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One of the Table Topics cards my daughter pulled over dinner this week read: “What is art? What is not art?”

We invited her interpretation first, and she understandably spoke about paintings, drawings, things on canvas. I told her that there are many definitions, and that people disagree on its enclosures (c.f. Duchamp’s “Fountain”), but that I had a liberal interpretation: anything that you create with focus and intention. “In other words, anything can be art.” I pointed at Mr. Magpie’s cooking, the poetry of his mise en place, the energy he brings to every phase of its realization. I added that art can be getting dressed, designing your day, humming a tune, arranging your bookshelves, writing a piece of poetry, calligraphing on paper, gardening. At this point, she began to glaze over and shuffle the deck for a new prompt, and I cut myself off, but I could have gone on and on —

In fact, Emory, our lives can be art, if we exercise adequate attention, and the thread is you. Each day of your life, you move through the day, weaving a happy little pattern, leaving your stitching behind. You are the strand that draws together the line of stuffed animals on your pillows, the music on the speaker, the outfit you laid out on the floor last night, the way you like your sandwiches cut, the stories in your diary, the drawings on the wall, the post-it note that reads: “come on in 🙂 on your bedroom door.” How beautiful to imagine yourself as the piecing thread in a masterful quilt you will assemble over the course of your life. To know that everything you lovingly touch is seamed with your color.

I have been thinking happily about this metaphor since. I am the thread. What am I stitching right now?


Happy Easter, if you are celebrating — we will be at the chaotic mid-morning family mass at our parish, the pews lined with children in pastels buzzing with the energy of Peep-and-jelly-bean breakfasts, and then enjoying a lamb-centric Easter Sunday dinner with my parents and Mr. Magpie’s. Easter is probably my favorite holiday, and I’m speaking now from a cultural rather than religious perspective. It has much less of the intensity and window dressing of Christmas or Thanksgiving, and we enter into it with a loose-armed “what should we eat this year?” energy. Our attitude harkens back to a string of Easters spent with friends and siblings in our home in Chicago — all of us were transplants to the area, and none of us would fly home for the holiday, so we’d assemble a motley crew each year, and it had the aura of “the kids stuck at boarding school while everyone else flew home.” We’d toast with champagne, linger around the table for hours, lollygag in the backyard (weather permitting — Chicago can be merciless in March and April), open bottle after bottle of wine, go back for seconds, and then post-meal snacks, listen to music at top decibel. We’d fare la scarpetta into the wee hours of the morning.

From a religious perspective, of course, it is a time of triumph and miracle, which brings its own inner revolutions.


The children are off school for ten days, and we leave for a short spring break trip later this week, so as I sit here, I feel a bit like “how will we get it all done?” We must dye eggs, bake anginetti, fill baskets, order wine, make multiple trips to the market, pack for the trip, do special loads of laundry for the trip, find ways to keep the children occupied, order activities for the car, make reservations for dinner. But it’s OK because it’s always OK. At this point in my life, the moment I began to feel the friction of “oh my God, how will I ever get it all done?”, I just tell myself: “You always do. Trust yourself.” And I do. Fretting about it does nothing to help the cause.

Now I must sit for a spell and make a couple of lists to get myself organized…


Snapshots from the week:

My girl’s aforementioned “Come on in” sticky note. Don’t mind the chip in the door. (Kids!) She has sticky notes all over her walls. They used to bother me but I now see them as a really sweet form of self-expression. (Bonus: they won’t ruin the paint.) Plus, I’m a big fan of the philosophical underpinnings of a post-it. A small, fungible space that can only hold one thought but can be rearranged easily? Yes! A brilliant creativity tool! I go through probably a pad a week…?!

My baby girl in her Petite Plume nightgown. Out of frame: me trying not to expedite her or my son while they eat their breakfasts. Weekday mornings are always such a rush! (An interesting conversation about this going on here, as I mentioned yesterday.) The dry erase chore charts (seen below) have been helpful — specifically, having them own (and willingly check off!) the uniform-setting-out at bedtime the night before eases things a bit. I recently read something about how structured our children’s lives are — how little control they have! — during a standard school week. Finding tiny ways to give them more autonomy makes sense.

Mr. Magpie and I have been obsessed with burning incense in the evenings. It’s not just the smell — it’s a multi-sensory experience — watching the stick burn down, the smoke fill the air. Very relaxing. We like Aesop’s sandalwood scent. Also above: my favorite scalloped rattan tray from Half Past Seven, and the acrylic coasters from Proper Table we own in multiple patterns and use all over the place in our home. Both female-founded small businesses with lovely entrepreneurs at the helm. (And you can see my daughter eating off one of the Proper Table placemats in the photo above!)

The afternoon light! I was so charmed by the lay of the sunshine here. Also, I know they’re ridiculous, but my Ugg Tazz slippers have been one of my favorite possession this long winter. I found a few still in stock here and here.

We took the children for ramen at Hokkaido Ramen Santouka over the weekend, and it was excellent. We’ve been a few times, and this visit I decided it’s the best I’ve had in the D.C. area. It’s in a bit of an odd location — among office buildings in the Tyson’s area — and its placement alongside Whole Foods and other chains might appear to undermine its authenticity, but don’t let it! Absolutely delicious.

Afterward, we enjoyed Dolcezza gelato back in Bethesda. I had a bananas foster flavor that was out of this world, but I am still enduring sticker shock — the smallest serving you can buy is $7.25, and of course both of my children needed their own. How can it be that a few scoops of ice cream for a family of four costs $30? Anyhow – we chose Dolcezza because we’d also wanted to buy a few espresso shots for espresso martinis later in the evening, and this was a location that offered both excellent gelato and excellent coffee! Note my son in his Virginia sweatshirt. We brought it back for him from our recent trip to Charlottesville and he wore it to bed (and any other opportunity he could) for a week straight. (He wears a uniform to school, so couldn’t indulge his wishes during the week.). He’s also majorly in his peace sign era.

Espresso martini time, using Dolcezza espresso! Friends had invited us over for dinner and games at their house at 8 o’clock so I needed a little caffeine boost. (We are usually winding down for bed around 9-9:30.). I shared our espresso martini recipe here. We like to serve these in these glasses. Mr. Magpie is a huge proponent of the proper garnish, so he added three coffee beans. So pretty!

