pradas, these Sandros. If you’re over dad sandals and are intrigued by the fisherman sandal trend, DV has you covered there, too. (Upgrade pick: Prada.). Final note on DV: love their platform sandals, which remind me of the Chloe Namas (<<somehow 30% off when added to bag, as are their popular sneakers!)

+OK, I ordered both the VB shorts and the Agolde ones I was talking about here and loved them both! I sized up one size in both for a looser fit and would advise doing the same. I am definitely keeping the Agolde ones (tags are already off and I wore them out and about this week), but also love the VBs…just don’t know that I need two pairs of white/off-white jean shorts and think the Agoldes are more versatile. The fit is SO GOOD. I swear I tried these on a few years ago and hated the way they looked on me. I love them now! Strongly rec you add to your summer wardrobe.

+I wore my Agolde shorts this week with my denim Ferazia VB blazer (available on TRR here, or in a chic black lace on sale here; similar denim collarless blazer option here) and my Margo tee. I meant to update you on the COS tee everyone has raved about — it runs SO short. And I am short! Would not advise for anyone taller than me — I find I’m just tucking and re-tucking all day long, and it’s already been demoted in my t-shirt drawer. I prefer my Margo day in and day out!

+Speaking of the Margo, Leset released this tee in a maxi tee dress format!

+The Agolde shorts would be so cute styled with this just-launched textured lady jacket from J. Crew. (I’m kind of dying over the idea of pairing it with the matching skirt?! Also love in red?! AHHH.)

+Which brings me to: J. Crew’s new arrivals are incroyable. LOVE the aforementioned textured lady jacket, this gorgeous linen midi, these pants in the stripe, this puff-sleeved top, and this cap-sleeve top, which feels like such a clever twist on the basic white tank we’re all reaching for when styling statement pants / skirt!

+Speaking of basic white tanks: this one is a good one. It’s a good thickness with a nice, tight weave.

+I have a couple of items sitting in my cart at Vuori: this bra (love the neckline), another one of these Halo crews (I love this as a top layer over a tank top — perfect weight and shape), and maybe these bike shorts? Bike shorts look so cute on other women but I’ve never found a pair I really love. I’m guessing Lululemon would be a safe bet here — I noticed they have different lengths and great colors in their amazing Align material! Do you have any bike shorts you love?

+I did end up ordering a few of the Negative pieces in the fun maritime stripe. For context: I solicited Magpie input on the best undergarments, and the results are here. I included two of my favorites: Negative’s whipped boy shorts — spendy for underwear but I promise they’ll be the ones you reach for first after laundry day — and these inexpensive racerback bralettes, which work with so many necklines / armhole situations and are ultra-comfortable. Then Laura Reilly wrote about building a “no skips underwear drawer” and I decided I should just order myself more of the Negative underwear I love! I also ordered the scoopneck top and bra, all in the maritime stripe.

+The colors in this Zimmermann are beyond. Imagine with loose hair and a strappy flat sandal.

+Earlier this week, I raved about the Crown Affair mask and now I want to try more of their products, including this dry shampoo that several people I trust have been talking about enthusiastically. However (!!!), I just discovered Vegamour’s Dry Shampoo on the rec of Emese Gormley and I was totally blown away. It really, really, really works. I have been using everyone’s favorite Living Proof dry shampoo (I discovered this via the flood of recommendations that came from you Magpies!), but I have started to really hate its smell. I’m not normally sensitive to scent but I cannot STAND that one?! I even started looking into hair fragrance to mask it (this was sitting in my cart until I realized I was being kind of insane about the smell of the dry shampoo). Anyway, Vegamour’s works incredibly well — dare I say better than LP? — and the smell is more tolerable. It’s currently on sale for 25% off. Strongly rec!

+Metier’s tote bags are beyond gorgeous, and so unexpected. I’ve never seen one “out in the wild”!

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I’m deep in my recon phase for the children’s warm weather wardrobes. I usually spend a good week scouting out options and then prioritize my favorites and order. I used to be much more scattershot about this, but have learned the hard way that this is how you end up with six adorable smocked dresses and no everyday shorts.

A few items I’m seriously considering…

01. Everyday dresses: gingham TBBC Polly Play dress (my daughter has lived in these for several summers and counting); strawberry Little English dress; this Minnow; polo dress; this Pink Chicken.

