I finished Pat Barker’s The Silence of the Girls and it made me think a lot – as mythology and its representations are meant to do – about the underlying shapes of things. The archetypes of heroism; the fundamentals of conflict. I also went on two four-mile runs this week, my first time back on the road in ages. Both days, I ran through the morning lightly, fleet of foot — I was so happy to be moving in the spring air — and I noticed dozens of parents walking their children to school, or standing at the curb or sitting on the stoop, waiting for buses to arrive. I overheard many quiet, routine tendernesses: last-minute reminders, final hugs, laughter. The shuffling of bangs out of faces, and wiping of breakfast crumbs off of cheeks. Inchoate promises: “Maybe after school…” It struck me that all over the world, parents are engaged in this exact and unremarkable daily send-off: these same closing ministrations before the fledglings fly out into the world. What I really saw was the familiar daily devotion each of us accomplishes in her own lane, not knowing she is part of an enormous pattern of women expressing their love in unknowing synchrony with one another. What an incredible thing, to be a part of that tapestry of love.
Another underlying shape: the undulating wave of the morning send-off. Which made me think, too, of this one painting by Pablo Picasso called “Femme et Enfant” — and how rich the tradition of motherhood portraiture has been over the ages, from the Madonna-and-Childs of the Medieval period through the cubists, and beyond. Across the decades, you see a lineage there, a continuity in form. You look at the Picasso painting, as abstract as it is, and you just know you’re looking at a mother and her baby, those cosseting arms, and yet it is expressed differently.
What are the underlying shapes of my motherhood, I wonder? The things I feel for, the elements that jump out at me, or that I cozy up against?
+The most romantic movie scene.
+A playlist for a lowkey romantic night.
+Make this cocktail this weekend!
Shopping Break.
+What us Magpies are reading right now here. I am just settling into The Berry Pickers but what I really feel like reading is this one, which so many of you are reading ATM!
+Just updated my Shopbop hearts. In the process, I ordered this skirt and the matching top!
+Very popular among Magpie shoppers the past few days: this mini raffia bag! I believe it’s still 25% off! If you’re looking to make a bigger investment in this style of bag, you might consider this Gucci or this Tods.
+This tweed top is SO good, and $59. It reminds me of the shape of that chic Julia Amory top.
+My Ciao Lucia dress just arrived and is so darling. I found a great look for less here!
+I’ve been living in my Varley pieces this spring (see me in two of my favorite Varley pieces here, with all my picks linked below).
+Goop just restocked its wildly popular hydra-barrier lip gloss. (It was sold out for awhile.) Use code SHOOP15 for 15% off.
+Just got these glossy gold earrings in — I feel like they’ll be my new everyday go-to.
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