
The Magpie Diary: October 22, 2023.

By: Jen Shoop

UPDATE: I’ve selected a winner for the bag of beauty goodies using a random number selector online. Marty (chepinzon@optonline.net), I’ll be emailing you for your address! Thanks for entering. Will do this again soon!

If you want more Magpie, you can subscribe to my Magpie Email Digest for a weekly roundup of top essays, musings, conversations, and finds.

The most entertaining thing I read this week: the sharp, borderline-throwaway-but-brilliant observations and insights about Taylor Swift and music snobbery in this essay from Tom Cox, an author and music critic. I thought those of us who engaged heavily in the conversation subtitled “what is it about John Mayer?” would appreciate. By the way, I did tune into a few of the live Mayer performances you recommended and found this one, where he’s playing with B.B. King, riveting. Is B. B. King…irritated? with John? Is he being upstaged and outperformed? Maybe the interaction is a cute routine, or maybe it’s more authentic. Either way, Mayer seems/plays oblivious, positively vibrating with a “put me in, coach!” energy. It almost seems like he has to physically restrain himself from jumping in at points, his fingers sliding over the fretboard in hungry anticipation. The video aligned with my preconceptions that a) Mayer is a true musician’s musician: it’s the music gets him up and running and b) he might be kind of obtuse or unaware in the company of others? What might it be like to live life that way? I’m not asking this from a moralist standpoint, but from the perspective that I am always so engrossed and invested in the way others are feeling and expressing themselves that I sometimes strangle my own feelings on their way out. While we’re talking John, a Magpie wrote to implore me to listen to his live album, “Where the Light Is,” recorded in front of a live audience in LA in 2007, and I am obsessed with it. I’d heard most of the tracks over the years, but never end-to-end. His voice has a particular huskiness to it in this performance — the recording set-up? a head-cold? that phase of his vocal life? — that invites a new level of intimacy into his lyrics. That Magpie and I had a side exchange about the fact that we both find his performance of “Free Falling” better than Petty’s — don’t hate us! (I’m scared to write that out loud.) If you doubt this, or, hell, if you agree, you might enjoy watching him perform it live in 2009 in this recording. He’s totally playing to type in the delivery — the smirks, the way he sings “I’m a bad boy,” the unusual pronunciation of “mama,” the way he moves his eyes around during the lyrics. Woof. Is it hot in here?

Anyhow. In the essay, Cox speaks openly about his appreciation for (nay, love of –) Swift, ostentatiously asserting that “Blank Space” is the best pop song of the 21st century, and he goes on to write:

 “In terms of genre-switching and remaining relevant, she has already eclipsed Madonna while simultaneously being the Joni Mitchell you can dance to and the nearest thing you could feasibly ever get to a one person Beatles in an era when musical forms are no longer constantly, rapidly reinventing themselves but technology and language are.”

He notes that these perspectives rattle cages, especially among “serious” music people, who feel “let down” by his tastes and are “horrified that I was enthusing about what they perceived as throwaway records liked by teenage girls.” He writes, in reply:

“But musical snobbery can take many different forms. I’ve encountered cheesy pop snobs – people desperate to demonstrate how fun and radical they are by browbeating you in an entirely funless way about all the cheap throwaway songs they like and of their blanket intolerance for any music they view as highbrow or experimental – every bit as thunderingly pretentious as indie snobs or jazz snobs. There are some people who go to such lengths to try to show the world that they are not musical snobs that they invent their own different kind of musical snobbery in the process. In the end, the type of music getting weaponised isn’t the problem. The problem is using a type of music to try to assert your superiority over another human being.

This felt deeply familiar to me in an adjacent space, as literary tastes have also been “weaponised” in several of the circles in which I’ve traveled in my life. In graduate school, one of my classmates said “We’ll throw in some Foucault for fun” while talking about his syllabus as a T.A., and my stomach clenched uneasily. This was not the kind of person with whom I would feel comfortable enthusing about the latest thriller I’d stayed up reading, which is to say: this was not the kind of person I could be myself in front of.

Over cocktails a few weeks ago, a new friend of mine “admitted” (her words) to loving sci fi novels. “So dorky,” she apologized. I could have thrown my arms around her in joy. Be you! Be weird! I went on to baldly state that I’d much rather be friends with someone with a niche interest and a private passion than someone who can’t name a single thing she’s “crazy” about.