02. Dressier dresses: this Smockingbird, this Little English, this Minnow, this Pink Chicken, this J. Crew.

03. Lounge sets: H&M, Minnow.

04. Shorts: CPC Kids! My daughter has lived in these every summer since she was two. I like to pair with the polos from Lacoste (<<on sale here; love the scalloped collar detail) and RL. (BTW, Macy’s and Dillard’s consistently have the best run of sizes and colors in RL and Lacoste polos. I frequently order from these outlets because of this. Macy’s is running a Friends and Family sale and it’s a good time to stock up on staples like this that rarely go on sale.) NB: I find Lacoste runs small and short (I size up) and RL runs a bit slim for girls and TTS for boys. For more casual wear, my daughter loves denim shorts from Zara and Gap. Of course she loves a graphic tee, and the ones I don’t mind come from J. Crew and Danrie! And since she’s hot on the tank top, I’m eyeing some of the patterns here.

05. Sports/camp: I’ll have to do a separate post on this as I’ve not yet adequately dug into this shopping area for my daughter, but I did just buy her a few of the performance tanks and shorts from new-to-me brand Azarhia. Apparently they outfit various summer camps! I liked the patterns — a bit more interesting than Adidas — and my daughter had been begging me for “tank tops” (!!). I also loved their tennis skirts but our tennis court has a strict all-white policy (down to the soles of the shoe). Also like this tennis dress, and we’ve had really good luck with J. Crew Kids’s activewear collection. I think we own nearly all of the pieces from it, mostly in white. The fit is good, and I like the restraint on the styling (just a white tank; just a white skirt). I also just discovered the brand Set Athleisure, which seems to have more polished sportswear, and of course I love this iconic tennis dress from Lacoste and the simple, unfussy performance-wear separates from H&M.

06. For footwear, mini has already been living in her Natives (purple because it’s Taylor Swift’s favorite color), and she’s been begging for some flip flops. I think I’m going to buy her a pair of Tkees. I love these for myself. Zara also has a really fun, fashion-y take on the Teva here and here. (For littler feet, I love a jelly sandal! So practical for kids who splash through everything. I used to buy mini Igor jellies — it’s a European brand and the colors and quality are fantastic — but also love this Gap style, and mini owned this $20 pair a season or two ago and loved them, too.) For a classic, timeless look: Salt Water Sandals!

P.S. The night my daughter returned to me in all of her ages. Still find this moment so moving, and think of it often.

P.P.S. Long days of parenting.

P.P.P.S. Motherhood multiplies.

This week, I had the strangest bifurcation of experiences as a mother. In the first, I patted myself on the back for my “anticipator” ways — that is, I found myself well-prepared for multiple last-minute outings. I had wipes when needed for sticky palms, emergency snacks in good supply, a new coloring pad when my son was acting up in Church, and a bandaid when I accidentally pinched my son’s finger in the carseat. (Of course, no bandaid was actually needed; it was serving its critical ancillary role as a placebo mollifier — well known to mothers the world over.) I also perfectly timed a convoluted mom life sequence: picking up my children from a half-day at school; identifying and driving somewhere that would both serve an acceptable lunch for my children (no small task, as they are picky) and offer snacky provisions for a girl’s night I was hosting the following day; and then arrive at my son’s rescheduled speech therapy session, and all within an hour. I say this not to showboat, but to demonstrate how far I felt I’d come in my matrescence. There have been countless instances where I’ve forgotten the bandaids, or reached into the wipes bag to find it dry, or been too stressed by the logistics of a multi-stop trip with young children to even undertake it. (As recently as six months ago, I might not have attempted the lunch-and-provision-shop stop with my children.) And so I found myself pleased with my own progress. It felt this week that I’d successfully contemplated not only Plan B, but Plans C, D, E, F, G, and showed up with the needed supplies. My sister and I often talk about a scene in “One Fine Day” where George Clooney’s daughter complains she’s hungry, and he fishes in his pocket and finds an unappealing tic-tac before Michelle Pfeiffer retrieves a blueberry muffin in her Mary Poppins handbag, saying “Here you, go sweetie.” For decades, we’ve clung to the enshrined model of prepared motherhood from that scene. As I’ve learned these past seven years, though, it takes a Herculean amount of effort to live out the Michelle Pfeiffer paradigm, and sometimes those ministrations are wasted. (For example, it’s happened to me that I’ve arrived somewhere with carefully cut fruit that has gone uneaten and then rancid in the car. And what if Clooney’s daughter hadn’t pilfered for the muffin? Would it have gone stale in her bag? Even the weatherman gets caught in the rain.) Let me be real, too: sometimes those preparations are a waste of not only supplies but energy. How badly do you really need a bandaid, a water bottle, etc? These are nice to have on hand if needed, but you can usually run into a CVS, ask a stranger for help, use something else to tide yourself over, wait the ten minutes until you’re home. (These are not life or death circumstances!) Would I rather lose five or ten minutes pre-packing for every possible contingency or make do should something arise? I’m haunted by the thought that everything I do is displacing something else. Perhaps that’s an unwanted scarcity mindset view, but isn’t it true that I could either spend my precious time preparing for every possible scenario and securing all needed supplies, or I could spend that time…writing, being present with my children, taking a walk outside? Which is to say, doing the things that make me feel whole?