Because of aforementioned ramen and ice cream adventures, my son’s Virginia sweatshirt (and, truth be told, my own Frank and Eileen henley — seen above) were splattered with broth and gelato. I used this spray on both items, then used a small scrub brush with hot water to rub in and placed in laundry. The stains came out immediately! I’m impressed with this stuff!

Me, earlier this week, pretending that it was not 30 degrees outside by wearing my fav Birks around the house. A fun new-to-me brand called Electric and Rose sent me these pull-on utility pants and they are SO comfortable and easy to wear. A nice break from more standard cuts of denim, but a tad long so I rolled at the hem. They strike me as the kind of thing I’d wear at the beach, but I also think they’ll become part of my new “writing uniform” because they are so comfortable while sitting for long stretches at a desk. I paired with two pieces from Cella Jane’s collab with Splendid: a striped tee (I like the longer length of the sleeve) and a henley polo over top. The top feels more like a sweatshirt than a shirt — very similar to Spanx’s Airweight line. I meant to share these when the collab first launched — really beautiful basics in a pretty, natural palette. Ultra-soft and high quality.

OK, Magpies — onward we go —

P.S. Shopbop hearts, updated multiple times this week! At the top of my wishlist: this Alemais, these blue Birks, this Farm Rio set.

P.P.S. A poem that energizes me.

P.P.P.S. Nocturnes.

Image via.

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What I Loved This Week…

MAKEUP INSPIRATION: I was so inspired by Emma Stone’s glowy, popsicle-lip makeup from the Oscars. I keep coming back to it and wondering how to achieve it? Her makeup artist was Rachel Goodwin and she used all Charlotte Tilbury products — a fairly powerful ringing endorsement. If you click on this Instagram post, you can see a complete rundown of every CT product she used. Currently in my cart: the concealer she used, the gorgeous cheek color (Pillow Talk Pink Pop), and especially the combo of her lipstick (in 90s Pink color) and plumping lip gloss. However, CT is doing a gimmicky thing where you need to download an app in order to get the lip gloss, which was a turn off. I think I’ll wait until it’s released more broadly? I need it though! (And, reminder that Mara Roszak, founder of my favorite hair care line, Roz, styled her hair for the occasion! You can shop everything Mara used on her hair here. As someone with fine, straight hair, I’m a huge fan of her thickening spray and root lift spray, but I also love the sleek, glossy quality of Stone’s hair here and wonder if I should try her styling oil, too. You can get 15% off any/all of these products with code MAGPIE15.)



THE WRONG SHOE THEORY: We’ve talked about this in the past, but there’s a whole fashion philosophy circulating right now where you think about the perfect shoe that would hypothetically complete an outfit and then run in the opposite direction. Think sneakers with slip dresses. Heather Summers nailed this with the look below! I was so inspired and I found myself hunting for a pair of loafers myself. These Freda Salvadors are my favorite option so far (look for less with these Madewells), although the fashion cognoscenti love the ones from Jamie Haller. BTW, note Heather’s field jacket in the second photo below — Barbours are super trending at the moment. They’ve boomeranged around in popularity, but the brand has been around since the 1890s. I remember they were everywhere, but in a more on-the-nose preppy/outdoorsy way, in the oughts. My FIL bought me one in maybe 2010, and I selected a style that was tailored and ladylike. A year ago, I re-upped with a much boxier style that I started to pair with more ladylike outfits — think a top layer paired with white jeans and a breezy white blouse. Run and get your hands on one of their oversized Huttons (the collar!) or cropped Gosfords before they sell out. (The gingham-flecked one has already nearly sold out.)


COLOR COMBO: Shared thoughts on trending colors for spring earlier this month, and Cheryl jumped on the olive trend and remixed it with the perfect pop of strawberry pink. I love the combo! It instantly led me to pull out this Kilte cardigan and pair with my own olive green trousers.

WHO ARE YOUR PEOPLE?: I absolutely loved this little series of Instagram slides from Case Kenny. Some of its sentiments reminded me of my essay on early encouragers of my own writing — a gratitude song for the people who told me: “Keep going,” and “Why not you?” More generally, though, the set of slides made me think about how we know we’ve found “our people.” For me, it’s a lot about energy and openness. Am I drained or filled after interactions? Do I feel taken from or lifted? And to what degree am I myself in their company? What about you — how do you determine who “your people” are? (Related: green flags — the little details that make me think: “This person is someone I want to be friends with.”)

PEAK TWEEN NOSTALGIA: This photo is everything. The leopard bathing suit, the bangs, the BSC, the care-free, school’s out quality of that time! It captures so much of the feeling of my tweens.

What You Loved This Week…

+ON CHILDREN AT MEALTIMES: A great conversation on children eating slowly that started in the comments here and spread to Instagram — Mr. Magpie and I have been observing that our son takes ages to finish his meals, and we hate that we’re constantly expediting him, especially in the mornings. He is so distractible! We often enjoy family conversation or play Table Topics while eating, and have to pause midway through for a “quiet eating break” so that he will actually focus on his plate.

Kelly made the point: “The thing about boys as little as ours is that dinner requires a lot of fine motor skills and motor planning as much as anything else. Balancing peas without dropping them, scraping a bite from the corner of a plate or bowl, etc. If I preload a spoon or fork and he eats it quickly that’s a pretty good indication what’s holding him up…”

She went on to share a few practical thoughts: 1) switch up the format of the food so it’s easier to eat; 2) offer different utensils / plates; 3) set a visual timer; 4) turn on an audiobook.

A Magpie responded online: “As someone with a kid on feeding therapy, Kelly is spot on. Some kids need a little more practice! Thank you for highlighting this comment. It has given me a lot to think about (and to discuss with my son’s SLP when he is older!)”

Intrigued by these insights, and other tacks and perspective that have worked for your family. I absolutely loathe the idea of rushing him through a mealtime — it’s dramatically at odds with the way Mr. Magpie and I approach food/mealtime (e.g., as a source of pleasure and joy!) — so want to figure this out.

+SHOPPING: The new Magpie shoe (should still be on sale there, but if not, check here and here) and dress of the season! So many of us ordered these two items (myself included).


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denim maxi dress






P.S. What was your first big rejection?

P.P.S. Green flags.

