Site icon Magpie by Jen Shoop

May Amazon Finds.

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01. Sweetest Amazon swimsuit for your little lady.

02. Fruit-shaped hair clips.

03. Safari-style beach hat.

04. This $21 dress comes in some seriously fun patterns.

05. Cordless stick lamp for those back patio sits.

06. A book that will remind you to stop and embrace joy in your daily life.

07. Summer water bottle in fun watermelon color.

08. Striped dumpling bag in fab summer colors.

09. Water table and water table cover.

10. Montessori-style bookshelf for a child’s room.

11. Travel steamer.

12. Mini glow in the dark basketball hoop.

13. Chic outdoor garden stool.

14. Love this phone wristlet.

15. Just bought my son this telescope for his birthday. It’s pricey but he’s been asking for one for a year now and I want to support this curiosity of his. He also asked for Legos and we got him the space station one — very on-theme!

P.S. Do you have a current hyper-fixation meal?

P.P.S. What meal takes you back to your childhood dining table?

P.P.P.S. Recent children’s finds here and here.

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