At the same time. I do know this about myself: I feel most confident when I’m over-prepared (learned trial by fire style from my pitching, management, and presentation days), and I’m not the biggest fan of last minute surprises. As I like to remind myself: Be as you are. In a sense, my preparations are an act of love to my future self–even a kind of self-care. I know I’ll feel better, calmer, more equipped if I have my little emergency kit ready to go. And so I was proud of myself this week — both for having what my children needed when they needed it, and for feeling “settled into” this phase of motherhood.

A day after these “hurrah!” sentiments surfaced, I took my daughter to the pediatric dentist to have a cavity filled and sealants put on her teeth. I had hardly slept the night prior. I hadn’t been able to put my finger on what was bothering me, but I tossed and turned all night. As I sat next to her little form in the dental chair, I put two and two together: I had been deeply anxious about her treatment. I found it agonizing — almost impossible to watch — as the dentist worked. I shifted in my seat, I wrung my daughter’s stuffed animal, I said a decade of the rosary — but mainly I stared at my daughter’s hands, which occasionally flexed in pain or surprise and then relaxed. Clocking her gestures made me feel in some panicked way as though I could step in if signaled.

I wrote a few years ago about how I’ve found some moments in motherhood unexpectedly hard on the heart. I wrote: “…motherhood is like that, I find: the tiniest tug might lever the most enormous lurch of the heart. Sort of like fishing, I think: a little nibble, you reel, and you might find a whale at the other end of the line.” I’d gone into the dental office expecting minnows and instead caught a big fat whale. I didn’t even know those cetacean emotions were brewing, but now I see their headwaters clearly: a string of high-stress dentist visits with mini when she was younger (I described one such recently, where my daughter began flinging implements around the room), a lot of dental work in my own childhood (much less comfortable then than it is now — I didn’t have nitrous for cavities! I also had a molar removed while I was awake and not sedated in the least and it sends a shiver of dread down my spine when I think about it); and a recent incident in which my orthodontist’s partner unexpectedly filed my teeth down while I was sitting in her chair. (This was during my Invisalign treatment — the best gift I’ve ever given myself.) It didn’t hurt, but it was unexpectedly triggering. I’d had it done many years before, when the technology was more barbaric, and had found the experience painful and the results unattractive. So that day the orthodontist unexpectedly filed down my teeth, I sweated through all my clothes (right down to my underwear), sprinted to my car, and wept at the wheel. Another whale at the end of the line.

My point, though, is that I was unprepared for the dentist office moment this week. I was shocked by my own jumpiness. Here I was, wringing a stuffed animal and white knuckling it through ten Hail Marys, and the intensity had emerged out of thin air. My post-mortem proves the opposite, of course — that there are deep roots at play that explain my reaction — but man! Just another day where motherhood took the wind out of me. Just another whale to sling over my shoulder. I spent half the week celebrating how well I’d anticipated what was needed of me as a mother, and then Tuesday’s emotional vehemence came like a bolt from the blue. Motherhood continues to humble, doesn’t it?


+Motherhood is full of permutations of love.

+“I can think of several lives worth living.”

+What does lunch look like for you?

Shopping Break.

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+Part of my “prepared mode” as a mother: keeping the bottom shelf of my studio closet stocked with mom bag staples. This includes: 1) a mini pouch with bandaids, sanitizer, neosporin, and sunscreen (we love Supergoop); 2) a snack pouch; 3) a big plastic bin of rotating activities — I’ll pull out a few at a time for Church, travel, appointments, restaurants, car time — and I usually keep a good supply of Usborne sticker books, Melissa and Doug sketch pads and activity books, this Crayola marker set, and Plus Plus pieces (these little zippered pouches are great for storage); 4) Cutter wipes during bug season; 5) a change of clothes and often a change of shoes depending on what’s in store. The Natives see a ton of wear in summer — you just can’t beat their design! — and I like the little co-ord sets from Zara and H&M, as they require no matching/planning; 6) Wipes — I’ve been using Honest lately. When they were younger, we’d go through so many wipes, I’d buy them in those enormous bulk bags and decant into a wipes dispenser.

+I rotate between mom bags, but I often carry my Goyard, this Altuzarra (holds a surprising amount), LL Bean, or, for bigger outings, the Calpak seen above. It’s a great day trip bag, thoughtfully designed with interior slots and pockets and a separate compartment for shoes. It’s currently 15% off.

