I’m back with more icebreakers! I know we all love this series. I absolutely treasure reading your answers. (You can read — and respond to! — previous installments of our icebreaker series here, here, here.) Here are this month’s —
01. What is the backstory behind your username (or if you’re more of an offline Magpie, one of your nicknames)?
02. Something that made you swoon recently.
03. A “dead giveaway” you can’t help yourself from noticing in other people. This could be something like — “I always know someone’s a fellow mother when…,” “I instantly know if someone worked in the service industry when…,” or “I get a leftie vibe from someone whenever…”
04. What do you like less and less as you get older?
05. What do you like more and more as you get older?
06. Vending machine snack pick.
07. Your best scar story.
08. Habit you’ve picked up from a loved one that you now can’t shake.
09. Popular food combination you can’t stand.
10. Something that moved you today.
Copy and paste this list into a comment below with your responses!
I’ll go first!
01. What is the backstory behind your username (or if you’re more of an offline Magpie, one of your nicknames)?
I initially chose the name “Magpie” because of the myth that magpies are drawn to shiny objects. When I first started this blog (previously titled “The Fashion Magpie”), I was hunting for and curating pretty things, and the magpie seemed like a sound avatar. I later learned about more resonant characteristics of the bird, including the fact that they can thrive almost anywhere and are incredibly resilient; are tolerant by nature; and are voluble in their vocalizations. I associate with, or aspire to, a lot of those traits.
02. Something that made you swoon recently.
“Blue Valentine,” with Ryan Gosling and Michelle Williams. The movie is gutting, but there’s a scene where Ryan Gosling’s character has been thoroughly dressed-down by Michelle Williams’ character’s parents, who clearly think he’s unqualified to be dating her. RG says: “Look, I know I’m not good enough for you,” and she says: “No, stop saying that; it hurts my feelings.” He says: “No, but no one is good enough for you. And as long as that’s the case, I’d like the job.” (…!!!)
03. A “dead giveaway” you can’t help yourself from noticing in other people. This could be something like — “I always know someone’s a fellow mother when…,” “I instantly know if someone worked in the service industry when…,” or “I get a leftie vibe from someone whenever…”
Being married to a man who studied electrical engineering, I can almost always pick an engineer out of a lineup. It’s the way they approach problems — everything broken down into smaller parts, then arranged sequentially, including simple things like “let’s order wings and a few sides for everyone coming by on Sunday.” He’ll turn this into a series of estimates and measurements, arranged incrementally — “OK, how how many wings per person per hour do we expect them to eat?”, “how many wings come in a single order?”, “what are the volumes of the side dishes in ounces?”, “how many ounces of food would look like a normal amount to a normal male when arranged on our plates?”, “how many sides does the average person want?” Also, they love problems in general; they thrive on them. A Magpie recently wrote that the quickest way to mobilize an engineer is by saying, “I wonder if we could do this more efficiently?”
04. What do you like less and less as you get older?
Being busy.
05. What do you like more and more as you get older?
So much. 1) People’s idiosyncrasies — I feel like your teens and 20s are a cult of normalization. Now I’m drawn to people who do things differently, who have weird passions. 2) Poetry — used to feel overwrought and academic; now it’s a major creative lifeblood for me. 3) Places I don’t need to perform, and can just let my whole self hang out. 4) Looking out my window — who knew how much time I’d spend looking through the glass, asking Landon ‘whose car is that?’, commenting on birds, observing the weather?
06. Vending machine snack pick.
Chips of any kind. I love a Frito.
07. Your best scar story.
Generic, but my c-section scars! I don’t love the way they look but they brought me my babies. (BTW, I always feel the need to add: they are routine, but C-sections are intense!!! A major surgery, and you’re awake, and the recovery is brutal.)
08. Habit you’ve picked up from a loved one that you now can’t shake.
Cooking / preparing food by weight. Mr. Magpie (engineer!) uses a scale in everything — even measuring how much cream to put in my coffee and how many ounces of kale to put in our morning smoothie. Now I do the same, too.
09. Popular food combination you can’t stand.
Strawberries and chocolate. It never tastes right to me — yuck.