Which leads me to —

I attended a high school established by the nuns of the Visitation, an order that was founded by St. Francis de Sales and St. Jane de Chantal in 1610, in Annecy, France. (I mention Annecy only because I was lucky enough to visit while studying abroad in France, and it was a deeply meaningful, if confusing, excursion.) One of St. Francis’ famous sayings became something of a school motto for us Visitation girls:

“Be who you are, and be that well.”

It’s incredible, what the repetition of words can do for you, imprinting themselves on you in spite of your most fervent teenage denials. I did not live my life according to their principle as a teen, but my God, have they come in handy in the years since.

Be who you are. Be that well.

Not too far afield from “What do you want to be known for? Deliver those things with excellence.” And also: “Be an expert in yourself.”

Be you — be weird — be it well.

Also this week…

+A propos of Taylor Swift, I shared on Instagram that I’d been enjoying a delightful speculative side text with my friend Caroline about Traylor (we were zooming in on the smudged lipstick in this photo), and so many of you wrote to say how much you’ve been delighting in following their dalliance. One said: “IDK why but their budding romance brings me such joy. Did I really need glimmers of hope that much?! I guess so LOL.” I totally get this. First, I think so often we trivialize female joy (an element Cox references above, and unpacks a bit more in making the point that female listeners have often been the core demographic for important music phenomena, like the Beatles, Elvis, etc), and why shouldn’t we love following the story of a girl who many of us love falling in love? Second, she is so good at giving her audiences what they want — two albums during the dead months of COVID, juicy lyrics about her famous love affairs, revenge songs…! Surely the publicity of this romance is partly intentional, and we are thankful for that. Below: me in my Swift tee with my girlie on our way to the Eras concert in theater, and my girlie in her boots and tee.

+The photo at top and below: I just learned about the cutest brand called Match South. They make these adorable vintage/collegiate framed matchbook prints, and they sent me the perfect UVA one to add to our little “gallery table” in the front foyer. It has lots of objects/curios on it that we’ve collected over the years and I love having Virginia spotlighted there, too — it’s a big piece of my love story with Landon. More than just a backdrop, really: the place is woven into our romance. Like, The Biltmore is where I first called him “baby,” as I wrote about here, a landmark of love. Anyway, these would be a good gift for a graduating senior, or for a husband/boyfriend, or just as a way to commemorate a college experience you loved.

+The John Derian x Target collection is SO good. My pieces arrived and I’m obsessed. The mushroom plates would make a great seasonal hostess gift, but I’m keeping mine! They are so fun even as trinket dishes, decor, etc. I also ordered the melamine turkey plates/cups for my children’s Thanksgiving table. The plates are a great size and will work for general fall use. My MIL ordered these napkins, and my friend Nan got this tray and tablecloth and I think I might go back for all three! Below, you can also see some of my table linens from Christina Dickson (such great fall patterns! — use code MAGPIE20 for 20% off) and my favorite scalloped rattan tray from Half Past Seven, which was sold out for awhile and now restocked. It’s a great, gracious size (larger than you might think) that is perfect for a bar or coffee table.

+My two most-worn bags at the moment: this Madewell (love the size, strap length, big buckle, and magnetic closure! — and under $200!) and the APC Small Grace bag I eyed for months and months. She’s the perfect shape and has a Celine vibe at 1/3 or 1/4 the price. I noticed that Gilt has this bag in black on super sale and Bloomies’ carries it in a delicious burgundy color that is currently 30% off.

+Goop launched a limited edition collection of its favorite beauty products in honor of its 15th Anniversary, and the packaging is spectacular. These would makes such pretty gifts for a girlfriend, wrapped up in cello. (More thoughts on gift wrap here.) I especially love the idea of gifting the GoopGlow exfoliator, which is one of my favorite beauty discoveries this year (you can read a full review here). I’ve received a lot of PR packages with beauty products this month. I test some of them and give some away to friends, but I’d love to give some of these away to a Magpie reader. If you’d like me to send you a little package with some goodies in it, leave a comment? I have no other way to democratize the selection process. I’ll just randomly select one of the commenters on this post and ship to you. Random side note: below, you can see the edge of my HHH hotel robe. I love it. I get more use out of my Weezie robe (thinner — easier to maneuver around my day / caring for kids / wash the dishes with it on!), but there are those days where you are cold to the bone and ultra-fatigued, and just need to pour yourself into a fluffy, thick, plush hotel robe. And this one is it.