+I just updated my Magpie promo code page — a few great brands extended us codes, including Freda Salvador, RMS Beauty, and Mille! If there’s a brand you’d love a code for, let me know via email or comment and I’ll try to get one for us.

+$22 pareos in great patterns. I also like to wear these as scarves with white tee and jeans.

+Hunter Bell releases the most fabulous, fun vacation pieces — they always sell through quickly as she releases in small batches. I love this dress and this one!

+Just got on the waitlist for this popcorn seasoning. Another (even easier) way to serve up fancy popcorn: this truffle kind you pop at home. I just ordered a few boxes as I like to keep these on hand as little hostess gifts.

+Immediately ordered Emily Henry’s newest book. (I really enjoyed this one last summer.)

+Just started using this Chantecaille foundation a few days ago and am madly impressed. WOW. Really looks like skin and has a great gel texture to it.

+A fab Zara score. Also love this patterned shirtdress. Perfect with a polished brown leather sandal.

+Two trendy shoes I keep thinking about: these platform sandals and these platform espadrilles.

+Fun Gap find for $60!

+If you like Lizzie Fortunato’s chunky gumball necklaces, you might like this $50 look for less.

+These sandals for girls are so fun.

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I few fab little finds that turned my head recently…

01. Mignonne Gavigan shell earrings. I own and LOVE these (seen above, with this Hill House dress, my Celine sunnies, and these heels). A big statement (they’re oversized) and a fun way to amp up a party look. They’re a mid-weight — not super heavy but not super light — but the French backing makes them easier to wear than your standard clip-on. Currently on sale! Sadly, these are sold out at Mignonne Gavigan itself, but I do have a code there for 20% off with JEN20. I just ordered these flower hoops from them, too! (Code works on them!)

02. Rainbow sarong. Also love these ones from Cesta, but they’re 2x the price.

03. Shell phone wristlet. This was so popular, it sold out and is now available for pre-order! I have one of these wristlets from this brand and they are like jewelry!

04. Pam Munson clutch. I love the frayed flower! Adds interesting texture and dimension to a look.

05. The Jacksons tote bag.

06. Lizzie Fortunato necklace. I’m OBSESSED with everything they’ve released this season, but especially this green shell, this turquoise heart, these flower earrings, and these drop earrings.

07. Call It By Your Name bandanna bag. All the cool girls are wearing!

08. Gold bangle set. I’m imagining throwing this on with white jeans, a white tee, and one of my Hermes scarves for a little bling statement.

09. $30 raffia earrings. The perfect pop.

10. Pearl cord necklace — fun to layer in with your usual stack.

11. Cult Gaia clutch.

12. Amazon sunnies!

13. Loewe crossbody bucket. The colors!

14. Teleties hair clip.

15. Gucci crochet bag.

P.S. My gift closet must-haves. I just added a few items to it, including these genius “gwrap” bags from Joy Creative — they require no tissue, no box, and come with a little to/from sticker that you use to seal the top.

P.P.S. Kitchen must-haves you might not own.

P.P.P.S. The art of letter writing.

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Q: Date night dress!

A: You must try the Doen Jewel (seen above)! So saucy and chic. Runs pretty short — I’m 5’0, FYI! — but otherwise take your usual Doen size. I’m usually an XXS in their dresses, which is what I took here and it fits perfectly. (I am typically an XS. If you’ve never ordered at Doen, I’d go down a size — most of their styles are loose fitting.). I’m very into the slip dresses at the moment. I also just received this polka dotted Rixo and I’m obsessed with her! Will be wearing on a date with Mr. Magpie this weekend!

Q: Two dresses for a 10-year college reunion in DC at the end of May. Dress code one night summer cocktail and other is smart casual. Will be 14 weeks pregnant.

A: Fun, and congratulations! For summer cocktail, I’d consider this Coco Shop, one of the Fanm Mon Lorr dresses, this Mille, this SEA, or this Celia B. I’m pretty sure all of those would accommodate a 14-week bump! Pair with practical shoes — something you won’t be teetering around in. I love these daisy-studded mules for summer cocktail affairs. Knowing it’s in Georgetown might mean you should wear something with a block or platform heel instead of something spindly (all the brick!) — something like this or this! For smart casual, I’d probably still wear a dress. Something like this Parterre, this Mille, this Hunter Bell, or a Julia Amory caftan with Ancient Greek Eleftherias or something like this.

Q: Cute sneakers for my son.

A: I’m currently eyeing these for mine! He also loves these NBs — he’s owned in a few colors. Very comfortable and easy for him to get on/off himself.