10. Something that moved you today.
Mr. Magpie mentioned that one of his colleagues had just suffered the loss of a beloved pet, and asked whether he could send my essay on losing our dog to him, as a gesture of solidarity. I was standing in my husband’s office next to him while he was asking me this, and I happened to glance at his computer and see the exchange he’d had with this colleague about the death of his cat. The colleague had written: “The apartment feels so empty without him.” My eyes filled with tears. I remember that painful silence too well — for weeks I thought I heard Tilly’s paws, her collar, and would strain for her footfall and displeased grumbling growl whenever the mailman approached. If you are in similar shoes: it does eventually get easier. But those early tender days are rough seas.
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+This chic short anorak just launched at Everlane and is already selling out. Love the red.
+These TB sneakers caught my attention. The colors are fun.
+Love a great white tee — the mild mock neck on this one makes it interesting.
+A perfect casual sweater jacket.
+Quince just launched their bestselling $60 cashmere crewneck in a stripe! While you’re there, you might consider this white maxi skirt — great look for less for Doen’s Sebastiane.
+Such a sweet storage solution for a nursery.
+Loving Boll & Branch’s new scalloped duvet options! Contemplating snagging a new set for spring. Such great colors!
+Back to jackets: this butter yellow utility jacket is selling fast, too…look for less with this!
+Look for less for my fav SLVRLAKE wide leg crops.
+Chanel vibes with this Zara steal.
+Gorgeous monogram applique toiletry bag.
+Obsessed with these whipped track pants. You’ll never want to take them off.
+Perfect spring/Easter Mary Janes for your little love.
+My daughter’s first communion isn’t until April but I think I’m going to grab this dress. It’s so beautiful and I feel like such a classic that it will sell through!
01. What is the backstory behind your username (or if you’re more of an offline Magpie, one of your nicknames)?
It’s just my first and middle name, but, Clare is actually my grandFATHER’s first name… we’re just a little Irish! ha!
02. Something that made you swoon recently.
03. A “dead giveaway” you can’t help yourself from noticing in other people. This could be something like — “I always know someone’s a fellow mother when…,” “I instantly know if someone worked in the service industry when…,” or “I get a leftie vibe from someone whenever…” The way lawyer’s speak and lay out their thoughts, even in “smaller” issues. One of my best and oldest friends is an attorney, and a while back we were discussing something and I said, hey just because I’m not a lawyer you don’t have to talk down to me! He said, no, I don’t mean to talk down to you, I think you’re very smart…this is just how I talk now! LOL!
04. What do you like less and less as you get older?
Keeping up with the Jonses
05. What do you like more and more as you get older?
The ability to not care so much what other people think of how I look, and telling the people you love them, then, right now.
06. Vending machine snack pick.
07. Your best scar story.
The first time I lived at/volunteered at an Indian orphanage, we had homemade Indian food for breakfast, lunch and dinner. Such a treat, and labor of love! But, after 3 or so months of homesickness, one of my rooomies received a care package from her Mom back in CA, including a can of CA olives. I whipped out my Swiss Army knife, stabbed holes around the edges of the top of the can…then my finger. We hastily wrapped up my finger, finished those olives in short order, then I had it properly treated by the nurse. I still have the scar on the tip of my index finger, at 45! Best olives ever, no regrets 😉
08. Habit you’ve picked up from a loved one that you now can’t shake.
09. Popular food combination you can’t stand.
cilantro and onions!
10. Something that moved you today.
A FB memory from my pre-k class a few years ago…. they made a list in circle time about how we treat our friends….
“Be best friends to everyone”….”Treat their bodies nicely”… “Give them a hug”… “But also ask if it’s ok to hug”… “Forgive everyone”. Gahhhhhhh!!
Love these! OMG the olive story, yikes!!
And I love how so many of us have talked about caring less about what other people think as we grow into ourselves 🙂
01. What is the backstory behind your username (or if you’re more of an offline Magpie, one of your nicknames)?
So boring it is just my name!!!
02. Something that made you swoon recently.
My husband cuddling with our geriatric cat ( who had been sick this week and make a turn around!) sweet boys!
