+Adidas Sambas and Gazelles have been a thing for a year or two now but I am suddenly, intensely, wanting a pair in court green. These are in my cart. Will I wear them?! I’m so inspired by the street style starlets of Europe — why not!? Like, how cute is Josefien in hers below?

+…Or should I continue to hold out for a pair of Loewe Flows? Mr. Magpie’s birthday gift to me is a trip to Italy next year, and I’m already imagining I’ll need lots of Euro street style pieces that are also comfortable/walkable. I keep hearing the best things about the Loewe Flows from a comfort standpoint, and they are just so chic.
+Another slow-burn item I’ve been eyeing from the sidelines for several seasons: Longchamp mesh bags. A Magpie wrote advising I avoid them because she found hers highly impractical, but they look so incredibly chic…! I was newly reminded of this when I subscribed to Megan Strachan’s Substack. She wore hers in black and ecru all over Paris and damn did she look chic while doing it!

+Then I went back and forth on the size she’s wearing versus the new mini size. I have been really wanting an itty-bitty crossbody bag to hold just my phone and card case and car key lately. There have been many instances where I’m just running out for coffee, to the grocery, to return something, to a neighbor’s, and don’t want the fuss of a whole bag. Strange how bag size correlates with phases of motherhood, isn’t it? After six years of schlepping all the things — water bottles, snacks, bandaids, toys, spare underwear — I am newly liberated by the thought of carrying as little as possible. Ha! Anyway, my dream itty bitty bag would be one of these tiny Bottegas, but that’s too much of a splurge for such a frivolous whim. I hunted around for photos of the tiny mesh crossbody styled and found some on TikTok styled by Gen-Z-ers and was, frankly, sold. Gritty screen grabs below.

+I should mention that Megan, mentioned above, is founder of the hot jewelry brand Dorsey, known for its lab-grown gemstones. I first learned about this brand from fashion queen Becky Malinsky, who seems always to have her finger to the pulse. Her style is, to me, a total marvel — so different from my own (hers is sort of androgynous-minimalist-low-key-chic), and I find her intriguing precisely because she approaches clothing in ways I would never imagine. She’s made me want to play around with different silhouettes, try new brands, and…wear a Dorsey necklace. I was overjoyed when Dorsey sent me one of their bestselling Kate Riviere necklaces, and Becky is inspiring me to style it in ways that I wouldn’t intuitively. I have been wearing mine with cocktail dresses — especially strapless ones that really showcase the jewels! — but she wears hers with tank tops and other layered necklaces, and I want to try it out. I mean, it’s really kind of insane to wear a necklace that looks like inherited diamonds (which would retail for tens of thousands of dollars) but cost under $400. Wowza. Fellow fashion queen Courtney Grow also styles up and down in really interesting ways you can see here. A little collage of Dorsey below. Images via: Dorsey, Courtney Grow, moi, Becky Malinsky, and Megan.

+Nicole Cassidy is making a strong case for the denim maxi/midi skirt. Selon elle, Slvrlake is the “it” version, but you can get the look for less with this or this one (selling fast) from Gap.
+Excuse me but J. Crew has some amazing markdowns that are on sale, plus an extra 50-60% off (as of time of writing this). In my cart: this eyelet popover, this striped ribbed tank (not on sale but so good), and this olive green tee, which I already ordered for like $8.
+These high-rise white jean shorts are a good way to get the Agolde look for less. A lot less. At time of writing, they are only $30!
+Another great (!) sale is running at Bergdorf’s, with serious designer pieces on sale plus an extra 30% off. Don’t sleep on these L’Agence coated denim pants (under $100!) for fall. Yes, they have a skinny leg, to which some of us boast new-found allergies, but they will look fabulous tucked into a tall/mid-shaft boot or with classic ballets. And maybe tuck these splashy Emporio Sireneuse shorts into your suitcase for your next summer trip! So good with just a white tee or tank.
+The Outnet has some killer pieces available at the moment. Love (!) this white eyelet maxi skirt, this Sachin and Babi dress, this Zimmermann, and these The Row sandals.
+On the last point — the sandals from The Row — I have eyed those for multiple seasons. I don’t know what it is about sandals this week (as you know, I also ordered the Ancient Greek Eleftherias a few days ago), but I suddenly felt very much in need of a new “dressy” sandal. I have worn my Hermes Orans (you can score pre-loved at The Real Real or get the look for less with these) for at least six summers (?) — I definitely bought them when I lived in Chicago! — and need a new pair or a change-up, as they were looking a little ragged. I looked all over for something interesting and neutral and landed on the Elftherias, but I also did consider these from Margaux after spotting them on the ever chic Caroline Gilroy, seen below. After ordering the Eleftherias in nude, I realized I also wanted a pair of black strappy sandals to pair with white dresses and white jeans (and also, perhaps, my new Harlow trousers?). The white and black just feel so fresh together. I first contemplated the Row ones, but they were sold out in my size. Zara has a GREAT lookalike pair but only available in a brown leather and I was really after black. I turned to The Real Real and found a single pair in my size of Alexandre Birman flat espadrille sandals with black leather straps for $100 and ordered on the spot. I am SO excited. But jut a reminder to always patrol TRR if you’re looking for something specific. You never know what awaits!

Have a great week, friends!
I bought a pair of the Loewe’s last winter and have been so impressed with how comfortable I have found them to be. It justified the price and the purchase for me easily.
Eeek. You are really making them difficult to not buy…! Thanks for weighing in.