Q: My son is graduating from college and I would like to get him a money clip. Help please!

A: So sweet. Congrats mama! Tiffany is a forever gift, and you can have it engraved with his initials. However, if that feels a bit precious for a college grad (!), Leatherology has a handsome brown leather one that you can emboss with initials, and it’s under $50. I’m not sure if he’s specifically asked for a money clip, but I would also suggest / contemplate getting him one of the needlepointed card cases from Smathers and Branson so he can safely carry ID, card, and cash in one place.

Q: How does the RMS compare to Goop Glow?

A: The RMS product is more concentrated and gel-like — a dab to work in all over your face. RMS acts like a primer, blurring and adding glow. The SuperGoop Glowscreen feels more like a tinted moisturizer to me, and you need more to apply all over the face. It’s a bit more lightweight and creamlike. Similar products that blur the line between skincare and makeup! Both are excellent. The RMS is my current favorite for layering beneath concealer/tinted moisturizer. It does a great job of creating a smooth, glowy surface to apply makeup on top of.

Q: Can you share your desk setup or inspo or products? Feeling the need to revamp my very commercial office space.

A: I feel you! I shared thoughts on designing a work space to cultivate creativity here. These pinboards are also really great ways to introduce color, inspiration, pattern to a depressing space. You can pin up pretty paper, invitations, quotes, hang tags. Ballard has some options for this, too.

Q: Do you have any dress recommendations for a Derby party? I’m seeing people I haven’t seen in 15 years, thank you! 

A: Fun! I like something punchy and preppy-ish, like this hot pink, this La Ligne, this Fanm Mon, this CeliaB, this Rhode, this Hunter Bell, this Borgo de Nor, this Emilia Wickstead. Or go for a set like this Farm Rio (top, bottom).

Q: Dress for a summer wedding by the beach? On the more formal side and not too fitted.

A: The gowns from Taller Marmo and Bernadette (this, this, this!) are spectacular and loose-fitting. Pair with a strappy sandal, updo, big earrings, and small clutch. I also love this patterned floral dress and this Agua B.! If you’re after a black dress, go with this La Ligne!

Q: Bump friendly dress for the summer. Maxi or midi length with sleeves and under $200.

A: I think you’re looking for the Anthro Somerset dress! Such fun patterns. Quince also has an “inspired-by” dress in solid colors for under $100. Marea also has some gorgeous breezy caftans to consider. And finally – check out Julia Amory’s sale section for dresses that are around $200 (some a tad over) but well worth the overage IMO — these are pieces you will wear pregnant or not and can be dressed up or down. I especially love this caftan (I own in a lime green — can be worn unbelted), this Majorelle (so soft and breathable), and this shirt dress (polished perfection).

Q: Blue dress for my best friend’s wedding. Oregon in August. Solids preferred, or small pattern.

A: So sweet! This ALC or this L’Agence if formal; this Ref or this Self Portrait if cocktail.

Q: Matching swimsuits for twin toddlers (one boy, one girl), not Minnow.

A: Have you seen Dear Georgie? I love this sting ray pattern (girls’ version here).

Q: Sunday Mass dresses for my seven year old — not too frilly.

A: I have been eyeing some of the cute pieces from Pink Chicken. I feel like they’re a little less “frou frou” and more fun (my daughter’s in the same camp as yours on this matter). The Kelsey dress comes in cute prints, and I also love the colors in this style. Minnow also has some great options — this floral, this stripe, this gingham.

Q: What are the cute moms wearing to t-ball this summer?

A: I’m new to this world, too! I’m learning that t-ball practice and games require practicality — you are dusty, you are standing grass, you are swatting at gnats, you are sweating. I wore my Birks and a Mille Saffron dress and regretted it. Honestly, leggings, sneakers, and a t-shirt are the way to go. I’ll probably be wearing my Beyond Yoga set, Adidas sneaks, and either a sweatshirt (obsessed with this one) or a long-sleeved tee over top (I love my Vuori Halo — it is the perfect weight and shape — or would opt for something like the Ayr Morning tee or one of these destination tees) this weekend. Don’t forget the Cutter wipes.

P.S. Getting ready for sunny days ahead.

P.P.S. Maintaining wonder as a parent.

P.P.P.S. On navigating weepiness after sending my son off to school.

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A few statement pieces that have caught my eye recently…I’m actually wearing the Alemais dress seen above to an oyster fest tomorrow night! I’ll be styling with these daisy-print mules.


You can shop all of my Shopbop hearts here.

P.S. My favorite white jeans and white shorts for warming weather.

