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Weekend Vibes: Edition No. 31

My Latest Score: The Pearl Slide

OK, I really need to cool my jets on all things pearls (ahem and ahem), but after I saw on Instastory that one of my fashion icons, Jenny Walton, snagged a pair of these Miu Miu pearl slides, I was lusting after them something awful.  But, I just could not bring myself to splurge on another pair of shoes and especially a pair so expensive for what they are!  I found these Jeffrey Campbell lookalikes for $158 and bought them immediately.



You’re Sooooo Popular: The Monogrammed Hankerchief

The most popular items on Le Blog this week:

+A fun little “something blue” for you brides-to-be — I got a lot of visitors to this post reflecting on what I would change about my wedding this week.

+My favorite sweater for minimagpie this fall, on sale!

+Straight leg jeans that are just on the cusp of the mom jean trend.  (So many fashionistas out there!  WOO!  GO YOU, RIDING THOSE TRENDS!)

+My go-to sweater for fall.

+The only undershirts Mr. Magpie wears.

+This striped Rebecca Taylor sweater is on RIDIC sale and a lot of you have snapped it up.

+Super chic Bottega Veneta lookalike for way less!

+Yet another Everlane cult classic.

#Turbothot: Pipe Dreams.

While on our exhausting plane ride back from New York earlier this week, Mr. Magpie and I got into a long conversation with a lovely lady sitting next to us.  She was exceptionally kind to minimagpie (I’m sure she must have taken a deep breath when she saw she’d be seated next to an infant) and lent us a sympathetic ear as we unwittingly bared our souls about the anxieties and excitements of moving to a new city.  At some point in the conversation — and I’m not sure how — she shared that though she was a lawyer by trade, she had always dreamed of opening her own B+B.  She had everything — from the towels to the key rings for the keys to the name of the B+B — picked out, and she described everything in exquisite detail, her face aglow, her eyes occasionally darting over to ours to gauge our reactions. Hearing her wax poetic about the minutaie of this pipe dream of hers, watching her tentatively advance it before two haggard-looking strangers and their baby, left me feeling hazy and hopeful, and, at the risk of sound overly cutesy, in a New York State of Mind:

These little town blues
Are melting away
I’ll make a brand new start of it
In old New York

If I can make it there
I’ll make it anywhere
It’s up to you
New York, New York

A day later, I found myself singing “When You Wish Upon a Star” to minimagpie.  I hadn’t ever thought about the words before, but they walk a very delicate line between cloyingly cheesy and rousingly sentimental.  On that afternoon, just a few hours after listening to this stranger divulge her innermost aspirations, and just a day after traipsing around Manhattan in search of a new home, and just two weeks after deciding to take on a new life adventure in a new city, they struck me as gorgeous — so optimistic and American in their own way.

I hope I raise a star-gazer, a dreamer, a fearless and sanguine voyager in this little woman of substance I have the privilege of caring for.

I’ve shared a bit about my own pipe dream.  I wonder: what’s yours?!

P.S.  I love *LOVE* reading your smart and fascinating comments on some of my more introspective posts.  Like, are you a rule follower?!  And when was the last time you felt like an outsider?

#Shopaholic: The Ribbed Turtleneck

+I need this ribbed turtleneck bodysuit.  So 90s throwback in the best of ways.

+Such a fab tartan dress…a girl can dream, right?

+LOVE this fringed tasseled poncho from Gap!

+Happy party heels for $130!!!

+I missed this in my post on the color of the season, but it is AMAZING and looks so high-end!

+Fabulous oversized check scarf for $40.

+Sweet pink coat — that flounce tho!

+Christmas jammies are BACK!