P.P.P.S. Don’t look at your feet!

Image via Doen and Monica de La Villardiere.

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A few outfits I want to wear immediately this weekend. I was so inspired by Monica de la Villardiere wearing Doen around Paris — this is my take on weekend wear in my life in Bethesda. A few slip dresses I am loving at the moment, in addition to the Doen seen on Monica above and in collage below: this Rixo, my polka dot Cami NYC, my Bardot floral, this mimosa yellow Doen.

Now let’s get to it…



Note: More East-West style bags here!


Note: 20% off Aureum earrings with code JENS20; 10% off March Hare watch with MAGPIEBYJENSHOOP


Note: 20% off the Aligne dress with JEN-20 and earrings with code JENS20



Note that there are many fabulous pieces in these styling boards from Madewell! They just launched new arrivals, too, and I’m loving these wide leg jeans, this raffia sling bag, and these woven ballet flats.

P.S. Ampersand thinking.

P.P.S. There are many ways to say I love you — including “have you eaten?”

P.P.P.S. Green beans on the counter — love at work again.

This post is sponsored by Talbots. This post may contain affiliate links. If you make a purchase through the links below, I may receive compensation.

I keep seasonal items I’m excited to wear on a garment rack in my studio – I find the colors and patterns inspiring and mood-setting, even if only glimpsed out of the corner of my eye as I sit at my writing desk. A 3D mood board of sorts. This spring, my rack is heavy with lilac, and this gorgeous eyelet shirtdress from Talbots is leading the pack. The eyelet pattern reminded me of the cherry and apple blossoms blooming all over the D.C. area at the moment. I took the petite 0 and it’s a perfect fit — I find Talbots runs very TTS in petites. I’m wearing with Talbots’ classic wicker clutch (will go with everything) and their leather Mimi sandals. This is the perfect outfit for Church and brunch on Sunday.

I styled it my own way, rolling up the sleeves and tying the sash in a slightly unexpected, kimono-esque fashion. (Place the middle of the sash against your belly button, wrap around the back, and then bring the ends back in front to tie in a knot.)

Talbots also has a great assortment of more casual and everyday spring pieces right now — I love the crispness of this all-white outfit (top, pants) with the pop of lilac knit. Going monochromatic in all black or all white is one of my key strategies for getting out the door and feeling good about my outfit when I have no idea what to wear. The pants — their “New England chinos,” available in lots of colors — somehow make my legs look much longer than they are (I’m 5’0) — I think the wide hem elongates? (BTW, I love that Talbots offers petite inseams!). I’m wearing here with their Hannah slides. I’d wear this to lunch with a girlfriend, or for dinner at my parents’ house — polished but lowkey.

Thank you to Talbots for sponsoring this post.

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First, a quick PSA that the Saks Friends and Family sale ends today, and these magic platforms I have fallen in love with are included (and now only available in a handful of sizes), as is my favorite oversized woven tote (and the popular Naghedi crossbody in a great green color!). I’m personally obsessed with the Glyn platforms because they add several inches of height without any heel pain, but I also noticed this higher-heeled version is on sale for even less ($121!). I shared a few more of my favorite Saks F&F sale finds here. (In the linked photo, I’m wearing this adorable Mille dress that just launched, but had to mention that as of today — hope this is valid when this post goes live — Mille is offering an extra 50% off sale items, including my favorite everyday dress, meaning it’s $60!!!)

Q: Spring jacket like your Cara Cara one.

A: Mine is the Marissa, which Cara Cara releases in new patterns every season or two. The current options aren’t super spring friendly, but still very chic. I also love this Brora (on sale for under $100), this Julia Amory, this SZ Blockprints, and this Free People.

Q: Any suggestions for a dress to wear to Adele in Vegas in May? I love the Ulla Johnson Virdian Gisele, but would prefer to keep it under $500.

A: How fun?! This dress has a similar shape and good concert vibe. Different shape, but this is from the same collection and SO fab. Also love something like this.

Q: Red crossbody with top handles.

A: This was my white whale for awhile — really hard to find — but I finally found a very chic option! For something a little more casual, I love these Naghedi crossbodies! I’ve seen several moms at my children’s school with them. Really fun in the poppy red. And I own and love this Lily & Bean Hermes-inspired bag, but it’s much smaller – can really only fit a card case, phone, keys. (Upgrade pick: TB’s mini Lee Radziwill in red croc. It does come with a crossbody strap, confirmed here.)

Q: What would you recommend wearing (travel set?) for an overnight flight to Italy in July? Ideally something comfortable enough to sleep in, but that won’t look too rumpled upon arrival.

A: Kilte’s cashmere set in black, because I’m always freezing on flights. But given time of year, maybe you don’t want to wear something non-repurposeable, so I’d also rec one of Frank & Eileen’s chic travel sets. I would vote for the Carmel or Aspen in navy or black.

Q: Best everyday t-shirt?

A: I wear J. Crew, Uniqlo, and Leset all the time. J. Crew is a little thinner and sometimes I prefer that for layering / tucking into certain waistlines. Uniqlo is a bit thicker with more polish. And Leset I prefer when I’m wearing nothing as a top layer since it’s a bit boxier and speaks for itself.

Q: I have an early June family wedding in Vermont. The wedding invite says “formal: fancy dresses and full suits”, which is a little more formal than usual in my family events (typically I see cocktail or semiformal) and what I’d normally expect based on the venue. So I’m trying to figure out what to wear without being conspicuously overdressed or underdressed among the other guests. I’d prefer suggestions under $200 since I’m not sure about my likelihood of re-wearing the dress and would prefer nothing strapless. I would consider Rent the Runway, but I’m petite and if it’s supposed to be a full length gown it will probably need to be hemmed. It’s still likely going to be pretty cold still and the wedding is partially outside, so suggestions for a coordinating topper/wrap would also be appreciated.

A: Tricky for sure! I would look at the brand Bardot – lots of occasion-ready dresses under $200. This sunshine yellow floral looks dressier/more formal thanks to the corseting detail and elegant neckline, and you know how I feel about this $129 floral (you can see me in it here). I absolutely think you could dress either of those up with high heels, big earrings, a clutch. This Reformation dress is on sale in limited sizes for $156 and would be perfect, too. And several Magpies have raved about this Ulla-inspired dress — under $200, too. Over budget, but this red linen statement is HOT. For a wrap, I always recommended Alice Walk’s! These sell out frequently.