03. A “dead giveaway” you can’t help yourself from noticing in other people. This could be something like — “I always know someone’s a fellow mother when…,” “I instantly know if someone worked in the service industry when…,” or “I get a leftie vibe from someone whenever…”
You must be in business if you talk about goals, OKRs and Quarters Q1, Q2.
04. What do you like less and less as you get older?
I hate to leave my house! I just want to stay home!
Also, anything loud , crowds especially!
05. What do you like more and more as you get older?
Cooking, reading and quiet time at home.
06. Vending machine snack pick.
Twizzlers or Doritos.
07. Your best scar story.
When I was 8 , my mom let us to go to the pool ( with lifeguards). I did a back flip off the diving board and hit my head! Big scalp laceration on the back of my head!
08. Habit you’ve picked up from a loved one that you now can’t shake.
Saying “I love you” anytime we part.
09. Popular food combination you can’t stand.
Orange and Chocolate. ICK.
10. Something that moved you today.
Today was my first daughter’s 17th birthday. 17!!! 17 years ago I became a mom and my world changed forever.
Love the Q1/Q2 callout! I’ve definitely noticed this, too. And the things you like less and less as you age — yes! Loud, crowds, etc! I’m such a grump in those settings!
01. What is the backstory behind your username (or if you’re more of an offline Magpie, one of your nicknames)?
I’m an offline Magpie with no real nicknames but as a little girl my Great Nana would occasionally call me Nicky. I haven’t thought about being called by that name in a long time but it brings back a rush of good memories. Thank you!
02. Something that made you swoon recently.
My husband and I recently moved back to the city where we met and last weekend we went back to our first date spot. We hadn’t been there since but here we are eight years later back in that city, married, and with a two year old. Fun fact – our daughter’s birthday falls on the same day as our first date.
03. A “dead giveaway” you can’t help yourself from noticing in other people. This could be something like — “I always know someone’s a fellow mother when…,” “I instantly know if someone worked in the service industry when…,” or “I get a leftie vibe from someone whenever…”
I don’t know that I really have something for this one. Although sometimes I do have a gut feeling or premonition for when someone is going to get engaged or announce a pregnancy.
04. What do you like less and less as you get older? Eating out and staying up late. I love being in bed by 9:30.
05. What do you like more and more as you get older?
Grocery shopping!
06. Vending machine snack pick.
I can’t remember the last time I used a vending machine so it might depend on what I’m in the mood for… Sweet – Butterfingers, always. Salty – cheese Ritz Bitz. Soda – Pepsi or Cherry Coke
07. Your best scar story.
A small scar on my toe from slicing it open on either my sandal or my best friend’s sandal while leaving a Justin Timberlake concert many years ago.
08. Habit you’ve picked up from a loved one that you now can’t shake.
Being very particular about the loading of the dishwasher (inherited from my non-engineer dad).
09. Popular food combination you can’t stand.
Dipping pizza crust in ranch/hot sauce/honey. My husband does this and claims it is a Colorado thing!
10. Something that moved you today.
Technically yesterday: Watching my husband push our daughter on the swing set in the backyard while the windows were open (an unseasonably warm February day!)and I was getting dinner ready.
So sweet, the moment on the swingset! I love those moments where you sort of float out of your body and realize how good life is. Thanks for sharing that! And the memory with your Great Nana, too! So sweet.
01. What is the backstory behind your username (or if you’re more of an offline Magpie, one of your nicknames)?
Kellystopsworrying was a breezy blog name that went with a very anxious point in my burgeoning adulthood! It really stuck, when so many of my usernames fell by the wayside.
02. Something that made you swoon recently.
I’m watching Married At First Sight Australia on Daily Motion based on TIBAL’s rec, and oh my goodness. I am not a reality tv girl but I love marriage!! I love this show and can’t wait for episode 9 tomorrow! Someone talk to me about the way Dave looks at Jamie. Watching these two fall in big instant deep for-real love has been so rewarding. Also Billy calling Sierrah his “missus.” Who else is watching?? I have so many thoughts.