+Lord help me — this boy has me wrapped around his little finger like none other. The age is too cute for words, and I am having so much fun dressing him — something I did not expect out of boy mom-hood. Below, he’s wearing Gap cords, a Gap denim shirt, this fleece vest, and tiny Birk Boston lookalikes.

+I will write more about this soon, but on Thursday, I was able to hear Ann Patchett speak at the Library of Congress (in conversation with celebrated children’s book author Kate Di Camillo, known especially for Because of Winn Dixie, The Magician’s Elephant, and the Mercy Watson series, which several of you recommended for mini a few months ago). I was nearly shaking with excitement. She is a true literary hero of mine, and I know many of you treasure her, too. (As evidenced by my enthusiastic reviews of Dutch House, Commonwealth, and Tom Lake, and your equally effusive comments.) She was just as delightful, brilliant, insightful as I’d expected, and absolutely wonderful on the dais, which is not always a given, if you think about it. Writers are good at communicating on the page, but presenting oneself charmingly, in real-time, in front of a live audience is an entirely different kettle of fish. I have a lot of thoughts tumbling around from the conversation, but I did want to pass along a couple of book recommendations that she was deeply passionate about: Margaret Renkl’s Comfort of Crows (coming out on Tuesday, October 24) and Alice McDermott’s Absolution (coming out on October 31). She specifically said that McDermott has been shortlisted for the Pulitzer three times in her life, and that she staunchly believes she will win it with Absolution. Paying those notes forward! I think I’ll read Absolution next.

+To hear Patchett, I wore the Mother jeans I raved about earlier this week (details on sizing, etc there) with this SEA top and my new Modafleur earrings. When I shared this photo, my girlfriend (who has been singing the praises of these jeans forever), sent me a text urging me to order the same pair in this lighter wash, which she described as “not too light, not too distressed, just right.” A good everyday pair. (PS – yes, I am carrying my beloved UBeauty Lip Plasma. She goes with me everywhere.)

+Final note. A few items on my shopping shortlist at the moment: this Cara Cara dress, the aforementioned John Derian x Target tray, this Parterre dress, U Beauty’s new tinted super hydrator, this Veronica Beard topcoat, these suede tall boots (love the heel and shaft heights — good price, too!)

If you want more Magpie, you can subscribe to my Magpie Email Digest for a weekly roundup of top essays, musings, conversations, and finds. Subscribers will be getting a surprise Thanksgiving treat in their inboxes next week.

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92 thoughts on “The Magpie Diary: October 22, 2023.

  1. Thank you for your contribution to my joy every day. My girlfriend told me about your blog after I was talking to her about my upcoming appreciation about being an empty nester. Your writing is beautiful, taste impeccable and suggestions always enjoyed! I would love a sample package from you but wanted to let you know how much I look forward to opening your email every morning!

    1. Tracey! Thank you SO much for the incredibly sweet note. I’m so glad we’ve found one another. You made my week with this sweet note 🙂


  2. love these diary snippets, thanks for sharing! throwing my hat in the ring for the generous offer to pass along beauty samples. we’re in the throes of a two week (and counting) household rotation of toddler/daycare/autumn sicknesses and sleepless nights over here and some treats to make me feel more like myself would be so appreciated.

    1. Ugh – thinking of you, Erica! The spread of colds/bugs/strep/flu/etc among the children this time of year is SO hard. I swear my children have runny noses from October-May. Hang in there! You’re where you need to be. Give yourself lots of grace — and an extra dessert or glass of wine or whatever you love at the end of the day.


  3. I borrowed that APC bag from RTR years ago and loved it! You’ve now reminded me how great it is – adding to my Christmas list!

  4. I am also fascinated by that BB King / John Mayer performance! I read BB’s facial expressions less as annoyance and more as a bit of a schtick with mutual respect. It seems like John begins with a stream of compliments for BB, at one point comparing his playing BB’s music to stealing from him. BB is reacting to John’s flattery with a bit of embarrassment, covering his face at one point, seeming to say, “stop with the compliments and get on with the music!” Ultimately it feels a bit like a conversation between a father and son to me? BB is nodding approvingly, giving a couple thumbs ups, listening to what John is playing, and responding with relaxed mastery. And John can’t get his notes out fast enough, eager to play with this legend? And holding his own IMO!

