Site icon Magpie by Jen Shoop

Have Yourself a Merry Little Christmas.

christmas decor dining room

My sister and I have always had a special devotion to the movie “Meet Me in St. Louis” and specifically the part where Judy Garland sings her little sister these lyrics:

Through the years
We all will be together
If the fates allow
Hang a shining star upon the highest bough
And have yourself a merry little Christmas now

This year, the lyrics truly hit home, as the fates have not allowed most of us to be together, but — nonetheless — we are hanging a shining star on the highest bough and muddling through.

Thinking of you, Magpies! Merry little Christmas.

P.S. Heartier musings on Christmas here, here, and here.

P.P.S. If you’re looking for something to do at home with loved ones during the lowkey week between Christmas and New Year’s, a few thoughts:

+People rave about this party game.

+Nothing like a rousing match of Trivial Pursuit to send your sibling into an acrimonious funk. Haha — someone is always angry after we play these games.

+The best brand of puzzle, and I love the classic artworks they showcase!

+Pretty playing cards for gin rummy or your favorite card game. We play a game called O Hell that is addicting and also infuriating.

+Go all-in on a complicated, multi-day baking project from Tartine or MilkBar.

+Chess! Queen’s Gambit and all that…

+Watch The Godfather trilogy, preferably with an elaborate antipasti spread and healthy pour of chianti in front of you.

+Jenga! A classic for a reason.

+Nintendo Switch. Every now and then, we dust off the old N64 to play Mario Kart. The Switch looks like a great update.

+Listen to an audiobook together. I feel like Harry Potter would be a fun one for everyone.

+Set up a low key indoor shrimp BBQ. Blast country music and pretend like you’re outside.

P.P.P.S. The three most popular items on my blog this entire year: this $64 blockprint dress, the best mascara in all the lands, and these letterpress notecards.