03. A “dead giveaway” you can’t help yourself from noticing in other people. This could be something like — “I always know someone’s a fellow mother when…,” “I instantly know if someone worked in the service industry when…,” or “I get a leftie vibe from someone whenever…”
I can tell if someone’s been a consultant based on how they talk about products/services/design but it’s a super niche skill? And I can always tell when a parent is looking for friends at the playground. Couldn’t put my finger on it though.
04. What do you like less and less as you get older?
Contacts! My eyes are so dry.
Trends, I’m trying to separate the noise from my personal style (which is like a sporty Katherine Hepburn).
Alcohol. Going out to eat.
05. What do you like more and more as you get older?
Lipstick, perfume, blush. My kindle. Nights in. Shopping secondhand. Knowing my neighbors. Working out. Sleep! Tidying. Inviting friends over spontaneously. Going to the hardware store.
06. Vending machine snack pick.
Fritos or Doritos and a Diet Coke.
07. Your best scar story.
One on my wrist, a local dog called Max ran away all the time to chase the school bus and I always caught him, and one time he pulled me into a tree after an ice storm and the bark cut me up. It’s my most interesting looking scar too, like a subway map.
08. Habit you’ve picked up from a loved one that you now can’t shake.
I call all my most beloveds “bud” or “buddy” which I wholeheartedly adopted from my best friend Tyler.
09. Popular food combination you can’t stand.
Peanut butter and banana. Love them both separately.
10. Something that moved you today.
The way my kids are so excited to see me and each other when they wake for the day. Real magic.
PS to Jen: I always think of magpies in terms of fortune telling! One for sorrow, two for joy, three for a girl, four for a boy…and you can use your red light face mask on your abdomen scars even years later! It’s done wonders for flattening my scars.
I love your list of what you like as you get older! Knowing your neighbors — yes! This is such a powerful part of my late 30s/early 40s. It’s such a strong and actionable way to “live where your feet are,” you know? I wish I invited more people over spontaneously, though. I need to get out from under the “tyranny of tidiness” in that specific category. Maybe I’m working up the muscle with my current resolution to tidy at home less…
01. What is the backstory behind your username (or if you’re more of an offline Magpie, one of your nicknames)?
I once used “bradygirl” in a handle (before switching to just my name) from a nickname my mom would call me.
02. Something that made you swoon recently.
Only recently, I watched Memoirs of a Geisha for the first time. The entire film made me swoon… the unfolding “Cinderella-esque” love story, the John Williams soundtrack, the filming locations and costumes… visually stunning!
03. A “dead giveaway” you can’t help yourself from noticing in other people. This could be something like — “I always know someone’s a fellow mother when…,” “I instantly know if someone worked in the service industry when…,” or “I get a leftie vibe from someone whenever…”
I know someone else works in a business role when they refer to timeframes as quarters. For example, saying “in Q2” instead of saying “in the Spring” or “in April”.
04. What do you like less and less as you get older?
Unnecessary expenses of emotional energy… for example, if I’m rewatching a show or movie, I will intentionally skip over the scenes of conflict so I don’t have to feel the weight of a sad moment, see someone grieve, or watch a character make a terrible decision. These sorts of things used to not bother me, but the older I get, the more I feel like I have only so much emotion to allocate.
05. What do you like more and more as you get older?
The increased confidence I feel with each passing year.
06. Vending machine snack pick.
07. Your best scar story.
Tore my ACL when I was 18 and had the ligament reconstructed on winter break my freshman year of college. It’s memorable because it’s the first time in my life that I went through something as mentally challenging as it was physical. I played sports my entire life without injury; then suddenly, I felt so incapable. Since then, it’s interesting how I can spot other people’s ACL scars and ask, “How did you tear your ACL?” (which, coincidentally, ties back to Question #3 above!). Everyone’s story is different and it’s one of those unique bonding experiences in life… how I can see a scar on another’s knee and have an understanding of what the healing journey was like for them.
08. Habit you’ve picked up from a loved one that you now can’t shake.
Diet Pepsi. I went a decade without any soda and now my husband has me hooked. And yes, I realize that Cindy Crawford and I are probably the only women in America who would choose Diet Pepsi over Diet Coke.