    The essay on musical snobbery rings so true! Someone else in the comments below mentioned Taffy Brodesser-Akner’s piece in the NYT about her experience at the Taylor Swift concert, and +1 to recommending it — it’s a hoot.

    1. I totally get this read, too! I did notice the thumbs up and nodding along. Maybe I was projecting how I’d feel — haha! 🙂

      Going to read that Brodesser-Akner piece!!


  5. Count me in 🙂

    I love these posts! An excellent read for the weekend when I can spare some time away from the kids.

  6. I, too, love dressing my son. I had no idea the joy little button downs can bring! Thank you for the offer to share your spoils with one of us!

    1. Yes! The tiny button-downs…! Why are they so hard to button though? My son immediately turns into an off-balance serpent, writhing and stumbling around while I am trying to do up the buttons!


  7. 1. John Mayer forever. Have you read Andy Cohen’s books? His stories also make Mayer seem like a super nice guy!

    2. Wholly agree that having niche interest (like your friend who likes Sci Fi) makes for so much more interesting convos and relationships. A new friend is obsessed with butterflies and now I love learning about them and think of her every time I see one.

    1. Love the butterfly friend! Your note about “thinking of her every time I see one” reminded me of the way our lives become mosaics of the people we love. Think about how often a word, an image, a piece of candy, a song immediately conjures a loved one throughout your day. It’s so beautiful.


  8. Your son (and his outfit!) is adorable. You are so right … there are so many fun, stylish options for boys now. I used to think having a daughter one day was the only way to exercise that styling muscle on a mini-me. But the current options available for boys (and the example above) prove me wrong.

    P.S. Thank you for offering to share your beauty goodies with your readers. Crossing my fingers for the giveaway.

  9. I love the target thanksgiving items! I’m preparing to host my first friendsgiving at my home in Virginia (doing my best to make it a worthy trek for my DC-based grad school friends!) and am getting some great hosting inspo both from these new items and perusing the blog

    1. Yay!! So glad to hear this! I’m so impressed with the quality of that Derian x Target collab. Such great, fun, whimsical buys at reasonable prices.


  10. Fellow Visi alum who loves St. Francis De Sales. My dearest friend collects bee trinkets as a reminder of that quote. It’s a treat to connect with snippets of my former hometown life.

    1. It was such a smart comment, and really unlocked something in my own thinking about those experiences in which my tastes/preferences feel “lowbrow” or “less than” or “dismissed.” Says nothing about us!


  11. These thoughts on music snobbery (and as extended to snobbery about decor or food or literature in particular) resonate with me! I really enjoyed Taffy Brodesser Akner’s recent essay about Taylor Swift fandom in the NYT.

    Also very excited about the new Alice McDermott book! Her novel The Ninth Hour from several years ago was so well-written and still comes to my mind occasionally.

    1. Cannot wait to read the TS essay – two recs for it in these comments!

      I’ll be reading McDermott along with you!


  12. If you need a good gift for a fellow reader – or if you need a suggestion for a gift for you! – Ann Patchett’s bookstore, Parnassus, has an amazing First Editions Club. There’s a few versions – adult (usually fiction, I believe Absolution is the November pick?), young readers, and YA – and all books come signed and with a great letter from either Ann or someone at the store about that month’s book and why it’s so amazing. Also – one of my favorite anecdotes about Ann is that she haaaaaates tip-in signatures and has each and every First Editions author sign their books by hand and for real. (Unless there’s a very good reason, i.e. the pandemic or having a hand condition like Barbara Kingsolver.) She’s made TOM HANKS hand sign thousands of books twice now!

    1. This sounds like the BEST gift, which I may have just gotten for myself, and now have penciled in for a few others.

      1. YAY! It’s so so fun, and I love that you get insight into what everyone is reading (Ann primarily), and that you can guarantee fun mail at least one time a month. Plus it usually means you get invited to events – they’ll do a Zoom link to author events for the books on occasion, and they usually do these great holiday Zooms and IRL gatherings where all the booksellers tell you about their favorite books and answer questions on specific recommendations. If you really REALLY want to nerd out on Parnassus, they have a great blog too – https://parnassusmusing.net/, complete with monthly book recommendations for both adults and kids, AND ShopDog content.

