Site icon Magpie by Jen Shoop

Some Tings

When my girlfriends and I visited the Bahamas for Spring Break in college (errr what?  Spring Break, you say?  Now that I have a Costco membership, I’m too old to understand such jargon), we came across a ginormous PSA poster promoting safe sex that read: “Protect Ya Tings, Mon.”  Of course, this meant for the next 2-3 years, we would sporadically tell one another to “protect ya tings.”  This thought came to me in a flash the way useless tidbits do yesterday while brushing my teeth and it’s been floating in the ether since.  So.  Here are some TINGS to brighten ya Friday, mon.  (Miss you, girlies!)

First: a Jill Rosenwald vase ($76).  Ugh.  I’ve wanted one of her pieces for a long time (I love you long time, mon) but for some reason just can’t bring myself to take the plunge.  I wish the pieces were just a *leeeetle* bit cheaper to justify their purchase, because I feel as though you can find this sort of thing on the cheap from Anthro…but then again, they aren’t Jill Rosenwald.  Wahhh.

Yes, you, little guy!  I want you on my desk with some white peonies.  Thanks.  While we’re talking desktop, I’d also like the entire 6-book series of notecards from Russell + Haze ($22 each)l.  I think they look so feminine set up top on a desk:

Of course, use a Le Pen (get a set of 18 for $25 here) to craft any meaningful note:

I can daydream about myself working in a glamified girly office, sitting in a lucite desk chair ($410) behind my pristine white desk (the Jonathon Adler Channing…dream…$1,700), writing letters in style…

Beneath my tootsies?  Some sort of animal hide or fluffy sheepskin rug.  This Furbish find is to die ($700):


I can guarantee you Mr. Magpie is rolling his eyes right now because he says I only like to decorate in neutrals — white, beige, crystal, etc.  I must admit that this accusation holds true.  The proof is in the pudding: check out my Pinterest “Magpie Nest” board.  Oops-i-doodle.  I swear I like color, but white just looks so serene and classy…

Is there a problem here?!  Fiiine, I’ll add some color.  I will say I’ve been dreaming about stockpiling a few of these inexpensive and brightly colored bud vases from Design Darling ($16 each):


Oh, and maybe this fun phone plug-in ($29):


One other random (and colorful) item I’ve had my eye on lately?  These scented drawer liners from MacBeth Collection ($12/roll):

Genius, n’est-ce pas?!  OK, fronds — have a great weekend!  See you next week, and please forgive me if the next few weeks of posts are a little nest-centric.  We’re designing some of our new rooms here in Chi-town, so all I can think about is interior decorating at the moment.  We need to buy a new couch, a new bed, a new dresser, and a million other new things…soooo.  Get ready.

{Placecard from SugarPaper — buy it in paper form at $14/pack of ten.}