P.P.S. A delicious cocktail to go with these summery looks.

P.P.P.S. What’s your intention for next month? I’ve been finding myself intuitively going into each new month with a specific intention/word. (Here was April’s.)

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A roundup of launches, sales, and finds I’m into at the moment…

01. Soldout NYC’s iconic (and very popular) Everything Shirt was restocked in all sizes over the weekend. This has been out of stock and then be available for preorder only for weeks now. I’ve written extensively about this shirt, but the quality is insane, and something about the fit/silhouette/material make it look like it could be a prestige designer (Tom Ford?). Trust me, you’ll feel like a million bucks throwing this on with jeans.


02. Sezane launched a beautiful assortment of giftable items over the weekend. I am loving the quilted pouches and bags in the D. Porthault-esque blue heart motif (also comes in pink). So sweet for a new boy mom. Would be great for baby gear (toting pump to/from work?), throwing extra gear when heading over to grandma’s house, etc. Also love this La Mamma tee and these fun gingham socks! All such unexpected, quirky, fun finds to give or treat yourself to.




03. Speaking of Sezane, for my fellow D.C. area girlies, Sezane is opening a pop up shop in Georgetown May 3 through early 2025. (Address: 1211 Wisconsin Ave NW, Washington, DC 20007.) Nice to have the option to try their pieces on for size.

04. Veronica Beard added some amazing pieces to their sale section, and I have to say — of all of the pieces I’ve acquired over the past year or two, my VB jackets and blazers are among my most-worn and most-treasured, and there are some great jackets included in the sale. I put mine on with a tee and jeans and immediately feel pulled together, polished, and styled. I was just thinking about this as I moved my fall/winter clothes out of the way for my spring/summer ones, and realized how much I adore each one, and how much wear I get out of them. If I’m uninspired, I pull one out and immediately feel better (part of my “hero dressing” philosophy). Some standouts from the current sale section: this black lace stunner (I own this style of jacket in a different material and it’s probably my favorite silhouette — slightly longer and therefore more elongating on me), this variegated tweed (love the buttons), this navy leather (!!), this cream blazer (so crisp), and this zippered blue beauty.


05. Speaking of VB, I just ordered a few items: their white shorts I wrote about last week with various styling ideas (will style when they arrive!) and one of their classic navy blazers. I’ve wanted a new navy blazer for awhile, and it feels like a smart investment that will stand the test of time forever. I’m imagining wearing with white jeans, a white tee, and leather sandals as we continue through this chilly spring.



06. Pistola Denim is running a Friends and Family sale that launched this morning and will run through 4/29. Inspired by Nicole Cassidy, who told us that jumpsuits are in for the season, I styled this chic jumpsuit last week (seen above). I was stopped by three different women asking about it! I took an XXS and it’s a tad snug. Still works as it has a good amount of stretch, but would probably order an XS if I hadn’t taken the tags off already (oops). In other words, take your true size (don’t size down as I did) in this. I wore with my Dans La Main Seagrass Kelly, La Ligne Jack sweater, and Chanel flats.


I have also been getting a lot of wear out of these utility pants (also come in a basil green and a fun pink. These run a tad north of TTS – they’re a bit big – and have a good amount of stretch. I love them and wore to Mass on Sunday (see below) with one of my VB blazers!


07. G. Label launched in 2016 and they just released a fab collection relaunching their favorite pieces from the past eight years. I own several G. Label pieces and they are fantastic, well-made, elevated wardrobe staples. This belted cardigan is one of my week-in-week-out mainstays. Ultra soft and the belt adds definition/interest. I find this a bit more wearable than the popular Jenni Kayne Cooper sweater since I’m petite — I love the look of the Cooper but the sleeves/shape are so oversized on me. This striped shirtdress from the G. Label collection would also be a forever piece.


08. This is not a new launch, but it is new to me: have you tried Crown Affair’s Hair Renewal Mask? O.M.G. As you know, I’ve been focused on hair health and hair styling enhancements this year. Mally Goldman said at some point over the past year that “the key to a good outfit is good hair,” and I realized how true that was, and how much better I feel when I have a good blow out. I’ve been doing a few things this year to have more “good hair days.” First: I’ve been applying Mielle’s $13 rosemary-mint hair oil and Anablue’s hair serum (15% off with JEN15) every few days. I apply a dropperful of each and massage into my scalp, then an extra bit worked into the ends of my hair. I tie my hair back in one of these terry scrunchies and let it soak in for an hour or sometimes longer if I’m going to workout/run. Then I shower as usual. Second: I’ve been trying different hot styling tools. I like this T3 Airebrush as an upgrade to my Revlon — it achieves a better result than the Revlon because it’s more powerful and I think holds better tension with the hair strands. I’m also eagerly awaiting the arrival of this thermal brush to use on day old hair — a Katie from Beach Reads and Bubbly rec. I plan to treat myself to the Dyson AirWrap after I hit a personal milestone (hopefully soon). Third: I’ve been getting more at-home blow outs using Glamsquad! It is such a treat to head into a weekend when I have a few different plans on deck with great hair / without having to worry about styling it myself. (Reminder that code JenniferS = $20 off for new users with code JenniferS and code JenniferS15 = $15 off for repeat users.) Finally, I just discovered this hair mask that did absolute wonders on my tired, probably over-styled hair. My hair literally changed textures?! It’s so soft and fluffy and voluminous and tangle-free. I’m astounded! Will absolutely be working this into the mix.

