Site icon Magpie by Jen Shoop


OK, it’s the eve of Thanksgiving, and it’s time to turn introspective for a moment while enjoying the sights/sounds/smells of this late fall holiday…

{images from the lovely From Me to You blog}

I am thankful for so much this year that I started a list and could have easily gone on for hour and hours.  Instead, I’ll abbreviate to the first 30 that easily sprang to mind:

 Mr. Magpie

Bravo TV and DVR

Boozy Wine and “Sninner” (Snack Dinner) Nights with my Bestie

The Celebrity App on my iPad

Having a Dishwasher and Laundry Machine in My Apartment

97.1’s NonStop Christmas Music


My Dad’s Quiet, Unassuming Brilliance and Insight into Life

A Car That Works and Has Not Needed Repair in Weeks

The Big 3: Beyonce, Mariah Carey, and Whitney Houston

The Memory of My Wedding Day {Best Day…Ever}

Foot Petals, Which Enable Me to Wear Ankle Breaking Shoes

Ankle Breaking Shoes

Inexpensive Buses to NYC to Visit My Baby Sister

My 3 Beautiful Sisters and My Amazing Brother

Coke Zero

The Visitation Nuns who Pray for Myself and My High School Classmates Every Day

My College Education {Thanks, Mom and Dad!}

Essie Nailpolish {the Brighter, the Better}

My Mother’s Endless Support and Love

Old School 90s Jam Nights {Lots of Alanis Morissette, Please}

Cozy Socks

Mr. Magpie’s Parents’ Dog, Tootsie

Haribo Candy

The Health of My Parents and Parents-in-Law

My Subscriptions to Elle, Bazaar, Instyle, and Vogue

Stupid Inside Jokes with My Friends

Leopard Print

My Faux Fur Throw


and, of course —

{Seriously, you rock!}

Have a very Happy Thanksgiving!