Q: Looking for recs for birthday gifts for my nieces turning 8 and 10… they love horseback riding, are junior lifeguards, but honestly are just the sweetest kids who will love anything! For their last bday I gave them initial necklaces and they went nuts :). 

A: So sweet – what a thoughtful aunt! I would reach for these water bottles personalized with initial stickers with their initials, and these cute little straw toppers. Or a set of books you liked from your childhood at that age — I loved Nancy Drew and Baby Sitter’s Club. Finally, a sweatshirt from Athleta. I was surprised that this was one of my daughter’s favorite things she received for her seventh birthday!

Q: More hostess gift ideas, under $20.

A: Truffle popcorn (seriously delicious), Red Clay peach hot honey with some fancy crackers, gorgeous hand soap, Swedish candy, pretty matchboxes, fun cocktail napkins. Wrap any of these in a big cello bag tied off with a double face satin bow.

Q: Mother of the bride dress, summer country club wedding, cocktail attire.

A: Congratulations! This, this, this, or this!

Q: Best bras? Need to overhaul.

A: I still think the True & Co reigns supreme (on sale in select colors/sizes here, and many Magpies have sworn the ones from the Target collab with the brand are identical, but half the price). I wear this most days of the week. Invisible beneath most clothing and supremely comfortable. They are slightly matronly, though — when I want to feel less so, I like the ones from Negative, though these are unlined and offer no support so I prefer these when not wearing, for example, a fitted shirt. Great beneath loose caftans and blouses. Finally, Haven Well Within sent me this bra and I’ve been wearing a lot, too. Runs slightly small — I took an XS and it’s pretty snug. And these cheap Amazon ones are folded into the rotation frequently in the summer beneath caftans, etc.

Q: Black cocktail dress, but not boring.

A: This!

Q: Need ideas for newly remodeled bathroom showers, but forgot to add shelf or ledge for ladies shaving. We need white for sure or cream. Florida beach living. Teak? Not sure.

A: Yes, I would do a teak bench! Something like this or this — the latter is actually gray but think I might prefer its boxiness to the sloped style I linked first.

P.S. More recent Ask Magpies here and here.

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This is a bit of an abbreviated honest beauty review installment but I really had to get some thoughts down on paper about a few products I’m completely obsessed with —

01. OSEA’s Ocean Cleanser. I’ve mentioned this in fits and spurts over the past two weeks, but this is my favorite cleanser I’ve used in a long, long time. I can’t explain it other than this: you put it on and you can actually feel your skin reacting to it? You end up with a scrubbed clean but not tight feeling — and just touching your face, you know how clean it is. I’m super impressed. It also has a refreshing (but light) citrus scent.

02. YSE Exfoliating Pads. OMG. These are fantastic. They are gentler than some of the other exfoliating pads I’ve used in the past, which leave my skin tingling for a spell. I can use these morning or night without irritation, and they give skin a great boost in terms of brightness. These are my “I look so tired but have no time for a mask” must-haves. If I’ve been up too late the night before, or didn’t sleep well, I’ll wash my face and apply this afterward for an immediate renewal/turnaround. If I have more time, I’ll use Goop’s Goopglow (full review here), but these are such a great instant fix.

03. Sweed Cloud Mascara. I’ve been on a new mascara high the past few months. I’ve tried three that have been excellent: Tower28’s incredible $20 formula, Westman Atelier’s Eye Want You, and now Sweed’s Cloud Mascara ($24). Being real with you, Westman is simply not worth it, as it is twice as much and I’d put it in the same results category as Tower28 and Sweed. Sweed is a tiny bit goopier with a thinner wand applicator — I think I might prefer Tower28’s just a tiny bit because of its applicator (and, $4 less), but still. The Sweed is really good and I do find it stays put the best of them all — rarely any problems with smudging/flaking/smearing.

04. RMS Beauty Kakadu Beauty Cream. This is amazing. It feels divine going on (has a light, almost whipped texture) and skin is glowy and resplendent afterward. I’ll put it this way: I also have a tube of Augustinus Bader Rich Cream that was gifted to me and I’m using RMS Beauty over it. Amazing relative to price.

05. RMS Beauty SuperSerum spray and Kakadu beauty oil. I currently have about 10 different serums / oils on my vanity that are completely unnecessary and redundant with one another, but I have fun mixing and matching depending on what I feel like my skin needs. Right now, I really love applying a vitamin C product + then this spray and oil applied one after the other. I feel like a glowy goddess. I am too vain to go out in public without a lick of makeup on (at least I’ll apply a tinted moisturizer!), but I have to say that sometimes I’ve ventured out with just this combo of serums and oils because my skin looks so happy and rested with it on. RMS has bundled its cream, spray, and oil into a package with a discount. Strongly recommend for a well-priced skincare lineup.

06. OSEA Undaria Body Butter. Deeply, richly hydrating. If you have ultra-dry skin, this is for you. I was able to banish a super dry patch on my ankle that had been stubbornly persistent for like a year with it. Between this and the marine cleanser, I’m deeply impressed with OSEA’s quality and results.

07. Not technically beauty, but Linnea Fields and Rosewater scents are absolutely divine heading into spring and beyond. WOW. These are such great, complex scents but for much less than a Diptyque / Trudon. They also come beautifully packaged with a little matchbox tucked inside the box. Great for gifting! 10% off with code MAGPIE10.

To keep it real, something I tried this month that I did not like: people have been raving about the Sol de Janeiro Brazilian Bum Bum Cream and other products from their line for so long but I really could not get beyond the scents? I think people love the quality/feel, but I found the scents overpowering. Feel free to disagree with this in the comments! Maybe I’m missing something…

P.S. My Everything Shower lineup. (Loved your comments on this!)

P.P.S. Long days of parenting.

P.P.P.S. An envelope that contained the universe.

