Ed. update: Prints are live at Shop Inslee: “10 I Love Yous,” “Marriage Is,” and “Green Flags.”
I am beyond excited to share that today at 10 A.M., my dear friend Inslee Fariss and I are launching Love Prints, a limited edition collection of hand-numbered, hand-signed poetry prints authored by yours truly and featuring Inslee’s art. You can purchase them here at 10 a.m. (Prints available: “10 I Love Yous,” “Marriage Is,” and “Green Flags.”)

For years, you have been generously inviting my words into your mornings; I have long dreamed of finding a way to share my musings in a more tangible way – something similar to a note left on a desktop, a reminder on a bedside table, a gift to a loved one. I approached my talented artist friend Inslee with the idea of printing some of my words and having her elevate them with her signature evocative, playful artwork. The result is this charming set of 6×8 prints, which make a perfect gift for a mother, bride, sister, or friend, or a stirring desktop reminder to “make love the point.”
I am so proud that this undertaking – the first time I have made my writing available for purchase – was born of creative sisterhood. I have known Inslee for decades; we have been cheering one another on in our respective lanes for years: her at the easel, me at the keyboard. Meanwhile, the Magpie community has become, over the years, a special kind of sororal space where women meet in the comments to let one another know “you’re not alone!” and “have you tried…?” It is fitting, then, that these limited-edition treasures were designed by two women for other women – whether you are keeping the note on your desk, framing for your best friend, or giving to your daughter on her wedding day.
Post Scripts.
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+We recommend framing using these 6×8 lucite blocks if you’re styling on your desk, bedside table, dresser, console, etc. For a slightly more dramatic presentation, you could also center the print in an 8×10 lucite block. (Bonus: affordable and arrive overnight!). Just think of how beautiful this would look placed in a box filled with crinkle paper as a gift for your sister’s wedding day, Galentine’s, etc.
+If you want to frame and mount, I just placed an order for Framebridge’s Irvine frame with the “float mount” option to hang all three on the wall of my studio. I feel like the float mount option made the paper feel more tactile, and the words more visible.
+The prints are based on my musings 10 I Love Yous, Marriage Is, and Green Flags, which have been some of my most popular pieces to date. I hope you enjoy!
Thank you!! xx
Stunning, thoughtful, beautiful – just like you two ladies and the ladies they are meant for.
You are so sweet – thank you!! xx
Congratulations, my friend! These are SO beautiful! And I loved your pairings with the Rifle Co items on IG!
Thank you so much!!! So excited and proud!!
This is so amazing, creative and wonderful! congratulations!
Thank you, Claire!! xx
A big congratulations Jen, how gorgeous!
Aw – thanks so much, Leigh 🙂
So proud of you! They’re beautiful, and the joy is just shining out of you both. Keep shining!
Thank you!! xx
CONGRATULATIONS to both of you! They are simply BEAUTIFUL!
Thank you! I’m so proud of how these turned out! xx
Congratulations! Just ordered my “Marriage Is” print 🙂
This is brilliant – so charming and soulful both, congratulations to the two of you!
Thank you, friend!! xx
These are gorgeous! Congratulations, Jen! I adore reading your writing and this is such an exciting endeavour xx
You are so sweet – thank you so much for the encouragement!! xx
Very exciting Jen!! Your blog has brought me so much comfort over the past several years. Has expanded my views and interests in fashion and I love all the posts. I know sometimes my comments are a bit unhinged at times but your replies make all the difference. And seriously such a small world re how I started following your blog and it’s become my morning ritual. And to reread your posts when I need to remind myself that I’m not alone and someone else has experienced something im going through.
You are so kind, Michelle. So glad you are here. Thanks so much for inviting me into your day!! xx
Congratulations! SO happy for you. Wishing you much success.
Thank you!! xx