09. Popular food combination you can’t stand.
Deviled eggs. Something about the mustardy filling….
10. Something that moved you today.
Rewatched The Parent Trap and was deeply moved by the instrumentals. Particularly during the scene where Hallie meets her mom for the first time… what a precious moment. The mom in the movie has always reminded me of my own – beautiful, warm, wholesome, elegant – and for the first time, the corresponding music ALSO reminded me of my mom… almost as if she had her own theme! You can only find the instrumental playlist on YouTube. I love “Hallie Meets Mom” and “The Photograph – Like Twins” by composer Alan Silvestri. It touched me when I saw one of the video’s comments that read, “When I listen to this instrumental, I can’t help but think of my mom,” because that is how I feel, too.
These are so fantastic! Thanks for sharing – I totally related to your comment about “unnecessary expenses of emotional energy.” I will put down books that are going certain places I just don’t feel I can accommodate right now, or just don’t want to invite into my life, for the same reason.
Jen, These are so fun! I swear each one gets harder. Love the challenge!
01. What is the backstory behind your username (or if you’re more of an offline Magpie, one of your nicknames)? Fruit stand! An old flame dubbed me this back in the day when I would drench myself in Victoria Secret Pear Glacé body spray. It stuck!
02. Something that made you swoon recently. I’ve been rewatching the Sex & the City series before bed. Forgot how delicious it is!
03. A “dead giveaway” you can’t help yourself from noticing in other people. This could be something like — “I always know someone’s a fellow mother when…,” “I instantly know if someone worked in the service industry when…,” or “I get a leftie vibe from someone whenever…”
My husband and I usually sit at the bar when we dine out and sometimes can’t help but hear other conversations. Based on the exchange, you can always tell when a couple is on a blind date. A guilty pleasure to listen!
04. What do you like less and less as you get older? Being out late at night! My girlfriends and I like to go out for what we call ‘linner’, ha!
05. What do you like more and more as you get older? Quiet. Love being home with no background sound on.
06. Vending machine snack pick. I’m not a snacker. I know weird! Can’t remember the last time I’ve bought something from a vending machine.
07. Your best scar story. Ironing clothes (to go out for dinner that night) in a bathing suit sitting on a dining room chair with my legs crossed at a vacation condo rental. I dropped the iron in my lap and suffered 2nd degree burns on my thighs, ouch!
08. Habit you’ve picked up from a loved one that you now can’t shake. Sending handwritten notes and cards.
09. Popular food combination you can’t stand. Not so much a food combo, but can’t stand drinking a beer and switching to wine or vice versus in the same day. It’s one or the other for me.
10. Something that moved you today. After misplacing a precious item and tearing the house apart to no avail and shedding some tears, I had to make a trip to the Verizon store for a phone issue. The associate asked how my day was going and I told her not very good. She reset me with just the right words to remind me what’s really important. It was what I needed at the moment.
What a beautiful moment at the Verizon store — that really struck my heart from afar, so thanks for the second-hand help today 🙂
I’m haunted by your iron story…yikes.
Finally, the comment about wanting quiet with no background sound — !! Landon and I sometimes talk about how we drive in our cars with no music on, and how that sensory deprivation is sometimes exactly what we need. Like our lives are so busy, kids are so loud, etc that it can feel good to just sit in complete quiet.
1. I’ve used a consistent “online name” since about 2005 – it started as my Latin class name.
2. My husband’s fresh haircut (that I gave him!).
3. This is both clinical and a little vague, but I’m very tuned in to overscrupulosity as a sign of OCD since I was involved with someone in the midst of a crisis and diagnosis.
4. People who pose as experts; sleeping away from my own bed; driving at night.
5. Having life experience to draw on; seeing the things I’ve given attention to for years finally start coming together. Also, good restaurant meals.
6. Poptarts! A college habit from when the cafeteria didn’t open early enough for a real breakfast on Sundays.
7. I fell off a stone wall when I was a child and sliced open the inside of my thigh (how???). I had to get stitches and was fascinated – they propped my head up and let me watch the doctor put them in.