This week, I came across a reel from screenwriter and father Dillon White in which he talks about “the things your children will miss” when they grow older. I wept big, fat tears I didn’t know I needed to shed. (Proceed at your own caution!). At the beginning of the reel, White succinctly describes how and why the well-intentioned comments “you’re going to miss this” and “enjoy this time while your children are young” — while undoubtedly prophetic — are unhelpful and even blunt, unfeeling, when you are in the weeds of rearing young children, and how they can often trigger a cycle of guilt. I have certainly felt that way: chastised for admitting the unglamorous multiplicities of motherhood, and often the censure is self-sourced! I will beat myself up for losing my patience; I will agonize over why I was so brusque with my son as soon as the door closes and he has trotted off to school. Oh, it is a heartburning gymnastic, this motherhood. It can feel as though you are doing nothing right: not playing enough with your children, not giving them the right foods, not saying all the things you need to say, not keeping the house organized and accessible for them, not responding as you should, not balancing it all well enough.

Deep breaths.

White talks midway through the reel about switching from a “you’re going to miss this” headspace to a “they’re going to miss this” one, and how that changes the dynamic. How you go from “oh God, I need to make every minute count and hold myself accountable for everything and nail the balance of it all constantly” to “I think this will matter to my son, and I’m glad I’m doing this for him right now.” And so it becomes (in my mind) more about looking for the peaks, and climbing those, rather than seeking a constant, impossible elevation of performance. I shared this with a fellow parent, and he responded that even flipping the language from “you’re going to miss this” to “they’re going to miss this” felt challenging to him — that it still feels as though we’re erasing the parent’s whole self from the equation, and not giving ourselves elbow room to just be. I knew what he meant. Both mantras ask a lot of us. Still, White’s version feels a bit easier for me to wrap my hands around, as it’s less “do this now so you don’t regret it later” and more “what will matter to my son in twenty years’ time”? The rubric shifts focuses me.

White also talks specifically about how his four year old son was sick over the weekend and cried out in the middle of the night: “Dad!” and how he went to his boy without any feelings of frustration or fatigue because he saw, immediately, how rare and precious it was that he was the first thing that came out of his child’s mouth when he felt scared, or in pain. He goes on to say how much he would like to be able to call out his own father’s name, and have him come running.

In other words, he saw a gleaming moment in which he could fill a need that would matter to his son for a long time, and he filled it.

Reader, I wept! Both because White was letting some air out of the balloon and also because, my God!, what an incredible gift, to be needed! To be the answering hush, the calm hand on the forehead, the feet running down the hallway in the night.

Which is to say: if, today, we can find one moment in which we do something that we feel matters substantively to our children, that is enough. (We are assuredly filling many more than we think anyhow, just by virtue of our presence and love.) What is one thing I can do today that my children will later miss, and be grateful for? Is it the love note in the lunchbox? The fact that you show up for baseball practice, just to watch? The extra chapter before bedtime because you’re both excited about a book? The dancing in the kitchen to your favorite song? Playing Barbies, or Magna-tiles, or cards? We don’t need to nail everything all the time (and we can’t!), but if we can find one thing that we think will matter to them when they look back in 20 years, there’s the gold.

What do you think?


+Sometimes the work of motherhood is nothing like you imagined.

+On the early days of motherhood, and how they often force you to temporarily retreat from the world. And that’s OK! This time, too, shall pass.

+On building friendships through motherhood.

Shopping Break.

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+Chic and simple raincoat. Also love the ones from Stutterheim (<<several colors on sale!). Tis the rainy season! Which also reminds me that these $31 rain coats are incredible for kids — lined in soft striped jersey. (They remind me of the ones from Petit Bateau, which my children had when they were younger! But I swear these $31 ones are virtually the same!)

+Pretty spring blouse from Anthro.

+Love the fit of these white jeans. Imagine with J. Crew’s chic linen vest!

+Sadly, Amanda Lindroth is closing her gorgeous home decor shop! Everything is 30% off, including already-discounted items, like this fab Birkin basket bag (I own and adore it! A great petite size), these wicker bar stools, and loads of chic table linens. (Discount appears in cart.)

+As we approach pool weather, you might consider ordering one of these terry polos for your husband! Mr. Magpie has two from this brand that he loves. He likes to throw these on when going to/from pool with his swim trunks. (And he has several pairs of Vilbrequin trunks — spendy but very cool. Love this striped pair.)

+Rylee and Cru released the cutest line of play/athletic clothes for kids. Love these patterned bike shorts and leggings!

+This aqua crochet dress is beyond gorgeous.

+As you know, I’m a huge fan of Hanni products for in- and post-shower skin moisturization, but this Osea undaria body butter is incredible, too. I have had this one dry patch on my ankle for – not kidding – years. The undaria body butter actually solved the problem! This stuff is good for super-dry skin. Very thick but does blend in. A magic cream!

+I love reading about how you handle skincare for travel. Lots of different perspectives that run in different directions, but I liked the point that one of you made: buy what you love in small/travel sizes, because the containers actually do matter. Like, I have historically decanted what I need into little travel containers and sometimes this works well, but what about a detangling spray, or shampoo that is irritating to get out of a little tub? I have been thinking more critically about the packaging. Anyway, just noticed that Davines offers a travel set with my favorite shampoo, conditioner, and conditioning/detangling spray. Ordered.

+Cutest little brass task lamp – under $60.

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One of the things I’ve learned to do the past few trips — create a packing list using the iPhones Notes function as soon as we set travel plans. Then I add items I want to make sure I bring the minute they cross my mind. (I might be in bed at 11 p.m. and think “I need to remember their goggles!” — then I can deposit that item to the list and move on with my life in peace.) I’ve been saving all of these lists because most of the time, they’re a good blueprint/starting point for future trips, and just need a little customization (e.g., now I have Ski Trip list, a Beach list, a Lake list).

I’ve already detailed some great car and travel activities for children here and here, but today focusing on the gear and schlep side of things. I am in the market for some of these myself as my children get older and our needs change. (For example, we’ll be traveling for over a week in Colorado this summer, and I know I’ll need to find them carry on bags!)

01. For kids duffels/totes, I like the look of these patterned, personalizable ones from M&G, but backpacks are probably the easiest way to ensure they can carry them for some portion of the trip. The State Bags ones are so fun. For something that will grow with them (into teen years), these Calpaks do it all. I like the shoe compartment! And I have friends who swear by the Patagonia Black Hole bags for family travel — they come in a range of sizes and are virtually indestructible, but weigh nothing on their own. Cotopaxi makes similar styles in fun colors.

