This past Wednesday was the ONE MONTH mark until the Big Wedding Day (!) — I can’t believe it! I’m over.the.moon. These last few weeks, I’ve been revisiting my favorite wedding blogs (I stopped checking them out after the first few weeks of wedding planning — it was sensory overload and only had me stressed at the millions of options I could pursue. As you might guess, I am fairly exacting in terms of what I like and what I don’t, so I didn’t feel lost without them — I actually felt much more confident in their absence.) I’ve recently returned to drooling over Snippet & Ink’s daily serving of wedding-related eyecandy. One of the posts this week was all about a vintage Hawaii honeymoon (insert “oohs” and “aahs”):
And though my fiance and I are Belize-bound for our honeymoon (we’re staying at movie director Francis Ford Coppola’s ridiculous resort, Turtle Inn — eee! So exciting!), I felt completely inspired by the post and begin envisioning all sorts of Blue Lagoon looks. This Anthropologie one-piece had caught my eye awhile ago — not that I’m a big one-piece girl (I in fact have never worn one — at least not since I was 3 years old, donning a Minnie Mouse version) — but isn’t the retro cut and style just TDF (to die for — $198, Anthropologie)?
Perfect with this bamboo handle tote (on sale for $66, Talbots — and before you write the store off as “mom” territory, check it out! It has some surprisingly updated styles) and some Bernardo t-straps (I’ve seen this line carried in my favorite accessory shop, Sassanova — $89, SandalWorld):
If you’re a prepster, this Lilly variation on the Hawaiian-print bikini may be more up your alley (something very “hula girl” about it — $128, Lilly Pulitzer):
Tote your belongings around in this perfectly beachy Elaine Turner bag ($150, Endless):
Then accent with this adorable Amanda Pearl “lei” necklace (no one said you can’t accessorize a bathing suit — on sale for $74, Shopbop) and some Mystique-brand shell-adorned flip flops ($98, SandalWorld):
For after-the-beach drinks, slip into this little Hawaiian print dress (kind of love the kitschiness of the print — on sale for $59, French Connection), some spiffy red wedges (I own this exact Pink Studio brand pair and LOVE them — $83, Endless), and this Elaine Turner tote (can’t get enough of her stuff — $195, Neiman’s):
I am all about that fiery red-orange shade at the moment — so much so that Essie’s Geranium ($8, Essie Shop) has become more of a heavy hitter in recent weeks than the Magpie Classic “Lollipop” color in my lineup of nail colors:
For that reason, I’m also kind of bananas over this inexpensive TopShop bikini in just the right coral-red shade ($16 for top, $14 for bottom — TopShop):
And if you need something for the dining hour, how about this equally pitch-perfect Thread Social number (on sale for $364, Shopbop) — love the detailing on the shoulders, which sort of remind me of orchid leis:
Keep the shoes simple and unfussy. Wedges or nude/blush colored pumps are best. Or maybe this (Hawaiian) punch-y little dress is more your style (no eStore available — have to buy it in person at Club Monaco!):
Mai tai perfection!
If this whole vibrant orange hue just isn’t your thing, let’s return to the Blue Lagoon aesthetic and cool down with this to-die-for Pucci print bikini (a breezy $580, Net A Porter):
Amp up the surfer-chic look with one of these half hippie, half “I have excellent taste” SeaBags — they’re made of recovered sails, come in all kinds of cool style (I love the sailor’s knot version below), and are extremely durable ($110, SeaBags):
For something equally “rustic,” try this Bonheur jute tote ($40, YesStyle)? Isn’t the insignia on the front perfectly vintage?
Back to the blue: opt for this refreshing aqua blue bikini by the indomitable Melissa Odabash ($240, Net-A-Porter):
It would look kickin paired with the coral-red shade I’ve been swooning over ($400, Melissa Odabash):
Especially with these going-for-the-gold gladiator sandals (BCBGeneration, $78, Zappos):
But you could also get away with a simple white or alternate-shade-of-blue cover up, like this Juicy Couture version (on sale for $77, Juicy Couture):
Or maybe even this busy little number by DVF (on sale for $163, Revolve Clothing):
When opting for the latter, I’d tone all accessories down to a simple blue tote — I love the simplicity of this Tory Burch Jaden carry-all (and the blue is so brilliant! — on sale for $136, Bloomingdale’s):
And these little rope-detailed Kate Spade sandals (die over them — and don’t know why I have not yet bought them yet…on sale for $178, Endless):
(If you are into the romper — so hot right now — she has tons of fun prints and styles for you. Don’t hate — I’ve seen girls pull them off and look adorable.) Punch things up even more with this precious pair of Lanvin flats (love the oversized flower/pom-pom — $335, MyTheresa):
Alternately, this ModCloth “Molokai” skirt ($53.99, ModCloth) could look darling with a simple white tank and the Ines sandles above:
Offset the look with this bold statement-making necklace (love that it sort of looks like sea glass or coral or something — $175, Charm and Chain):
(Note: I stole the post title from Aiden in Sex & the City. Don’t judge that I still quote from the show on a regular basis.)