Site icon Magpie by Jen Shoop

Hospy Bag.

You may have gathered that I am a master list-maker and, generally, a Type A freakazoid.  (I got it from my mama, the most organized person on this planet.  If you ever think you’ve got your life together, meet my mom.  She’ll make you realize you have a long way to go.  Her purse is immaculately organized, everything in its own pouch and pocket, and her drawers and cabinets would make Khloe Kardashian look lame.)

So anyway — I’ve had a list of all the things to put in my hospital bag for weeks and weeks and finally gave myself license to pack it when I crossed over the 30 week mark (I’m now 33 weeks!).  One of my friends (hi, M!) told me this was a good idea because she went into labor early and had not packed–and her husband “went home and brought a very large, very random assortment of things to the hospital – including a fine tooth comb instead of a hairbrush.”  HAHA.   I’m just imagining Mr. Magpie totally confused by which robe to bring, what tinted moisturizer is, and where I might keep Mini Magpie’s “coming home outfit.”  Here are the pretty, cute things that will go in the bag for Mini Magpie:

But below, a full list as to what’s going into my Louis Vuitton 55 Bandouliere ($1,760).

For me:

+Robe ($126) — I’ve heard a lot of women like to have these to keep warm / stay comfy post delivery.  Slightly snugglier than a hospital gown.

+Warm socks (Ugg, $20).  I’ve heard your feet get cold (and gross?) if you need to walk the halls during labor.

+For the same reason, J. Crew slippers ($49).  I swear I go through a pair a year, and I loved the pink color.

+Lip balm ($30) — hospital air is super drying.

+One of my good girlfriends strongly recommended these Coobie nursing bras ($22), so I snagged one of those, along with this one ($44), which I thought was surprisingly pretty and non-orthopedic looking.  But I should also say that a LOT of my research pointed me in the direction of this one ($49).  So we’ll see what I end up liking!

+I packed a pair of nursing/maternity pajamas (finally just splurged on the Cosabella set I wanted).  One of you ladies mentioned that having good nursing PJs is sorta crucial, because the last thing you want to do in the wee hours of the morning is mess with PJs that aren’t intended for that activity.  I’m having the damnedest time finding other pairs I think are cute, though.  So many of them look frumpy or oddly childish (like, with rosebuds and frilly sleeves?), so I splurged on the set I really wanted.  I dunno.  Recs?

+Cosmetic bag ($110), filled with my beauty essentials and some travel-sized shampoo/conditioner/etc.

+To wear home, the lady in my birth/labor class was hilarious–she said she’s seen women bring their normal size jeans to wear home, and she insisted that we “pack reasonably.”  So I’ll just be bringing my maternity leggings ($110) and a favorite sweater ($100) with my sturdy snow boots (Loeffler Randall, on sale for $150; you just never know in March in Chicago…)



Also packed: an extension cord (a lot of ladies complain that you can’t plug your phone in and access it otherwise!), some snacks for Mr. Magpie, chargers for phone and laptop, this and this for breastfeeding, and a change of clothes for Mr. Magpie.

For Mini Magpie:

+I’ve heard such good things about the brand KissyKissy — apparently super soft, and just the sweetest print.  I found a newborn layette onesie that has a bunny print on it, but the one shown below ($30) is super similar.

+Little Giraffe blanket ($72).

+Cashmere hat and bootie set ($95).

+Pacifiers ($3) just in case…?  A friend told me to pack ’em, so I did.

+A hair bow (for fashion shoots…)



Mamas, set me straight: what am I missing/what am I mis-packing?