02. For car travel, I still love these enormous Lands End bags in the XXL size. I have one for each child. My son still sits in a carseat, and this fits comfortably beneath his feet. I like that they’re open top so I can reach back and get whatever I need! I fill them with packing cubes!

03. Speaking of packing cubes: each family member has a different color set so it’s easy to find what you’re looking for. I have these inexpensive ones for the kids. We also have a set of compression cubes if we’re short on space for slightly bulkier items. And purely for aesthetics, how cute is this set of floral patterned ones?

04. Never without a pouch of snacks. Handy to then throw wrappers back inside the pouch.

05. For car travel, blankets are a must! I also find this makes bedtime cozier/easier for them.

06. When they were younger, I’d put them in little ribbed pajama-like sets like these for travel days. Nowadays, I find that’s less important — just make sure they’re wearing layers/something comfortable.

07. Travel white noise machine! Another must. I find the more I can make their new sleeping arrangements feel familiar (the white noise they hear at home, the blankets and stuffies they sleep with) the better. Hatch also has a tiny traveling white noise machine they just released that would have been great for babies still in infant carseats / strollers at all times.

08. These Speck iPhone cases are the best. Super rubbery and thick — and the handle is easy for the kids to hold but can also be used to prop it up at an angle on a table.

09. These small hard-sided suitcases (currently on sale) are cute for little ones! You can personalize with these vinyl stickers.

10. For mama on travel day: a backpack (<<I own and love this, still!) and/or belt bag are so handy for a hands-free life, although this Dagne Dover has a great crossbody strap that would make for easier schlepping. The XL does fit under an airplane seat. And this gender-neutral Cotopaxi would be a good option if you want to be able to share the backpack carrying duties with a spouse.

P.S. The magic and mayhem of traveling with young children.

P.P.S. Four nights at Deep Creek Lake with little kids in tow, and three nights in Calistoga, CA without them!

P.P.P.S. Still sifting through all your thoughtful comments on how to plan a great vacation.

Photograph by Claire Harvey. Wearing Doen’s Juno dress.

Over the weekend, I asked Magpies on Instagram what they would tell their 20-year-old selves. The answers to this question always move me, as they pumice away the inessential and collectively point at the simple truths that

life finds a way;

that this, too, shall pass;

and that you must learn to trust yourself, and find joy in the immediate.

Put differently, it will all be OK — so enjoy the good in the present. When I posed this same prompt two years ago, this was in fact the central chorus: it will all be OK, that ultimate emollient of mothering reassurance.

A few that jumped out at me from this batch:

You’ll find more happiness from the things you do for yourself than the things others do for you.

Time is a thief. Live where your feet are and don’t rush to the next thing.

Stop doubting yourself.

Stay open and be vulnerable.

It will look nothing like what you picture, and it will be OK.

A beautiful desiderata, isn’t it?

To this litany, I would add some fine-grained learnings I have found myself leaning on in recent years:

Not everything will resolve to a fine point. You may never get the apology, the explanation, the final word. You must learn to accept the irresolution.

Maturity hinges on a fine understanding what you can and cannot control. You cannot control the behavior of others; you can control how you respond to it.

Say the thing that needs to be said. But not everything does need to be said. You must learn to discern what matters and let the rest go. This is especially true in marriage: assume the best in your partner; let the rest slick off. For the things that do matter: do not bottle them up or worry unnecessarily about contingencies, possible reactions, and the like. If you made a mistake, own it and apologize for it rather than browbeating and wondering what the other party is thinking. If you are going to be late, let the person know rather than careening through traffic in a fit of stress. Mr. Magpie calls this “getting the monkey off your back.” Look whatever it is in the face, and say what needs to be said.

You can do anything for 24 hours. Words I repeated to myself before the births of my children, but the principle extends elsewhere, especially when I am anticipating an intense exchange with someone, or an unpleasant situation. You are strong, and you can withstand more than you think. Just know that this, too, will be over in a day’s time.

You can start a new 24 hour cycle at any time. A great Magpie reader quote (thanks, Mia!). You do not need to wait for tomorrow to hit the reset button. You can decide at 9:05 a.m. that today is a new day, and get started.

You are not for everyone, and that’s OK. Hard to accept if you are a people-pleaser, but essential to rising above the guilt and emotional contortions that can quagmire and obscure.

An apology asks for nothing. Do not give or receive a “sorry” that involves conditions. If you cannot apologize in earnest, you need to ask yourself why. If someone extends an apology that makes demands, be weary and protect yourself.

Worrying imagines too many endings that never come. And no amount of worrying changes the future. It is difficult to break out of a habit of worrying, but one narrow visual I have been using lately: just because the thought path presents itself doesn’t mean you need to walk down it. When you see the storm clouds gathering (“what if…” and “what about…”), imagine yourself standing at the trailhead and moving in a different direction.

Comparison is the thief of joy. Keep your blinders on; don’t worry about what your neighbor is doing. A more empowering way to think of it: why would we ask directions from someone who has no idea where we want to go? Everyone’s path is different — focus on defining your own.

Drive gently. Give yourself, and others, a soft landing. Life can demand so much of us — fashion yourself as a gentle resting place. You never know what is going on in the inner worlds of those around you; go easy.

When you find yourself judging someone else, ask: what does it matter to me?

How you do anything is how you do everything. Care about the small things. Bring the best and most consistent energy you can to any enterprise, whether making the children’s lunches or making a big work presentation. Mr. Magpie’s dad always says, “the shoes make the man,” and I think this is true in a more abstract sense: how we present ourselves, how we move through our lives, comes down to detail.

You will not always find inspiration, so you must learn to be disciplined. True in every realm I can think of — entrepreneurship, parenthood, fitness, creativity, relationships. You must find ways to muscle through the lean times. Half the battle is showing up.

“Experiment with your life. You will make mistakes. And they are right, too.” Words from Anais Nin – there is no way to say it better! Try the thing! Be unafraid to fail! Bring a “You’re going to love it” energy (courtesy of my Dad)!

“Pay attention. Be astonished. Tell about it.” Words from Mary Oliver. Attention is one of the greatest forms of love. Permit yourself to be startled, and delighted, by what you find. In Chicago, I participated in a start-up incubator and one of the mentors once said: “Pessimism is always cooler. But be the optimist. The true entrepreneur is an irrepressible optimist.” I think about that all the time — how it feels cooler, more discerning, to be negative, and how it can feel twee and cheesy to speak in exclamation points. But if you want joy, you must court it!