09. Laura Reilly wrote a great post on building a “no skips underwear drawer.” So brilliant as I think we all have pairs of underwear we routinely avoid wearing until we absolutely have to, or bras that “are fine, but not great.” She introduced me to a few brands/styles I’d never heard of. I also wanted to re-share this collection of Magpie-reader-recommended underwear and bras to contemplate. I know they’re pricey, but these whipped boyshorts from Negative are my absolute favorite to sleep in, and the number of readers who upvoted Natori’s Feathers bra led me to dig mine out and I’ve been loving them! They are truly the most comfortable underwire, and they give the best shape/silhouette. Several of Laura’s readers recommended Gap’s reasonably priced line of “Breathe” undergarments and I’m going to give those a shot, too.

10. I can’t get these new Loewe straw bags in the fun kiwi color out of my head! Love the oversized straw tote and also the mini bucket. Also released in a punchy strawberry pink!

11. Julia Amory has promised us the Betty dress in new prints for summer — I am watching like a hawk and will buy! I do like their black batik pattern (still in stock) but am holding out for something colorful for the season ahead. I just pulled out my Majorelle caftan and look forward to wearing it a lot in the coming weeks. So lightweight and easy to wear.

12. I’ve never purchased from here before, but I came across this jewelry brand called Luna Skye and I’m obsessed with two of their necklaces — both are fine jewelry, but are somehow on sale at the moment. I love this flower necklace (would be so chic layered in with other pieces) and this diamond-flecked mushroom necklace reminds me of some of the pieces from Brent Neale jewelry, at a lower price point. I feel like both would be so fabulous mixed in with my every day lineup.

13. One of my favorite fashion Instagram follows, Mary Glenn McElveen, just launched a collab with Dillard’s. I know Magpies have had mixed experiences with the quality of these launches, so take that into consideration, but I adore this vest — reminds me of the one I have from VB, or the Posse one popularized by Sofia Richie. You can buy on its own or with the matching skirt. (You can see M.G. styling it below.). Another option for styling white shorts!

P.S. That time Caroline Kennedy made me feel like I was somebody. (A true story!)

P.P.S. If you’re still enduring cold weather (it is currently 38 degrees outside…), I really enjoyed your comments on what you love about winter here.

P.P.P.S. Spring finds for children.

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I bought a bunch of new beauty products as a part of the Sephora sale and couldn’t wait to share thoughts on them, along with a few other orders sprinkled in here and there.

+Hourglass Concealer Brush. Hands down the best purchase I made last month. This really works — dabbles/blends concealer seamlessly without picking up much product. The perfect angled/shaped bristles, and the perfect stiffness. Brushes are never exciting to buy but this is a worthy addition to your kit. I use it daily and don’t know why I didn’t upgrade sooner. I had been using the Merit brush but it was really too bulky to get into the inner eye, so I’d frequently use my finger. This solves that problem! Strong rec. All my favorite makeup brushes here.

+Nars Afterglow Blush in Dolce Vita. I bought this on the ecstatic recommendation of Tinx, and am…so so? It’s a sheer and buildable formula that I never seem to get just right. It’s either invisible or too much, and I don’t think it has great staying power. Wah! I wanted to love this so much. I’ll keep using and seeing if maybe it works better when I’m tan / when I blend with bronzer?

+Charlotte Tilbury Blush Wand in Pink Pop. Much more pigmented, with much better staying power than the Nars — use with a cautious hand. I really like this product and the sponge applicator, which I think makes application much easier — it’s like the perfect diameter to apply just enough and not too much with each dab. I still think I prefer the blush balms from Merit and Goop over this wand, but I will keep it in the mix. The color is a pretty coral-peach-pink that makes me feel fresh and summery. Overall, a solid but not “OMG RUN OUT AND GET IT” product.

