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Holiday Gifts for Babies.

livly baby bunny coverall

*Image above via LivlyBaby showcasing their darling bunny coveralls — one of my favorite items Hill has ever owned.

Another one of my most-requested gift guides this season (second only to gifts for men): holiday gifts for babies! (I’ve covered toddlers, older children/tweens, and loved ones, and even added a special guide with gourmet gifts per multiple magpie requests.) As always, feel free to shoot me an email or direct message if you are still looking for something for a specific person. I love hunting for you all!

Some great gifts for little ones under two years of age (most of these ideas skew towards ~one year olds, with a specific section for under-six-months below):

+Fisher Price Little People. Both of my children have adored these toys from the age of maybe 8-9 months up. The figures are the perfect size for little hands and they promote imaginative play. Both of mine play with this house (still!), but this bus is a clever innovation since new/learning-to-walk little ones can pull it around with the handle. My son has been obsessed with this Little People Batmobile I gave him on Halloween. It has lots of interesting features (doors that open, things that click up and down, etc.) and, duh, it’s a car.

+Honeysticks Crayons. These taste-safe crayons were both of my children’s first artistic implements. Bundle with some coloring paper.

+Hammer Bench. We actually ordered this for Hill this year — he’s nearly 18 months and I think this would have worked as a gift far earlier, but I also think he’ll get a big kick out of organizing the pegs, hammering them, etc.

+Melissa and Doug Tub Stickies. (Come in multiple different patterns, like mermaids, numbers, etc.). My children love these, and Hill has been especially into them for as long as I can remember. You could bundle with other bath gear (my children love these bath dropz and tub crayons; and Tubby Todd can do no wrong in my book) or a darling bath robe.

+Mini Corolle Baby Doll. I think I’ve included this on every baby gift list I’ve ever done but I don’t think I’ve ever seen a small child more excited about a new toy in my life — mini went absolutely wild when she opened this at just shy of a year old. She loved it and carried it everywhere with her for months. The size of the mini Corolle is perfect for tiny little ones (it is super small!), but if you want a bigger doll, I would look at Minikane or Rosalina for precious alternative options.

+Wooden Block Set. Babies love stacking! I was surprised at how much longevity we’ve gotten out of this exact set for Hill — the size of the blocks is perfect for a baby. He will often lines them up on the edge of his crib or stacks them in towers. This alphabet set is also cute.

+Janod Shape Sorter. I love the wooden design on this style, and shape sorting toys are such a great gift to entertain and promote focus among small children.

+I Love Plum Tutus. I think my heart stopped the first time mini wore one of these adorable tutus to “pre-ballet” class. Just beyond precious. Cute with this book alongside it. The illustrations are darling!

+Duplos. A classic for a reason. My children have used these from around the age of one.

+Cuddle and Kind teddies. Beyond precious and such a sweet mission.

+Music Table. We try to give the children something in the art/music category every holiday — this was a big hit.

+Janod Doctor Suitcase. This is marketed for 3+ years so will need to be used with supervision, but mini received this at one year of age and has loved it and used it consistently ever since.

+Harding Lane Ballcap. Fit even the littlest heads!

+Petite Plume Pajamas. Seeing a tiny body in old man-style pajamas is pretty much the cutest thing you will ever see in your life. (More holiday jammie ideas here.)

Big-Ticket Items.

+Mini Armchair. Such a sweet way to transform a corner of your room into a reading nook.

+Olli Ella Doll Stroller. Beyond darling. Can you even imagine it beneath a tree with an enormous velvet bow on it and a little baby doll nestled inside? Makes me swoon!

+Personalized Knit Sweater. Because, let’s be honest, babies under a year don’t really care about that much besides the wrapping paper, so might as well make it actually a gift for the mama! Ha 🙂

+Janod Activity Table. My parents have an activity center similar to this they keep in their living room and it is always the first destination for all grandchildren entering the house. I like this table style because little ones can pull up on it as they are learning to stand, and all of the Janod brand toys are attractively designed (non-plastic!)

+Baghera Speedster. Just a classic, and handsome enough to double as attractive nursery decor. They also have this simpler style for even younger little ones, and Radio Flyer makes a cute variation for about half the price.

For Itty Bitties (6 months and under).

+Piggy Bank (also love this actual pig style) with an inaugural deposit. We had good friends give mini a piggy bank when she was first born and it was just such a sweet gesture and classic gift.

+Wooden Stacking Rings. I think Hill’s ring set was the first toy he truly engaged with. Nice that they can teeth on the rings and also learn how to stack them up.

+Pehr Playmat. So nice to have a designated (cushioned!) playmat (that is machine-washable!). Also love this darling heart-shaped one from Hill House Home!

+Handmade Bunny Mobile. (Mini has one of these and ohhh how precious.)

+Rattle Set. I’m specifically drawn to this set because they are soft-knit — do you know how often little babies drop things on their own faces?? These little teething ring/knit sets are also precious.

+7AM Enfant Foot Muff. Every baby needs a cozy stroller situation in cold weather! This brand is la creme de la creme and works with most strollers.

+Fisher-Price Sit-Me-Up Play Seat. I wish I had known about this before Hill was too big to use it, but this is genius! The perfect transitional seat for a baby just learning to hold up his/her head, but too floppy for an activity center. Cushioned, low to the ground. Every mom can use an extra place to put down her baby!

+Livly Baby Bunny Coverall. One of my absolute favorite articles of clothing Hill has ever owned.

+Knit Name Hat. Such a darling gift for a tiny head!

+Monogrammed Baby Towel and Washcloth Set. I love the designs!

Baby’s First Christmas Ornaments.

Several adorable options to commemorate baby’s first Christmas:






P.S. More Christmas ornaments here.

P.P.S. Some fun late-autumn finds for under $100 for you.

P.P.P.S. A moondance down memory lane