8. Mostly verbal mannerisms from my husband. I also have a mantra borrowed from a friend that’s become standard mental furniture lately: “I’m happiest when I’m doing what I should be.” (This is usually how I get myself to wash the dishes.)
9. Was having a hard time thinking of anything, but I do agree with your strawberries and chocolate – more texture than taste; I hate the way that chocolate *on* strawberries usually just slips off in a hard shell, and they’re usually both mediocre/tasteless versions of themselves.
10. Sitting at the kitchen table playing with play-doh with my two-year-old, listening to Counting Crows’ “Perfect Blue Buildings” and watching the winter wind and sunshine outside. It’s not the perfect moment I would have built from scratch, but it was perfect anyway.
These are so rich, Venia! I love that you and another Magpie commented on how age has made you feel wiser, more confident. It is so refreshing to be presented with a problem or question or situation and to actually have some reference material to go to — i.e., “Well this is what happened last time,” and “I don’t think that’s a great idea because of y.” And it’s not just guesswork! Really powerful gift of age.
Also, the way you captured the chocolate and strawberry situation…chef’s kiss. You’re right that it’s not just the flavors but the slightly sweaty shell that cracks and falls off the berry, and the fact that both are usually bad versions of themselves to begin with in that combination. LOL. Thanks for that.
01. What is the backstory behind your username (or if you’re more of an offline Magpie, one of your nicknames)?
I’m boring and just use my name. I have always liked it’s spelled with a “k”, rather than a “c”, and have been surprised as I’ve gotten older how many other “Erika’s” are spelled the same way.
02. Something that made you swoon recently.
I recently watched the 90s BBC Pride & Prejudice (love the newer version with Kiera Knightly) and was again taken with how Mr. Darcy removed Elizabeth’s family’s scandal by paying for Lydia and Wickham’s wedding even though Wickham was his foe. He did so discreetly and honorably and it was all for Elizabeth!
03. A “dead giveaway” you can’t help yourself from noticing in other people. This could be something like — “I always know someone’s a fellow mother when…,” “I instantly know if someone worked in the service industry when…,” or “I get a leftie vibe from someone whenever…”.
At the airport, when flying home and not in a hurry, my husband and I head to our concourse and intentionally do not look for our gate as we can determine it based upon the crowd there. There’s usually an abundance of crocs, oversized sweatshirts, and t-shirts with southern sayings on them. They’re predictable but some of the nicest people you will meet! Also, as a daughter raised by an engineer, I can confirm that my dad measured and calculated the exact volume of mulch he would need for his and my mom’s yard last spring…tape measure and all!
04. What do you like less and less as you get older?
Fast food.
05. What do you like more and more as you get older? Not being in a rush.
Last year, I took notice of simple routines and implemented many of them – doing New York Times puzzles, going for walks and listening to birds chirping and watching flowers unfold day by day, watching Jeopardy, gardening, looking forward to and seeking out local seasonal produce, etc. Simpler really is better!
06. Vending machine snack pick.
Peanut butter crackers or Doritos.
07. Your best scar story.
I was chasing my childhood dog, tripped, and skinned my knee deeply on the driveway. To this day, there is a slight scar there that, when I see it, takes me directly back to that moment.
08. Habit you’ve picked up from a loved one that you now can’t shake.
Turning off the overhead lights in our house. My husband grew up with only lamp lights on, and they were dimmed at all times…his dad jokes it’s so dim and cozy in their house that you need an usher. I am a lamp person, too, but not dimmed! We need more lamps in our house, but until I find ones I like, I will compromise and turn the overhead lights off.
09. Popular food combination you can’t stand.
Pizza with olives – never, ever.
10. Something that moved you today.
Petting my dog, looking eye to eye, and just connecting. He was diagnosed with cancer last year and has been doing great still, but every moment is precious.
What great and rich answers here! I’m so sorry to hear about your pup – I know that pain too well. Sending you love. You are giving him the very best life!
I LOVED your comment about needing an usher to get around your in-laws’ home! LOL. Now that is commitment to no overhead lights!
01. What is the backstory behind your username (or if you’re more of an offline Magpie, one of your nicknames)?
I loved living in CA, my home away from home. My partner is from Australia and I am embracing being a defafto Aussie.