  13. Hand raised for a potential package, please! Can’t believe you got to see AP and KDC in one go–literal dream team.

    1. I was SO starstruck. Good thing I didn’t have occasion to speak to them – I’d have been seriously tongue-tied.


  14. How gorgeous is that goop anniversary packaging? Almost too pretty to use! Also, I eagerly look forward to your review of the ubeauty hydrator as I have my eye on the non-tinted version as a Bader alternative.

    1. SO pretty. OK, I’m already obsessed with the tinted hydrator. It delivers such unbelievable hydration and shine and the slightest bit of coverage. I am going to use thoroughly for at least two weeks before a full review but early indicators are HIGHLY POSITIVE. I feel more effusive about this than I do the Bader I’ve been using the past few weeks.


  15. Not a Swifty, but I’m still having fun following this story — I think bc it feels a little like the plot of a romance novel/rom com!

  16. I don’t think I’ve ever ordered a book faster than I just preordered Absolution. I love hearing what my favorite authors are reading and oooh I’m fascinated by the inside baseball Pulitzer prediction!

  17. I just got Hustlers too! Non-stretch — which I love, I might need to get that Anthropologie color too though…

  18. I must admit to always being somewhat judgmental when I hear someone belittle Swifts lyrics. It has almost a misogynistic slant to me, as if they are saying that feelings and emotions are neither valid nor worthy of being shared. If they insist she only writes about ex boyfriends, I suggest they google some of the many “Is it Swift or Shakespeare” quizzes which my English major daughter directed me towards. As for music snobbery, Jason Isbell recently declared her one of the best lyricists of all time!
    Signed, a 50 year old converted Swiftie

    1. Hi Sandy! LOVE this note, and love in general the instinct to bat away judgment over something as subjective as music/cultural/literary/artistic preferences. I agree that there’s something disturbingly dismissive in some of the talk about T.S. that makes me feel like all girls and their emotions are being waved away.


      Fellow Swiftie

    2. OMG YES, I have so many thoughts on this. I most definitely don’t hear the same commentary when groups like the Jonas Brothers or whomever write about their exes. Also – not to derail this from TSwift, but if you’re a fan of Jason Isbell, or his general thoughts on life/music, he was on Pod Save America a few years back and had a lot to say about The (fka Dixie) Chicks and everything that blew up when Natalie made her commentary all those years ago. It was refreshing to be backed up by a) a guy, and b) someone also in the music industry.

  19. Have you tried the goop retinol eye patches? I keep seeing them and am in desperate need for eye patches that work!

    1. I’ve not tried those! I generally avoid retinol because it hasn’t played nicely with my skin in the past. I do have and LOVE these ones from Jillian Dempsey. They really hydrate and brighten. They’re like my SOS when I’m going into an event with no sleep, looking haggard…



  20. The sweetest part for me this morning is when I saw your little boy. Took me right back to when my sweet boy was that age (only a few years ago) and how I loved to dress him! You’re right, I expected that joy of dressing my daughter but quickly discovered dressing a boy was just as fun. His little Gap jeans, little gray tshirt with a baby Gap bear, a sweater, and his Freshly Picked Moccasins. Always love reading your diary entries!

    1. Aw – Jessica! Your recollection of your son’s gray t-shirt and mocs is so precious. I’ve hung onto pieces like this that are just locked into my memory of my children at specific ages. I don’t know what I’ll do with it all, but I can’t bear to part ways!


  21. Did you hear that Goop recently announced an affordable line in collab with Target? I’m so excited! I love Goop products, but they’re not inexpensive. That said, I’d love to be in the running for the giveaway!

  22. Between John Mayer and Ann Patchett, our kinship feels so strong in this post! My friend and I took her 10yo and a pal to the Eras film this week and as a purely occasional/recreational Taylor Swift listener, I was fascinated by the both the apparent bat signal she puts out for teens, but also the production value. There’s a big piece in the NYT mag this week, im only partway through but it’s a chaotic and funny account of seeing the show IRL.


    1. I love how many Magpies love Mayer and Patchett. They’re two major parts of the fabric of this community and I’m trying to tease out why. I think their introspectiveness? Their way of observing the minutiae of love, life, people? Artfulness?


  23. I remember first listening to John Mayer on Brown University’s radio station while in high school (living in the general area, their station was known for the best “alt” rock and I felt so grown up tuning in as a young melophile) – the lyrics and songs of that first album always bring me back in the best way. As with anything in life, like what you like!

