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Le Pearl Sweater + More.

The Fashion Magpie Pearl Sweater

No preamble today; I’m going straight for ten picks on this happy, not-so-far-from-Christmas Friday:

Pick No. 1: The Pearl Sweater

I’ve been wearing my Zara pearl sweater (sold out, but you can find a few on eBay if you’re desperate for it!) all over the place, and then I saw this chic sweater on Sylvana Ward Durrett of Maisonette (above) and wondered if I need it, too.

Pick No. 2: The Christmas Ornament

Every year, I give Mr. Magpie a new Christmas ornament.  I can’t share which one I bought him this year (he reads this blog…he, along with my old and dear friend, Eric, are quite possibly the only two men to ever set foot in TFM), but I will say that I lingered for some time over the selections of glass blown styles from Old World Christmas.  I especially loved the chinese takeout one and this upright piano (I used to play!).

Pick No. 3: The Coco Bow Mule

Guys, I do not — NOT — need any more mules or bow-toed anythings in my life.  And yet.  I could always make space for these beauties from The Row, which I’ve featured before, and which were just restocked.  (You can also get the look for less with these, which look VERY similar and are around $100!  Or, different, but in a similar vein — these Pradas were just marked down to 60% off!!!)


Pick No. 4: The New Scent

I feel like I’ve written about this for the last two years straight, but I’m still on the hunt for my new scent.  I thought it might be Chanel’s Gabrielle, but, after testing it out, decided it was sorta blah — not interesting enough.  It just smelled like “perfume.”  I dunno.  I continue to go back to Narcisco Rodriguez, which I LOVE — very feminine but “woodsy” at the same time.  I can’t explain what it smells like, actually.  Anyway, I keep reading that all these chic peas wear Byredo’s Bal d’Afrique or Gypsy Water — you know the type: “I get up and eat steal cut oats and black coffee, then meditate; I dab on Gypsy Water and La Mer undereye cream as I dash out the door to meet Mary Kate [Olsen] at Via Corota for a quick work meeting.  I’m wearing an Acne leather jacket, Rag and Bone Jeans, and moto boots I found in a small market in Rome…”] and am very curious as to what they smell like.  I might have to try one of these rollerball versions, a milder investment that I’m convinced will earn my insta-cool points.


Pick No. 5: The LED Sign

It’s not even my style, but I’ve long lusted after the neon sign above Kourtney Kardashian’s bed (see below).  I would never buy it for myself (I don’t think…) because it would clash so much with the far more traditional — well, traditional with an eclectic flair — aesthetic we’ve cultivated in our home.  Still, when I saw this mini LOVE light ($35!), I was very tempted.  I remain very tempted…should I do it?!  A chic way to get the look in a smaller dose for less.

Pick No. 6: The Striped Sweater

I’m obsessed with this striped sweater, full stop.  Why is everything from Veronica Beard SO CHIC RN.


Pick No. 7: The Fancy Chocolate

I have a major sweet tooth and insist on dessert after dinner every night.  Recently, Mr. Magpie and I decided it was time to become adults and enjoy a little bite of post-prandial fine chocolate instead of Milanos or whatever indulgence I’d been craving that week.  I’ve been disappointed by the options at my Whole Foods — what are your go-tos?  I’m contemplating placing an order for Mast Chocolate Bars which are, yes, an insane indulgence, but…

Any other suggestions?

Pick No. 7: The Christmas Tabletop


P.S.  I talked about Advent calendars recently — how amazing is this one?!?!?!

Pick No. 8: The One-Piece

Mr. Magpie and I are planning to take a vacation with mini this spring, and I am convinced I need this Marysia one-piece ($350) for the occasion.  I LOVE that asymmetrical sleeve!  Of course, I’ve managed to lust after the one Marysia suit I can’t find on sale anywhere — but there are a bunch of other chic styles up for grabs at a discount, like this style or this style.


Pick No. 9: The Shearling Slides

Do I need these slides to go with my fab Floridian one-piece?  Y/N.  (Trick question: it’s definitely a yes.)  Be sure to check out the whole LR sale — I think I need these and these, too.  And while we’re talking vacation dressing, can I just have everything from this collection?  Thx.


Pick No. 10: The Slip Pillowcase

I have written about this in the past, but I’m dying to try one of these satin pillowcases, which are supposed to be phenomenal for your hair.  I wrote recently about gifts I would actually give — this would make such a luxe gift for my mom or sister, and I’m sure they’d love it.  (So would I…)