What else would you add?


+More on the pointlessness of worrying.

+Dear Dad, you were right.

+Barnacles and joy.

Shopping Break.

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+Found the mesh platforms I’m swooning over on sale for 25% off…I think I’m going to pull the trigger today.

+Ordered this denim midi skirt. I also still love this ecru denim maxi skirt from last spring — already pulled out for the season.

+OMG this Chanel bag!!!

+Cute patterned spring blouse – under $100!

+This $50 tote reminded me of the one from MZ Wallace.

+The crown jewel of our covered back porch. On sale!

+A great everyday dress. Wear in 1,000 ways.

+Chic suitcases in great colors for $130.

+Under-$40 eyelet dress if you need something last minute for Easter.

+Really loving these hair products from Roz: this thickening spray and this root lift spray. I’ve been using both and I love the results for my fine, straight hair. You can use a lot of the product without it feeling crispy / gross — truly invisible, and they really work.

+Fun matching shorts/top situation.

+This sunglasses cord is so kitschy and fun. It reminded me in ethos of the cheeky totes from The Jacksons. I own and love one of them — such a fun pop of personality.

+Spendy but such an adorable girl’s dress.

+Cute $25 swimsuit for a little love. Also like this $13 floral sunhat for a baby.

+Obsessed with this top and matching skirt.

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I’ve been on a little shopping spree for my children — all my best finds detailed below:

01. Just bought my son several pairs of Oso & Me shorts — these are my absolute favorites. You can see my tiny three year old son wearing them a few summers ago with Floafers and a Lacoste polo (select colors on sale!) above. A great retro (read: short) length in the best colors. I also love the Cadets and Minnow ones, but find the Oso & Me need the least “care” — they seem to come out of the laundry less wrinkly than the other brands. I also think the contrast color drawstring waist tie is adorable. They run TTS! With this order, I threw one of their striped tees into the cart — I love the look. I always randomly hunt for promo codes and discovered KATE20 got me 20% off my order! Hope it works for you. I don’t know who Kate is, but thanks for the code!

02. Just ordered my children new Natives for the season ahead — lilac for my daughter (because purple is Taylor Swift’s favorite color) and these blue/green ones for my son. I know these are no secret — everyone has them and love them! — and I continue to think they’re the greatest shoe for little kids in the summer. Hose down, no ties, breathable, less likely to fall off a foot than a croc. The colors are amazing. I think I’ll tuck these into the Easter baskets. I also did find a few pairs 50% off at Marshall’s — if you’re lucky, you’ll find your little one’s size! These and these are cute! I’ll probably also buy my son another pair of Floafers — such a cute option for a boy in the summer. Slightly dressier than Natives / work with nicer outfits.

03. I don’t know what it is about boys and socks, but my son destroys his (read: stained them dark brown / spattered with black) within a matter of weeks. (His shoes are also always full of wood chips, mulch, and miscellaneous twigs. Boy things? This never happened with Emory.) Ordered a new set of these after I went on a rampage and threw out all his socks over the weekend.

04. My son plays with Magnatiles constantly. They are one of the few toys we keep permanently out in a bin in our family room — we relegate the rest to their bedrooms, the basement, and the upstairs play area. (We do keep lots of coloring/art materials and games on hand in the family room, though — these feel more appropriate to the space.). I just found these little Magnatile people (all of the magnetic tile brands are interchangeable I’ve found) to add to his Easter basket. (BTW, not sure if the deal will still be going on, but there are some sets of Picasso Tiles that are included in Amazon’s Big Spring sale.)

05. Recent J. Crew kids orders: these shorts for mini; tennis whites (for him: shorts, shirt; for her: shorts, half zip); and a new bikini for my girl. A few other swimsuits I saw and liked while shopping around: this sailboat print for girls and boys; this pom two piece (on super sale); Hunza G (and a look for less from H&M); this textured Old Navy; and this adorable Minnow (it’s in my cart)!

06. At the last minute, we’re taking a little trip over spring break that will entail a hotel pool. I am surprising the kids with a few new dive toys: these gems and these ray gliders. I also have a few others in my cart to buy for summer: penguin diving sticks, Gabby’s Dollhouse diving toys, these dive buddies.

07. Three other pool finds you need to know about: the best lightweight towels (fold down to nothing — I used to keep this in my stroller / diaper bag back when mini would frequent the splash pads of NYC), the best goggles (that elastic strap is SO much better than the usual rubbery kind — doesn’t snag in hair and easier to stretch out and put on head), and reusable water balloons!

08. A really cute inexpensive play dress. ($6?!)

09. A rainbow detangling brush for your little lady! I also love the Wet Brush brand ones. I own multiples and our nanny thinks they are superior to Mason Pearson!

10. Soccer season is starting soon! I’ve been hunting down cute athletic wear for my girl. I like these shorts.

11. Mentioned over the weekend, but I love these dry erase chore charts! My children have been super motivated by this. We use less for chores and more for “these are the things that must be done every day.” I find my children are exercising more independence and ownership over the things we are always nagging at them to get done.

12. A few recent activity purchases for upcoming travel / Mass / restaurants / other excursions: this travel game pad, water color pages, pin art toys (I bought two because I know my children will fight over this in the car), dinosaur puffy stickers, Polly Pocket poodle set, these sticker wows.

13. Tiny NBs in a great color!

14. Sitting here trying to pick which color Calpak Luna to buy. I love the new monochrome options. I keep having a need for stowing kids athletic wear / something smaller to schlep after school outfit changes and accessories and think this is perfect.

P.S. Motherhood is a surfeit.

P.P.S. It’s still their day.

P.P.P.S. Have been working to keep my Amazon shop updated! Wanted to specifically mention that a Magpie found my obsessed-over platform sandal on sale for under $200 on Amazon. Linked here!

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Now if the weather would only cooperate…! I did a try on of several of the new dresses I have on tap for upcoming special occasions — a dinner party, an oyster roast, a child’s birthday party where most of us parents are conveniently really good friends (and the party therefore feels like a party for us, too), and a date with Mr. Magpie are all on deck!

