Site icon Magpie by Jen Shoop

Sale Sweep: Jacadi Summer Sale!

The Fashion Magpie Jacadi Floral Romper

I was delighted to discover Jacadi has marked down a huge swathe of their darling summer clothing — and before summer’s even officially underway!  I immediately snagged this Liberty London floral print romper (shown above!), as I’d been eyeing it for weeks.  (You may have seen mini in it earlier this week!)  I also love this little sunsuit (also Liberty London) and this cherry-print raincoat.  For boys — these classic linen shortalls?!  Mini already owns these darling sneakers, but I’ve heard great things about their canvas plimsolls (apparently very well-made and hold up in the wash!).  Finally — these socks!  and this hat!  I’ve never particularly cared for the “bucket hat” style on babies, though I understand their utility, but that scalloped style may have turned the tide for me…

P.S.  Finally snagged one of these for our stroller, as mini tends to like water and snacks on our long walks through Manhattan.  I find her to be lovely company now while I’m running errands — but only when she’s stocked up on snacks.

P.P.S.  I also bought her this, finally, and she’s going to FLIP.  She loves draping toys over the front of her walker and pushing them around, so this will be a huge upgrade for her.

P.P.P.S.  In search of a couple of “indoor activities” on hand for rainy days, I also snagged this set.