This Thanksgiving, I am grateful for…
1. Airplanes. I know we all complain about them, but they let me see my friends and family now that I’m out here in the MidBest, and have hence earned my respect.
2. My one-of-a-kind, loving, supportive, beautiful Magpie Mom. Couldn’t do anything without her.
3. The Pinterest iPhone app. Many a boring check-out line, waiting room, and lazy morning have been made bearable with this lovely time suck of a treat.
4. Morning coffee and chit-chat with my perennially happy Mr. Magpie.
5. My Alexander Wang Emile bag. Enough said.
6. Texts and calls from my sassy and loving little sister. She’s blunt, hilarious, and insightful. I love seeing her name flash up on my screen.
7. Skim lattes. They are my favorite indulgence du jour.
8. My father’s brief, concise emails — they are all-business and to the point, but punctuated with love and concern. And they always contain useful information, such as how to handle a problem with health insurance; the steps we need to take in order to change our license plates to Illinois ones; etc. He’s the best.
9. My engagement ring. I still stare at it in awe.
10. Mr. Magpie’s running soundtrack to life. I have made this joke many a time to those who know him, but he is possibly the most voluble human being on the planet. From the moment he springs out of bed in the morning (and he is an early, early riser) to the moment he falls asleep at night, it’s rare that you won’t hear him humming, drumming his fingers, offering a running dialogue on what he’s doing, chatting, commenting on whatever is in front of him, etc. I adore this about him. And it makes me nervous when I hear silence from his corner.
11. My other sister’s selflessness — she is an inspiration to me. She puts her friends and her precious little students above all else.
12. My new Barbour coat. It keeps me warm in this chilly Chicago climes.
13. Mr. Magpie’s cooking. He’s seriously talented. Home-cured bacon? Pulled pork? Homemade pickles? No problem for him. Yumyumyum.
14. Groupon, for employing Mr. Magpie. (Everyone, buy lots of Groupons!)
15. My smart and hilarious older brother, who I don’t see enough, but who will send me random texts that say things like: “Watching CHEERS and thinking of you and summers in Aspen.” He brings me back to center.
16. The puppy that Mr. Magpie and I will be buying for each other for Christmas this year (….!!!!!! PREEMPTIVE THANKS!!!!!)
17. The health of everyone in my family.
18. My pedestrian lifestyle — I love not using our car! So lucky to be able to walk or take the L to most places I need to be here in Chicago.
19. Two TVs. I can’t tell you how much Mr. Magpie and I would battle if it weren’t for this extravagance.
20. The company of my baby sis, who lives up here in Chicago. I’ve adored the opportunity to get even closer to this little pumpkin. She and I have enjoyed many girly TV fests, cooking experiments, and cozy nights here in our apartment.
21. High heels. (I’m woefully short without them.)
22. Makeup removing wipes. These are the best thing since sliced bread, since a) I never leave the house without mascara, and these make it a cinch to remove; and b) sometimes, I just don’t have the energy to scrub my face before bed. Problems solved.
23. On-demand movies. Mr. Magpie and I watch several a week using Amazon’s Instant Movie service, now that we cancelled our Netflix subscription. It’s delightful.
24. Wine.
25. Phone calls with my bestie. It’s not the same as seeing her, but it’ll do in a pinch.
26. Spotify. I’ve been listening to Christmas music on it for the last three weeks. Not ashamed to admit it.
27. Shopbop. I could spend hours browsing and adding items to the proverbial shopping cart.
28. Manicures — they make me feel like a lady.
29. Employment. I know how tough it is to find a job in this market, and I’m blessed.
30. Mr. Magpie, Mr. Magpie, Mr. Magpie. I am thankful for every last thing about him, from his optimistic support of this bloglet to his silly terms of endearment for me (his favorite: “Wife,” as in: “Wife, what are you doing?”, “I’m hungry, wife!”, “Where are my Persols, wife?”) to his brilliant, entrepreneurial sensibility. Thankyouthankyouthankyou for this life, Mr. Magpie!
AND, of course:
Tell me — what are you thankful for?!