01. Few Moda Pheobe Dress

Several of the dresses in this roundup were gifted to me by Few Moda, including this one, which reminded me of a style by SEA. I’ve been curious about Few Moda forever and have heard good things from several Magpies who have tried. You can either pay a fee up front to get heavy discounts on everything you order, or pay more a la carte for individual items. The prices are very reasonable regardless, and they produce many of their garments in the same factories as higher end brands. (For example, this one is produced by the same factory that produces SEA’s dresses.) I wasn’t sure I needed another smocked dress but this one is an absolute dream in a soft, gauzey material that I could sleep in, and I will 100% be wearing this — probably to a date night with Landon. I like the slightly lower neckline and the dramatic sleeves, which take the dress in an unexpectedly sexier direction.

02. La Maregold Sammy Dress

I feel a little cruel sharing this one as it’s now sold out, and it is SO good — the pattern reminds me of something Emilia Wickstead might have released! — but the brand’s founder, Tara Moni, indicated that restocks are likely, so sign up for an alert! I will be wearing this to the child’s birthday party. It’s breezy, chic, effortless, fun.

03. Bardot Slip Dress.

I know many, many of you ordered this dress, too. She’s a stunner – I literally can’t believe the price point ($129!). The pattern is so elegant / high-end, and the color soft and romantic. Slip dresses are having a moment, too, and I couldn’t help myself. I took a size 2 and the fit is perfect (I’m typically a size 0, FYI). I styled this imagining a summer wedding (of which I have been invited to ZERO — we are officially in a different age category; all our friends are married off!), but can easily convert this into a date night situation with flat sandals and a jean jacket over top. (This one’s great for layering over slip dresses because it’s snug/fitted — but very stretchy, so not restrictive — and I like the contrast between the raw hem and the refined silkiness of the dress. You can see me wearing mine with another slip dress here (scroll down). I also REALLY love this oversized denim jacket from La Ligne, which makes everything feel cooler? The fit is fab. Just boxy/oversized enough. La Ligne really knows how to cut a garment for max coolness – they just get it. You can see me layering mine over a Doen dress here — scroll down. Also, reminder that MAGPIE10 gets you 10% off at La Ligne.)

BTW, I’m wearing my forever favorite Alexandre Birman Claritas below. They are high — I can’t believe I used to wear these all the time! I’m such a wimp nowadays. But, as high heels go, these are pretty wearable, and they go with absolutely everything in your closet. Like, any cocktail dress or formal dress — these will match. In a similar vein, but less expensive and slightly lower heel: these Larroudes, which people have told me are very comfortable!

04. Few Moda Effie Dress

Runs a bit big — I’m not sure I’d suggest sizing down, but if you’re between sizes, take your smaller size. This reminds me so much of the Reformation Tagliatelle dress, but over $100 less (even less expensive if you are a member of Few Moda) and would be perfect for a spring wedding (I’d pair with these sandals!) or a romantic date night. One thing that jumped out at me about this dress: it’s a linen blend, which means it’s very soft — softer than linen / not scratchy at all.

05. Mille Olympia Dress.

Oooo this dress is FUN. The color palette, the dramatic OTS situation, the flounce at the hem! A great birthday party dress. I am contemplating wearing this to the Oyster Roast I mentioned with some fun hoop earrings. I took an XXS in this. As you can see on the site, you can also wear with the straps/sleeves on the shoulder, but I prefer the OTS look.

06. Few Moda Drea Dress.

OK, I’m not usually a mini girl (one of my girlfriends and I joke that we haven’t seen our knees since 2010), but this dress was too fun to pass up. It reminded me of the styles from Juliet Dunn and the color sparks SERIOUS joy. This dress runs big (I took an XS, and wish there were a smaller size), but you can cinch it up at the waistline so it still works. This would be fun for drinks with girlfriends, or a tropical trip somewhere. I love the ric rac trim at the hem!

With the exception of the Bardot dress I styled with heels, I wore these Margaux sandals with all of the dresses above and they work with every last one. I absolutely ADORE them. They’re similar in ethos to our favorite Ancient Greeks, but the ankle wrap adds a little something else? I ordered in the rose nappa color. One thing I love about Margaux is that they offer a wide range of sizes and widths. I’m technically a 34.5 (!! tiniest feet ever) and usually just make do with a 35 that’s a tad too big. So nice to find a brand that really fits!

A few other absolutely gorgeous spring dresses to consider:

01. Anything from Damaris Bailey’s newest collection with Caitlin Wilson. OMG. I own this dress in the coral color and now it’s available in the sweetest robin’s egg blue. Dreamiest wedding guest dress. Also adore this drop-waist style in the most gorgeous blue floral.

02. Cleobella has some fun new arrivals reminiscent of Zimmermann and Alemais. I love the styles in the Lagos pattern — a mini, a midi.

03. This saucy polka dot slip dress from Rixo turned my head. I am loving the slip dress life all of the sudden!

04. Of course you know I love all things Doen — a saw Monica de La Villardière wearing this one and I think I have to have it. Again, not usually a mini girl, but it’s just so sweet.

05. An effortlessly chic everyday dress in bold colors from Emerson Fry.

06. This Oliphant dress is dreamy — I’m imagining it for a backyard party / rose with friends / etc.

07. Just launched a week or so ago, and nearly all sold out, but this Tuckernuck is SO good. Love the pattern and shape of the dress.

08. I own this caftan in a different color and it’s a TOTAL stunner. The detail, the sash, the crispness of the fabric — a 10.

09. This Mi Golondrina is right up my alley. The stripes, the loose fit, the airy ease of it all! You know, one of my top litmus tests when buying a dress that I have no specific occasion in mind for is: is it a barefoot dress? The kind of thing I will really throw on with bare feet and pad around the house in? If so, I’ll probably get a good cost per wear out of it. Mille’s Saffron dress is this way — my favorite thing to throw on in the evenings and I now own it in three patterns…and this Mi Golondrina fits the same bill.

10. Deeply drawn to the pattern / colors — joyful!

P.S. Home finds in a soothing palette.

P.P.S. Observe, don’t absorb.

P.P.P.S. Imprints of a new lifestyle (on moving from NYC to suburban Maryland) — and how we decided to make the move.