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What Are Your Daily Reads?

How do you consume the news?

How do you consume the news? I wish I were an old school lass who read a print paper over a bowl of Crispix every morning, but more often than not, my daily consumption of information follows a decidedly sad, millennial bent:

+In bed: check CNN headlines, skim email, and scroll through Instagram. A lot of the time, major news emerges in one shape or form through these three outlets. I’ll Google a topic if the headline captures my attention enough.

+While preparing and eating breakfast: We watch the CBS Early Morning News together, which runs from 7-8 a.m. I love Anne-Marie Green. I find a lot of the other anchors — especially the more famous ones on the 8 AM Morning News program — take themselves very seriously and enjoy interjecting their own “unimpeachable” perspectives a little too much. Anne-Marie has a lighter touch and seems more balanced. But I digress. I try to limit mini’s screen time but make a huge exception for the morning news — I think it’s important that she sees that we are dialed in to what’s going on in the world, and that we often then discuss it as a family. When mini hears the click-on of the TV in the morning, she looks at me and says, “News.”

+Throughout the day: I wish I had a more consistent approach to consuming articles, news, and thought-pieces, but the truth is that I lean on CNN news alerts, social media, my family, a text thread Mr. Magpie and I have with our best couple friends, and especially Mr. Magpie, as my curators. Mr. Magpie is a prolific Redditor and seems to always know what’s going on, even in the most disparate of circles, and so I trust him to ensure I’m up to speed. (Reddit has been described as “the front page of the Internet.”)

I have tried various email services that aggregate headlines and the like but find I eventually unsubscribe from all of them; it’s just one more thing to sift through in the morning. My friend Hitha recently started a series on Instagram where she shares 5 Smart Reads in the morning — those are often a handy springboard/digest for interesting content, and I appreciate that she presents a range of perspectives. She often features articles pertaining to her career in the pharmaceutical industry, of which I knew very little, so that’s been an interesting education.

I’m wondering if my smart Magpies have some burnings recommendations or brilliant strategies for staying plugged in on a daily basis?

Post Scripts.

+Hot pink was huge on the recent runways and then I think my heart stopped when I saw Gemma Chan in this EPIC Valentino gown at the Oscars. DEAD. A few of my favorite ways to get the look: these hot pink sandals (reminiscent of The Row), this splashy jumpsuit, these sleek mules, this Self-Portrait gown, and this fun printed shirtdress (under $100 – thank you Cynthia!)

+Hair accessories — especially clips — are big right now. I’ve featured a bunch of pieces over the past few weeks, but a handful more: these in pink, these elegant tortoise-shell ones, and these glitzy KJLs. (Or, go the bargain route as I did, with these, which have taken about 23 years to arrive. Literally ordered them in January.)

+This tiered, polka dotted dress is everything with some simple slides.

+Love this exaggerated-sleeved sweatshirt. Ah, to have a waist…

+This beaded pacifier clip is chic and genius.

+I mentioned a “toileting independence” class Mr. Magpie and I attended last week. (We crossed a threshold into serious parenthood with that one.) The instructor strongly recommended Hanna Andersson training underwear for the early days, as they’re thick/padded. Bonus: they’re cute!

+Dying over these peony-print smoking loafers!