02. Something that made you swoon recently.
I have been watching a lot of romcoms on Netflix and Prime lately. Last night it was Kinda Pregnant and the line about the relationship with yourself is the most important you’ll have really stuck out. It pairs well with Thich Naht Hanh’s book How to Love, the idea of filling one’s cup first and also the different types of love. I also really liked The Longest Week, Lonely Planet, Baby Boom, and classic Nora Ephron and Nancy Myers flicks too. All about the romcoms these days!
03. A “dead giveaway” you can’t help yourself from noticing in other people. This could be something like — “I always know someone’s a fellow mother when…,” “I instantly know if someone worked in the service industry when…,” or “I get a leftie vibe from someone whenever…”
Their style and clothes. I can’t help but compliment someone on their clothes. Yesterday it was a woman who had this beautiful horse cardigan. A lot of times it is the footwear ladies wear because I am always after stylish and practical (often hard to find a pair which is both) footwear for myself.
04. What do you like less and less as you get older?
Ironing. Cleaning. Chores. Figuring out what is for dinner. How do we all seem to do this yet rarely talk about it. And I don’t like being rushed so I am more mindful of how much i schedule.
05. What do you like more and more as you get older?
Quality time at home with My Favourite Human Male. Quality time with my Mom. And with food friends. The ones who make me laugh and accept me for me.
06. Vending machine snack pick.
Hard to pick, usually sunships or sour cream and onion chips. I also like famous Amos chocolate chip cookies. Or Ritz bits cheddar.
07. Your best scar story.
A failed attempt at sewing. I am not the most patient person and as a child had an injury from embroidery.
08. Habit you’ve picked up from a loved one that you now can’t shake.
Aussie lingo. Being in a relationship with my Aussie I have picked up so many phrases and sayings I just embrace it and use them in my everyday.
09. Popular food combination you can’t stand.
Fries and ketchup. Really all condiments but I can’t stand this one at all. The fries should be kept crisp and tasty without messing them up. Ha!
10. Something that moved you today.
A sweet text from a good friend.
OMG – “figuring out what is for dinner”!! The amount of time we spend on this as adults is…we’re just not prepared for this. Ha!
Thanks for sharing all of these clever and interesting responses!
01. What is the backstory behind your username (or if you’re more of an offline Magpie, one of your nicknames)? I have always just used a variation on my real name- boring, I know.
02. Something that made you swoon recently. In the show Masters of the Air, a WW2 pilot is having drinks with a woman he just met in a bar and she says “Are you just trying to get me into bed?” And he goes “Honestly I haven’t thought that far ahead.” Which is very disarming! I would have been charmed if I were her.
03. A “dead giveaway” you can’t help yourself from noticing in other people. This could be something like — “I always know someone’s a fellow mother when…,” “I instantly know if someone worked in the service industry when…,” or “I get a leftie vibe from someone whenever…” Whenever someone takes the initiative to rearrange the dishwasher in a place that’s not their home (the office, etc) I know they were also raised by an engineer.
04. What do you like less and less as you get older? I tolerate my legs being cold less as I age. Specific, I know.
05. What do you like more and more as you get older? People who cut to the chase.
06. Vending machine snack pick. Anything chocolate.
07. Your best scar story. Oh boy, how to even choose…but I sat on a pair of scissors once and have a small scar on the side of my butt to prove it.
08. Habit you’ve picked up from a loved one that you now can’t shake. Being anal about how the dishwasher is loaded. (see above)
09. Popular food combination you can’t stand. Cake or pie with ice cream! Textural and temperature mismatch.
10. Something that moved you today. Well, it’s still early, but another guy a few strides ahead of me on my run this AM was also noticing/tracking with his eyes the same low-flying hawk that I was.
I know what you mean about not tolerating coldness on your legs — in general, I’m just so much more practical about dressing. I do not want to be cold, itchy, tugging at my hem, etc! Life is too short…
I agree with you on cake with ice cream. It never made sense to me. I do like hot pie with cold ice cream though — there’s enough of a temp contrast to make it work and everything sort of soups together…yum.