Site icon Magpie by Jen Shoop

Magpie Polish: The Nighttime Skincare Routine Newcomers.

The Fashion Magpie Micellar Water

I’ve been playing around with my nighttime cosmetic standbys and had to share some updated thoughts.   (BTW, the towels above are from World Market.)

But first, ICYMI, I’m obsessed with this texturing spray.  I wash my hair every other night just before bed, and then let it air dry.  The next morning, I spray it with the Bumble and Bumble magic and curl it using this, which is THE BEST.  My hair stylist told me that one big secret to achieving the perfect Kate Mara wavy beachy hair look is to curl the hair in sections AND NOT TO TOUCH THOSE SECTIONS AGAIN UNTIL THEY HAVE COOLED.  Once they’re cool, run your fingers through them to loosen the curls a bit and then spray the ends with hair spray and maybe a touch more of your texturizing spray.

Second, onto my nighttime routine.  Though I still swear by these makeup removing pads as the best and fastest way to cleanse your skin of makeup, I have been starting by swiping my face with Dior micellar water, which is sort of like a magical water that attracts all dirt and debris to the cotton ball it’s been applied to, and wiping my eye makeup off with this, which is super necessary since my new mascara is ultra-thick.  Then I use the triad pads to completely cleanse the skin and tone it, too.

The final step is Sunday Riley’s Luna Sleeping Night Oil.  I just ordered some in the smaller size so I could test it out — stand by for full review!  I swapped it in for my old standby, Korres’ Wild Rose Brightening Sleeping Facial, which I still love, and will maybe switch back to or alternate with.  Heads up, though: the Korres’ stuff is heavily-scented, so anyone whose skin does not tolerate fragrance well should skip.  Personally, though, I love it — it smells like roses and fresh laundry.

Also on my beauty lust-list:

+Curious to try one of these Lunas for my skin.

+I’ve wanted to try this for nearly two years now, but was too nervous to test it while pregnant and nursing.  But now that I’ve weaned mini…

+I love a two-fer (two-for-the-price-of-one) product like this — something you can dab on cheeks AND lips and be done with it.  This is why I love my shimmer brick — I swipe it on my cheeks and eyelashes and it makes life very similar.

+I don’t wear foundation unless my skin is extra rage-y, but I recently read that this goes on very sheer and natural.

+Another concealer to add to my never-ending list in search for the perfect one.

P.S.  More great and recent beauty finds.