  24. I just finished reading Tom Lake. Ann Patchett is such a gifted story teller. How wonderful to have some new reading recommendations directly from her! Glad to hear you love Mother jeans, they are so darn comfortable and cute too.

    1. It was SO special to hear what had really made her excited in her own reading stack. Like hearing straight from the divinities.


  25. What a treat to see two amazing authors at once! Have you checked out the Lil’ Mother jeans? The name is slightly cringy, but I’d love to hear your take on Mother’s petite offerings.

  26. The appeal of Traylor is semi inexplicable to me but I think it has to do with Travis even more than Taylor — something about that match tones down the “mastermind” vibe of Taylor that so many hate. Comedian Jared Freid has a theory (I think it popped up on DeuxMoi’s Instagram from her podcast) that a Tight End is the perfect player position to date Taylor because he can be a star (score touchdowns) and block in order to let someone else score (and be the star). Insert mind-blown emoji here!!!

  27. I have the exact lighter wash Mother Hustler jeans and agree they are my favorite wash at the moment! Easy to pair with light and dark tops. I am passionate about the Hustler jeans – I own 4 pairs at this point!

  28. Please count me in for the giveaway! Love your blog, particularly your musings on motherhood, which so resonate with me! Thank you.

  29. I’m hosting brunch for 10 in Georgetown this afternoon to celebrate my daughter’s 17th (!) birthday. I was going to wear a dress but after reading this post I’ve decided to wear my Mother jeans and a fun top – lovely inspiration here about what to wear, as always!

    1. SO jealous. So, so jealous. I really had tried to move mountains to see him while in Baltimore but couldn’t make it happen. Sighhhh. Which was his best song? Any other insights/observations? What was the crowd like? The people (me) need details!

      1. Yes! We went in Baltimore. He opened with Slow Dancing in a Burning Room which I think is maybeeee his best song, and it was special. He played so many good ones though — Stop This Train, Why Georgia, Neon, Gravity, In Your Atmosphere…

        I was impressed by how he commanded the stage solo. I really didn’t feel the absence of other musicians. At one point he played the guitar and piano at the same time, and another time the guitar and harmonica. He played for 2+ hours straight through with barely a break. His talent on the guitar was SO impressive.

        Finally, I was struck by how he came into himself when he started signing. At with most live performances, there was some banter, speaking to the audience, etc, which I loved, but he was almost…awkward? Reserved? Maybe awkward is too strong of a word, but he transformed when he began the song. He seemed most comfortable when performing his music. You mentioned his faces in your prior essay and they were in FULL force! It was fun to be in the presence of his obvious passion and talent.

        1. AHHH. Thank you for this detailed response. I loved every detail! Slow Dancing = probably my favorite song too. It is electric! My brother in law refers to songs like that as “straight fire” and that song is, truly, in “straight fire” territory.


  30. Please count me in for the beauty lottery!

    I will admit that, while I am not anti-Taylor, I just don’t get the national fascination with her. I don’t change the station if her song comes on the radio (am I the only person under 60 that listens to the radio?? Haha) but I have never actually listened to her on purpose. I chuckled when I saw someone post a meme that said “If Taylor swift was playing in my bathroom, I still wouldn’t go.” But I’m not that hard-core myself 🙂

    1. You’re counted!!

      On your disinterest in Taylor: to quote another Magpie in the comments: “as with everything, like what you like!” I admire my friends who have seemingly contrarian opinions on beloved performers like Beyonce, Taylor Swift, Harry Styles, etc. I love a hot take. And I just love anyone who knows what they like and aren’t afraid to say it! Thanks for sharing a different take!


  31. Wow- Ann Patchett and Kate DiCamillo together! That sounds amazing. Love your blog- especially that it is more literary than most I read. Love the beauty and fashion recs too.

  32. One of my favorite ways to wake up on a weekend morning is with a cup of coffee while reading your blog. You have a way with words that is so comforting, and I always enjoy reading your essays on the multitude of topics you cover because they are thought provoking and stimulating while also being an easy escape. I would love a chance to win some of the goodies 🙂 You have such impeccable taste and I always trust your recommendations- thank you for all your work!

  33. On weekend mornings when my daughter wakes me much earlier than need be (and brother still asleep) she returns to her room to read (life changing!) and I open up to leisurely read the Magpie 🙂 so many interesting topics today. I’d love a chance to win something new, put my name in the hat for the beauty token please. Cortney

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