+Sweed Miracle Powder. Oooh yes. I love this powder! I don’t always apply a powder, but for nights out and/or days I’m wearing a full face of makeup, this is a fabulous, translucent, glow-enhancing, make-up-setting wonder. I just noticed it’s starting to sell out. I take the fair color.

+RMS Hydra Bronzer (20% off through today only). I have been a decades-long devotee of Guerlain’s Terracotta bronzing powder but this is just as good, maybe even better because it has more glow/glimmer to it, which I like, and it’s about half the price. Very similar formulas that look super natural on. Cannot rec enough. I often wear this over the Chantecaille bronzing gel. (Also, if you’re shopping at RMS, take advantage of the 20% off sale and add this blurring SPF serum to cart. It is SO good and such an unusual product — I’ve never tried anything like it. It walks the line between skincare and cosmetics, offering a blurring / priming / glow effect while also offering sun protection.)

+Goop 72-Hour Hydrating Water Cream. You know I must try all new Goop products (all my favorites here)! This is a good, rich hydrating cream. I find it’s a bit heavy for me right now and often prefer the RMS luxe cream over it, so I put it in my second drawer to save for winter or any “omg, dry skin!” moments.

+Nars Radiant Creamy Concealer. Good, solid concealer. Offers decent coverage but I don’t know why it’s labeled “radiant” – I feel like it reads very flat/matte on me. I’ll use this until it’s done but I’ll continue to test for alternative everyday liquid concealer. I love the Cle de Peau but find that’s my favorite product for touch ups, undereyes, and redness around nose (it’s SO expensive — it feels wasteful to use all over?). I often want a liquid base to cover the entire eye area and lid and any other imperfections first, and then come in with the CDP as a top layer/final perfecting swipe. I think I’ll try either the Hourglass concealer or Saie’s new radiant concealer next. Probably Hourglass first, given how highly I think of their brush!

+Coco + Eve Bronzing Face Drops. I’m pretty scared of tanners (color always looks orange on me, plus hate the smell), but the Coco and Eve sent me a few of their products, and I surprised myself by liking this one and using it a few times this month, specifically when I was first breaking out a few sundresses and felt ultra-pale. The drop formula is lightweight and easy to use — without a strong smell. (I wouldn’t say it’s totally scentless, but it’s not the typical smell you think of.) I’ve used this a handful of times this month and have been pleased with the results: I blend two drops into my moisturizer and take my time working it all over my face. This feels like tanner with training wheels — not scary. They also sent me their bronzing foam and I plan to try for an upcoming event. Stay tuned! (Also, they offered us 15% off with code MAGPIE15.)

Currently testing these products or waiting impatiently for them to arrive — you can expect thoughts on all of these in my next installment:

+Mane Thermal Round Brush. Katie of Beach Reads and Bubbly has been loving this product, and she shared a screen grab from one of her readers who wrote in to say it’s changed her life — her day-old hair looked incredible! I was specifically pulled in because my biggest hair styling woe is that no matter how aggressively I use a round brush / round heated tool, and how much spray I use to keep it in place, the ends of my hair always get weird and either go jagged-straight or flip the wrong way, and I hate it so much! All I want is a smooth bend inward, and all my hair wants is…to not listen. And it’s not even consistent! 1/3 of my hair will bend outward, the other 1/3 inward, and the last 1/3 stick straight with no bend at all. Anyway, this is exactly what I’ve been looking for — a tool to tame my half-day-old hair, or day old hair, so that it bends back into place. A curling iron has never worked for me because it’s too…precise? Like, you have to just awkwardly curl the very tip under and then there’s a weird kink, or it’s too curled under. Anyway, stay tuned! I will report back.

+L’Ange Glass Hair Spray. (I just discovered this is also carried on Amazon!) I was totally sold on this product from this marketing video. Ordered on the spot.

+Queen Musia Mascara with Lash Growth Extract. I saw someone rave about this on Instagram and wanted to try. I was drawn to the fact that the lash growth ingredients are plant-based (plankton extract), and the mascara is clean.

+Roz Milk Hair Serum. All about the hair care at this time in my life! Have heard such good things about this and you know how I feel about Roz products — my favorite. 15% off with MAGPIE15.

Did you try any standout products because of the Sephora sale (or just in general, recently)? Please share reviews (good and bad) in comments!

P.S. More recent beauty discoveries and reviews here. Still loving those YSE exfoliating pads. SO GOOD. I’ve been using heavily the past week — needed to really refresh and wake up the skin.

P.P.S. Under-$20 beauty buys — this was a super popular post! Some great recs in the comments, too.

P.P.P.S. Catch and release — an essay on writing.