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Are You a Book Repeater?

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In the obdurate month of February, I asked, in thinly-veiled exasperation: “What is your favorite part of winter?”

It turns out that there is a lot to love about it. The sparse, cleansing beauty. Soft cotton base layers against skin. The awareness that things must end to begin again.

And your contributions:

“The specific beauty of a low winter sun.” // “Every winter we cover out outdoor couch in faux fur blankets and set out a tray of candles, my husband calls it the “Nutcracker Lounge.” // “Citrus!” //  “I’ve been collecting fragrances since I was a teenager–my favorites are best in cooler weather.” // “Cold, winter walks. Fires and baking and sledding parties with friends. A sneaky flask of Jameson. All this and no weeding!” // “The reset that winter offers.” // “Flushed rosy cheeks and the rest of my face so, so cold and just feeling naturally lovely with very little effort.”

In addition, one common response I received: “Re-reading my favorite winter novels.”

Wow! I’d never have thought to do this, as I rarely re-read a book, but the concept has been on my mind since February.

Are you a book repeater? Which ones do you re-read, and how often? Is it seasonal? How does a book cross over into the “repeater” category for you? Is it nostalgia? A specific feeling — romance, homesickness, reassurance — you’re after? A character you straight up love?

Tell me everything.

Just this week, I made an off-handed comment on Instagram that this dress (see me moving in it here — ultra-flattering and romantic and also available in the white for family photos or this great fall print if you’re shopping ahead) felt like something Elizabeth Bennet would wear if she were real and around right now. I then added that I actually relate more to Anne Eliot from Persuasion than I do Elizabeth from P&P — I found the way Anne carried out her sisterhood and her role as a daughter resonated with me when I was a teen, and again when I re-read it in my late 20s. I’d be curious to know how I feel now, at just-40, and whether my connection to Anne was more a life-stage thing? I’m inclined to reread it to find out as a part of my inaugural voyage into book repeater-ship. Do you think this is a good first nominee?

Please share your thoughts, suggestions, perspectives —


+I polled Magpies on Instagram to find out what books they’re reading and loving right now. Top, most-repeated recs: The God of the Woods (thriller); Covenant of Water and Demon Copperhead (literary — see my effusive review of Copperhead here); Swan Song (beach read).

+I shared a bunch of my top recs for summer beach reads here — I’ve read 2/3 of these, and my favorite was Carley Fortune’s This Summer Will Be Different. The plot is overwrought and drags on BUT the PEI setting and overall summer atmosphere are delicious — it’s like biting into a ripe, juicy peach. Also, and let me know if you disagree, the vignette of Felix shucking oysters was one of the spiciest “meet the love interest” scenes I’ve read in a long while.

+Currently reading Swan Song (delightful in its predictability) and Margaret Renkl’s The Comfort of Crows (profound, beautiful musings on the natural world — as Ann Patchett put it: “a howling love letter to the world”; and you know how I feel about Ann Patchett. If something earns her imprimatur, sign me up.). Next up: Percival Everett’s James, which I’ve been putting off in favor of lighter poolside reading this summer, and Elena Ferrante’s My Brilliant Friend, which the NYT ranked the top book of the 21st century. Major resume gap for me. So many of you love this book and nearly all of you quickly add: “It starts slow. Stick with it!”

+I am currently bowled over (!) by the response to this Instagram post I shared last week — an adaption of my “10 I Love Yous” musing. Almost 25,000 likes in a few days! It is deeply gratifying to feel my writing resonate with readers, even if, as a I writer, I don’t believe it’s any of my business (!). My only job is to put something shapely out into the world. Still, I stand here flattered and humbled.

+Image at the top is from one of the relaxation lounges at Keswick Spa in Charlottesville, VA! I share some other thoughts on Keswick, and Charlottesville in general, in this Magpie Diary. I’ve visited Keswick twice this year and have to say I think it’s the best getaway within two hours of D.C. Runner up: Inn at Perry Cabin at St. Michael’s.

Shopping Break.

+Another really good Old Navy dress, especially in that smart stripe. Wear now with sandals and later with loafers or ballet flats.

+Currently in peak mosquito season in humid DC. We swear by the Thermacell — you turn it on 10 minutes before you’re going to eat / hang outside and it really repels them within a radius of maybe 15 feet? We love this so much, we bought it for both of our sets of parents. But I’ve also been hunting for a less toxic (?) alternative to Cutter wipes when out and about. Just came across these (clean!) wipes from Kinfolk. Has anyone tried? I’m intrigued. As a related aside: we swear by this ice roller for toning down itchy mosquito bites. It sort of numbs the area briefly and then you forget about it. My kids use this all the time when they’re bitten!

+Alice Walk just released the dreamiest cashmere cardigan. I want it so badly in that ivory color! I’m also obsessed — I mean obsessed — with these gauze pants. Any time we come back from a day in the sun, pool, etc, I shower and put these on with a tank top, as seen here. It’s just perfect for that tired, slightly sun-dazed wedge of time when you feel like pouring a glass of rose and hanging on the couch.

+Another very chic denim dress to put on your radar. Great to wear now and transition to fall wardrobe later. I rounded up all my favorite denim dresses here, with this Tuckernuck leading the pack (I know many of you also own it).

+I’m still laughing about a rogue comment I made on Instagram — I said that I’d come across a post from a plastic surgeon who said: “the cheapest, fastest way to look younger is to throw away your no-show socks,” and that, as an elder millennial, it took me months to complete the acclimation process, but I’m finally wearing mid-calf / quarter-calf socks. The response was hilarious! So many of you wrote “HAHA — ugh – send me a link.” These socks are a great starter option; you can see me in them here. I’ve also heard good things about these Bombas.

+A very chic pair of under $50 sandals.

+I have gotten a lot of wear out of my Cesta Collective Lunchpail bag — an investment, but it always feels just right for dinners out. More interesting than a flat clutch, but a great petite size that doesn’t feel too “daytime.” I also found a great look-for-less option here.

+Another great look-for-less bag option: do you remember when I was drooling all over the Bottega sardine bags I saw in Aspen? This Elleme bag feels very similar.

+OK, after actual years of talking about wanting to try the Dyson AirWrap, then deciding against, I’m finally going for it. It’s going to be my August treat to myself. It is so expensive (!) but so many of you have raved about it, including several of my girlfriends who came to Tulum with me earlier this year, one of whom said she values her AirWrap so highly, she packs it in her carry-on bag vs checking it because she can’t bear to part ways with it. If you’ve never shopped at BlueMercury before, you can get 10% off by signing up for emails and then order it. Stay tuned for thoughts!

+A propos: my Everything Shower favorites.

+Drop waists are trending this summer — here’s a chic and versatile pick for under $200.

+All my Shopbop hearts (just updated!)

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