

By: Jen Shoop

OK, hang on to your hats, because here is a pastiche of a post for your Friday morning consumption.  Read: very disorganized.

COVET1Did anyone see “Anna Karenina”?  I was underwhelmed.  Or rather, I was visually overwhelmed throughout the movie (quite the spectacle), but the net effect left me neutral.  One critic pointed out that the book’s strength is the humanity that Tolstoy affords each of his characters.  The characters in the movie, by contrast, feel glassed off, remote — it’s hard to connect to them given the visual pageantry carouseling (new verb, y’all) before your eyes, and the result is a disconnected spectatorship.

But.  Mama mia, did I love the costumes.  Though I drooled over the ball gowns, my favorite looks were the fur-and-diamond-laden outfits Anna wore while traveling:



What’s not to love?  Since the movie, I’ve convinced myself I need a fur hat, ala:



My top picks: 1) Borsalino, $1,103; 2) Gilly Forge, $119; and 3) also Gilly Forge, also $119.


Any other takers?


Just learned about a new shopping site called The Editorialist.  I think it might be taking itself a little too seriously, purportedly “combining content with commerce”…which is what lots of magazines and blogs have done for years on end at this point, but there are some interesting new labels, including Lele Sadoughi.  Check out this necklace ($485) from her collezioni!

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COVET3Mr. Mags and I plan to buy a home this summer when our lease is up — exciting!  Of course, Mr. Magpie is looking forward to building a smokehouse in our backyard so he can smoke bacon and salmon and lots of other treats, and I’m ecstatic that I can paint and wallpaper my walls!  I have long wanted to use wallpaper in a powder room or perhaps on the backsplash of a built-in book-case or bar nook.  Somewhere small.  I LOVE so many of the patterns from Hygge + West.  Don’t you love these gold ones (here + here — $125/roll)?  So glam.  I may have to bookmark these for use in my office, which I envision outfitting primarily in lavender, because I don’t think Mr. Magpie will be too enamored of them.

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I’m also loving this seahorse pattern for a child’s room.  To die.

COVET4I love the cover design of this coffee table fashion book ($41).  I think it’d look lovely stacked on a desk with a few other items in glossy gold.


COVET5While we’re looking at foil/gold, I gotta share these cheeky sweatshirts from Brian Lichtenberg ($98), which riff on the high-fashion house labels of Hermes and Celine.

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COVET6This is truly neither here nor there, but ever since my chic little sis told me she was eyeing a jumpsuit in sleek black crepe de chine, I have been eying them curiously myself (and so have some of you readers, it turns out — I JUST received a request for jumpsuit advice from one of you darlings last night!  Something is in the ether…).  Wouldn’t you know it — the style I REALLY want is Valentino, and costs $10K.  Ha.  But imagine…with a hot pink necklace ($138) and some funky sandals (LK Bennett, $475):

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I fell in love with this fashion sketch ($18) from artist Aurore de la Morinerie.

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I’m thinking it’d look good in the black + white corner of my bedroom…


…but Mr. Magpie might kill me if I add one more “girly” thing to the mix.  Poor chap.  Speaking of poor chaps, don’t even TALK to me about the finale of Downton Abbey, which I just saw this week with my littlest sassafras sister.  I can’t even talk about it.  I’m not so much sad as enraged.  What a cheap curtsey out of the season.


How amazing is this Phillip Lim coat ($1,095)?!

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COVET9I think the jacket above would look BANANAS with this snakeskin tote (Tory Burch, $595):


Or, if you like a smaller style, this sleek clutch from hot new handbag line Meli-Melo (Olivia P. owns a MM bag…oh-so-covetable — $145):

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This Island Girl cocktail sounds delicious right about now…

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Thar she blows.  Have a great weekend, magpets!  (?)

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0 thoughts on “Etcetera

  1. So I inherited a real fur vest from my boyfriend’s Grandmom. I am SO excited to wear this thing when I got skiing out west in a couple weeks. I feel like I absolutely cannot wear it here (especially to work) – it just feels a little too fancy/controversial/stylish for Baltimore. I would love a big Russian fur hat to go with it – very Doctor Zhivago!

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